Can't access kibana with domain - kibana

I generated certs for my app using certbot/Letsencrypt. I got two pem files which I added in my kibana.yml file. When I try to access kibana through https://domainName:5601 I get timeout error, while I can access it with IP. Am I missing something?
This is my kibana.yml: kibana ""
server.ssl.enabled: true
server.ssl.certificate: "/usr/share/kibana/config/certs/fullchain.pem"
server.ssl.key: "/usr/share/kibana/config/certs/privkey.pem"

If you upgraded with the latest version i.e. 7.x then u need to add server.publicBaseUrl in your kibana.yml
for e.g.
so it will allow you to redirect your website.
For me it is working fine after adding this parameter inside kibana.yml


How to disable SSL in WSO2 APIM 3.0.0?

I'm running WSO2APIM 3.0.0 in Openshift. I'm trying disable SSL in WSO2APIM which mean WSO2APIM will only run on HTTP ( no longer HTTPS). I added this configure to deployment.toml:
enable = false
But it seems to not work.
I think that, in this new version of WSO2APIM 3.0.0, we just need to configure in deployment.toml.
So is there some guide to solve this ? And I need some reference which describe all properties I can configure in deployment.toml.
Thank you all.
You can add the following properties as system properties to file which resides in wso2am-3.0.0/bin location.
-Dhttpclient.hostnameVerifier=AllowAll \
-Dorg.opensaml.httpclient.https.disableHostnameVerification=true \
Please refer

PrestaSitemap bundle generates localhost on production server

I'm using Presta SiteMap Bundle for generating sitemaps on my site, but when it generates to me sitemaps on prod server path to sitemaps looks like below:
What should I write in config or anywhere in my app to generate correct url's for my sitemaps.
P.S. I'm using Symfony 3.3.2 for my app
I found the solution - need to specify url and protocol in parameters.yml as below:
# app/config/parameters.yml
router.request_context.scheme: http

Open files in PHPStorm with Vagrant+Symfony application

I know you can open files from Symfony profiler or exception file links using this in project/app/config.yml :
ide: "phpstorm://open?file=%%f&line=%%l"
More info:
However as I'm using vagrant, the file path of the server doesn't match my host.
I have created a PHP web application server in PHPStorm with the propper path mappings, but still doesn't work.
Any ideas?
When running your app in a container or in a virtual machine, you can tell Symfony to map files from the guest to the host by changing their prefix. This map should be specified at the end of the URL template, using & and > as guest-to-host separators:
// /path/to/guest/.../file will be opened
// as /path/to/host/.../file on the host
// as /path/to/host/.../file on the host
Symfony FrameworkBundle Configuration - IDE
The answer given by Jeffry no longer works unfortunately :(. When In configure that with my paths the profiler throws:
You have requested a non-existent parameter "f:".
I have configured the path according to this line in the SF docs: This map should be specified at the end of the URL template, which results in this:
However, it does open PHPStorm, but phpstorm does not open the file, so i'm a bit stuck here now.
This solves the issue with the file not opening in PhpStorm from a Vagrant:

Alfresco Share - Unable to change the default port number

I am trying to configure Alfresco Community 3.3 on a port other than its default port of 8080. I need it to run on 8989. I think I have change all instances of 8080 (where it is mentioned in configuration files) to 8989, and I am able to access Alfresco Explorer okay. So far so good.
But, when I try to access http://localhost:8989/share I get the following error Unable to test document path:
alfresco/site-data/configurations/ in
remote store: alfresco due to error: 404
The files I have changed are as follows:
Have I missed something obvious?
(Please make no suggestions about upgrading......)
I think you have overdone it.
According to
you should only change it in share-config-custom.xml
Change all the files back but share-config-custom.xml
Four are the files to be changed in Alfresco 5.2 in order to set the various ports:

Apache 2.2.16: client denied by server configuration

I have problem with my server configuration. I use Apache 2.216, PHP 5.3.3 and wordpress 3.4.2 with Shopperpress. Time to time I receive error "client denied by server configuration: path/to/file" in apache log file. It is path to _tbs.php file, but it is not problem in rights of file, because this file is called 12 times on page for getting thumbs of photos and there is error only several times. I think that it has no connection to concrete photo, because once this photo is displayed corectly and next time same photo produce error.
Do you have any idea what can be reason?
Thank you for all advices.
I think thats a problem by the configuration of MaxClients or MaxRequestsPerChild.
Try to restore the default configuration and try it again. If that not works, reinstall Apache and purge the old configuration.
You have given very little information. It is not clear under what conditions do you work (OS, installed modules, Log entrys,...).
WordPress 3.4.2 is very old and safety-relevant. Please update WordPress and your WP-Plugins.
Go to you VHOST-file and replace:
Deny from all
Allow from
Require all granted
This cause for old Config-Files and newer Apache-Version. Since Apache 2.4.3 a new security feature is added.
