Issue with m3u8 files - separate audio and video - m3u8

I've downloaded a m3u8 file, I noticed two files which were strange to me.
Upon loading it I noticed one was just video and the other audio.
What would be the best way of merging the two? Would I need to completely recode my application or is there a feature within the m3u8 file that can do the job?
File 1:
File 2:
Much appreciated,


Not playing m3u8 list after added a ts file

When I tried to add a ts file to my m3u8 list, I opened the m3u8 file, but when it played my ts file, it stayed at that ts file without updating it.
My m3u8 file:
Please see this video: [][1]
Please guide me on how to fix it. Thank you.
Sorry, my English is bad.

Avoid rendering of specific .md files from blogdown::serve_site()

I have a file located at
I have it there because it's quite easy to do htmltools::includeMarkdown("data_for_posts/") and recycle this file in different posts.
My problem is that when I serve_site() this creates a public/post/data_for_posts/index.html, which means, it gets posted to my website (as a January 1 of 0001). I guess I could change the date to year 10000, but I would rather handle it the way I handle the .Rmd and other files, as suggested here
I have tried to modify my config.toml but have not managed to solve the issue.
ignoreFiles = ["\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_files$", "_cache$", "content/post/data_for_posts/"]
Here are a couple techniques that I use to do this:
Rename data_for_posts/ so it uses a file extension that hugo does not interpret as a known markup language, for example change .md to .markd or mdn.[*]
Rename data_for_posts/ so it includes a string that you will never use in a real content file, for example data_for_posts-UNPUBLISHED/ Then add that string (UNPUBLISHED or whatever) to your config ignoreFiles list.[**]
[*] In the content/ directory, a file with one of the following file extensions will be interpreted by hugo as containing a known markup language: .ad, .adoc, .asciidoc, .htm, .html, .markdown, .md, .mdown, .mmark, .pdc, .pandoc, .org, or .rst (this is an excerpt of something I wrote).
[**] The strings listed in ignoreFiles seem to be case sensitive so I like to use all-upper-case characters in my ignored file names (because I never use upper-case chars in real content file names). Also note that there is no need to specify the path and my experience is that path delimiters (/ or \) cause problems.

Get the real extension of a file

I would like to determine real file extension.
example :
file = "test.fakeExt"
// but the real extention is .exe // for security reason I wish to avoid using it!
How can I do that?
If you want to determine the extension you could use findmimefromdata.
It looks at the first part of the file to determine what type of file it is.
FindMimeFromData function
Sample code
The first two bytes of an .exe file are allways 'MZ'.
So you could read the binary file, and see if the first two bytes are MZ, then you know it's an .exe file...

Wordpress/Apache - 404 error with unicode characters in image filenames

We've recently moved a website to a new server, and are running into an odd issue where some uploaded images with unicode characters in the filename are giving us a 404 error.
Via ssh/FTP, we can see that the files are definitely there.
For example:
none of the images are working:
<img class='image-display' title='' src='ådnøy_1_2.jpg' width='685' height='484'/>
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 836813 Aug 3 16:12 ådnøy_1_2.jpg
What is also strange is that if you navigate to the directory you can even click on the image and it works:
click on 'ådnøy_1_2.jpg' and it works.
Somehow wordpress is generatingådnøy_1_2.jpg
and copying from the direct folder browse is generating
What is going on??
If I copy the image url from the wordpress source I get:
When copied from the apache browser I get:
What could account for this discrepancy between:
%C3%A5 and %cc%8
Unicode normalisation.
0xC3 0xA5 is the UTF-8 encoding for U+00E5 a-with-ring.
0xCC 0x8A is the UTF-8 encoding for U+030A combining ring.
U+0035 is the composed (Normal Form C) way of writing an a-ring; an a letter followed by U+030A is the decomposed (Normal Form D) way of writing it. å vs å - they should look the same, though they may differ slightly depending on font rendering.
Now normally it doesn't really matter which one you've got because sensible filesystems leave them untouched. If you save a file called [char U+00E5].txt (å.txt), it stays called that under Windows and Linux.
Macs, on the other hand, are insane. The filesystem prefers Normal Form D, to the extent that any composed characters you pass into it get converted into decomposed ones. If you put a file in called [char U+00E5].txt and immediately list the directory, you'll find you've actually got a file called a[char U+030A].txt. You can still access the file as [char U+00E5].txt on a Mac because it'll convert that input into Normal Form D too before looking it up, but you cannot recover the same filename in character sequence terms as you put in: it's a lossy conversion.
So if you save your files on a Mac and then transfer to a filesystem where [char U+00E5].txt and a[char U+030A].txt refer to different files, you will get broken links.
Update the pages to point to the Normal Form D versions of the URLs, or re-upload the files from a filesystem that doesn't egregiously mangle Unicode characters.
Think Different, Cause Bizarre Interoperability Problems.

How do you transfer a binary file via Connect:Direct NDM?

I'm trying to submit a binary file, in this case, an Excel file from my local server (Solaris server with Mainframe rehosting software) using Connect:Direct NDM to a destination server (Mainframe).
Here are the environment values I set:
SODETFL "DetailedReport.xls"
Here is the NDM configuration I use:
ASSGNDD ddname='SYSIN' type='INSTREAM' << !
SIGNON 00260005
JOBNAME=JOB00001 - 00280005
PNODE=SERVER001 - 00290005
SNODE=NDMIDS - 00300005
SNODEID=(xxxxxx,xxxxxx) - 00310005
HOLD=NO - 00320005
NOTIFY=CCACTD - 00330005
NODE=, - 00360005
DSN1=${SODDETFL} - 00370005
DCBINFO='dcb=(dsorg=ps, recfm=vb, lrecl=1504)' - 00385005
DISP1=NEW, - 00390005
UNIT=BATCH - 00410005
SYSOPTS=${TDCOPTS} - 00440005
SIGNOFF 00460005
I'm able to send text files via NDM all day long, no problems there. However, it seems that binary is a bit more difficult. When I try with the above configuration, I get the following error:
Completion Code => 8
Message Id => XCPS009I
Short Text => Read buffer too small. Possibly src reclen > dest reclen.
Ckpt=>Y Lkfl=>N Rstr=>N Xlat=>Y Scmp=>N Ecmp=>Y Ecpr=>0.00 CRC=>N Zlvl=>1 win=>13 Zmem=>4
Can anyone shed some light as to how I can go about submitting a binary file via NDM?
Off the cuff...
Try changing RECFM=VB to RECFM=U and specify a BLKSIZE= instead of a LRECL=
This is really not all that different from how executable load modules are stored on the mainframe except you don't want the file to be a PDS dataset. I'm not at my office right now and I think I have some examples of NDM that transmit load modules that I can look-up if this suggestion doesn't work but I think it will.
Give this suggestion a shot and if it still doesn't fly let me know.
