Apache 2.2.16: client denied by server configuration - wordpress

I have problem with my server configuration. I use Apache 2.216, PHP 5.3.3 and wordpress 3.4.2 with Shopperpress. Time to time I receive error "client denied by server configuration: path/to/file" in apache log file. It is path to _tbs.php file, but it is not problem in rights of file, because this file is called 12 times on page for getting thumbs of photos and there is error only several times. I think that it has no connection to concrete photo, because once this photo is displayed corectly and next time same photo produce error.
Do you have any idea what can be reason?
Thank you for all advices.

I think thats a problem by the configuration of MaxClients or MaxRequestsPerChild.
Try to restore the default configuration and try it again. If that not works, reinstall Apache and purge the old configuration.
You have given very little information. It is not clear under what conditions do you work (OS, installed modules, Log entrys,...).
WordPress 3.4.2 is very old and safety-relevant. Please update WordPress and your WP-Plugins.

Go to you VHOST-file and replace:
Deny from all
Allow from
Require all granted
This cause for old Config-Files and newer Apache-Version. Since Apache 2.4.3 a new security feature is added.


Can't access kibana with domain

I generated certs for my app using certbot/Letsencrypt. I got two pem files which I added in my kibana.yml file. When I try to access kibana through https://domainName:5601 I get timeout error, while I can access it with IP. Am I missing something?
This is my kibana.yml:
server.name: kibana
server.host: ""
server.ssl.enabled: true
server.ssl.certificate: "/usr/share/kibana/config/certs/fullchain.pem"
server.ssl.key: "/usr/share/kibana/config/certs/privkey.pem"
If you upgraded with the latest version i.e. 7.x then u need to add server.publicBaseUrl in your kibana.yml
for e.g. server.publicBaseUrl=xyz.com
so it will allow you to redirect your website.
For me it is working fine after adding this parameter inside kibana.yml

Changing .htaccess in wordpress file gives an internal server error

So i'm working with the wpmudev snapshot plugin which gives an 'max_execution_time' warning (30 is to low), when I update this to 180 by adding
php_value max_execution_time 180
to the .htaccess file (wp root) my site gives an internal server error. Is there an reason why this happens? And how can I fix this?
your code is correct and refer below scenario,
Check with your error log and if it is a PHP error try to troubleshoot that.
what is your server engine, because Apache engine only have .htaccess file others like nginx not support .htaccess file
If not got solution check with your hosting before that make sure your site not have an issue.

Weblogic 12C sending logs to syslog

I want to send my weblogic log to syslog. here is what I have done so far.
1.Included following log4j.properties in managed server classpath -
log4j.appender.syslog.layout.ConversionPattern=[%p] %c:%L - %m%n
2. added following command to managed server arguments -
-Dlog4j.configuration=file :<path to log4j properties file> -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger -Dweblogic.log.Log4jLoggingEnabled=true
3. Added wllog4j.jar and llog4j-1.2.14.jar into domain's lib folder.
4.Then, from Admin console changed logging information by doing the following. "my_domain_name"--->Configuration--->Logging--->(Advanced options)-->Logging implementation: Log4J
Restart managed server.
I used this as refernce. But didnt get anaything in syslog(/var/log/message). What am I doing wrong?
I would recommend a couple items to check:
Remove the space in DEBUG, syslog in the file
Your last two server arguments have a space between the - and the D so make sure that wasn't just a copy and paste error in this post.
Double check that the log files are in the actual classpath.
Double check from a ps command, that the -D options made it correctly into the start command that was executed.
Make sure that the managed server has a copy of the JARs correctly as they would get synchornized from admin during the restart.
Hopefully something in there will help or give an idea of what to look for.
I figured out the problem. My appender was working fine, the problem was in rsyslog.conf. Just uncommented following properties
# Provides UDP syslog reception
#$ModLoad imudp
#$UDPServerRun 514
We were appending the messages, but the listner was abesnt, so it didnt knew what to do with it.
and from *.debug;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none /var/log/messages it figures out where to redirect any (debug in this case) information to messages file.

Alfresco Share - Unable to change the default port number

I am trying to configure Alfresco Community 3.3 on a port other than its default port of 8080. I need it to run on 8989. I think I have change all instances of 8080 (where it is mentioned in configuration files) to 8989, and I am able to access Alfresco Explorer okay. So far so good.
But, when I try to access http://localhost:8989/share I get the following error
java.io.IOException: Unable to test document path:
alfresco/site-data/configurations/slingshot.site.configuration.xml in
remote store: alfresco due to error: 404
The files I have changed are as follows:
Have I missed something obvious?
(Please make no suggestions about upgrading......)
I think you have overdone it.
According to
you should only change it in share-config-custom.xml
Change all the files back but share-config-custom.xml
Four are the files to be changed in Alfresco 5.2 in order to set the various ports:

Drupal node?destination not working

I've troubles with Drupal 6 and (maybe) mod_rewrite:
if I go to and then I save the node, I don't get redirected to admin/content/node, but it directs me to node/115 :-(
In my .htaccess I uncommented: RewriteBase /drupal (because my drupal path is /var/www/htdocs/drupal)
My server is running Apache 2.2.4 on Slackware 12
Any help I'll be appreciated :D
It does look like a configuration problem, because this normally works. You can debug it by adding some dsm() dumps in includes/common.inc/drupal_goto() : this is where the destination parameter is processed.
Note that if some module traps your form submission, for instance by declaring a _validate or _submit handler, it can very well change the redirection information: check whether you can reproduce this without contrib modules enabled.
