Facebook ads incorrect result or google analytics? - google-analytics

I have implemented facebook ads which shows my website received 290 link clicks over 2 days , but in my google analytics from the day before I started ad it shows 57 users , why is it so ?

There are several reasons why there is a discrepancy between clicks on Facebook Ads (as well as on Google Ads) and Google Analytics sessions. It is a more or less known situation.
Some of these are for example that you are comparing 2 different pieces of information, such as clicks on one side and sessions or users on the other.
Clicks can include clicks on different elements or double clicks.
The session is also detected when the Analytics code on the site page is loaded, so if the user clicks on the ads and exits before the site page is loaded (for example because it loads slowly or because he didn't want to click) you will have clicks counted but not sessions.
In your case you are also talking about users, so the discrepancy is certainly higher since if the same person clicks an ads from his smartphone in the morning, then in the afternoon, then in the evening, he will have 3 clicks on Facebook Ads, in the best of cases will result in 3 sessions in Analytics but for the latter it will result in 1 user.

Adding to Michele's answer a couple of points:
Make sure your cookie banner allow Google Analytics and FB Pixel in the same way (e.g. both are loaded only after the user's acceptance), and make a test also with an AdBlock.
Try optimising your campaign for landing page view optimisation, as they will be counted only those users who click on the ads AND load the page. Maybe this will help.
Edit: be aware about the iOS14 changes that may impact this tracking as well


Discrepancy between the number of link clicks and referral numbers

I'm having a problem reconciling some figures in GA / GTM for two sites where I know the number of clicks from one to the other but the referral information doesn't seem to tally up I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction/advise.
I have two sites:
a main corporate site (https://www.nhsnss.org)
transactional service on a separate URL(https://prescription-tracker.nhsnss.scot.nhs.uk/ ).
I have analytics and GTM installed on both. There is a link to the prescription tracker from a service start page on the main site (https://nhsnss.org/services/practitioner/pharmacy/prescriptions/prescription-tracker/)
I've got a tag/trigger (tracked as events) set up to look at the number of times a link is clicked from the main site to the service site based on the button class and as a double check since 27 May I've got a second tag/trigger looking at all outbound link (trigger - click url does not contain "nhsnss.scot") clicks to check if anyone has added any other links directly to the tracker elsewhere on the nhsnss.org.
Looking at the event figures from 28 May to 2 June they agree at 1863 total events or 1697 Unique events. This to me shows that my tag/trigger setup in GTM is ok( apart from the double counting!)
Looking at the referral figures from nhsnss.org on the tracker for the same period I am getting the following figures on the home page of the tracker site (/):
Users: 1,555
Sessions: 3,243
Again I've tried to double-check these figures, this time by looking at the referral path which matches with the figures and the service start page on nhsnss.org ( /services/practitioner/pharmacy/prescriptions/prescription-tracker/)
Happy to be wrong on this but I'd have thought that a single link click from nhsnss.org to the tracker service would have started one session to be measured by analytics on the service.
Any advice/knowledge or solutions are gratefully received!
Many Thanks,
You probably have double the amount of sessions because you might have both GA snippet and GTM snippet hardcoded on the website. That means that if you also have a GA Pageview tag served through GTM, GA will receive 2 pageviews for one user, one from the GA snippet hardcoded and one from the GA tag via GTM. Either pausing the GA pageview tag in GTM or removing the GA snippet from the website should fix your numbers.

Measuring a custom element on a different website through google analytics

I'm looking for some advice in a best-practice sense. Let me sketch the situation:
There are 8 companies with similar services. Together they have decided to launch a new brand, which will encompass all of them. To promote this new brand, an ad will be placed on all of their websites. This add will include a CTA, and a close button which will minimize it into a bar. This element will be opened the first time someone visits the website. Upon later visits, element will be closed and only the bar (with a fold-out option) will be shown.
The CTA will link to a page in the site of the main brand.
I'm unsure on the best way to measure this in Google Analytics. The 8 sub-companies each have their own tracking, but integrating with theirs will take too much time for now.
My idea was to add separate tracking to the ad, firing a virtual pageview to the GA of the main brand's website, and tracking clicks on the CTA and closing/opening of the ad through events. To prevent interference with the GTM of websites it is placed upon, this would be hardcoded. To prevent interference with the current analytics (since it is a short-term campaign), I would measure this in a separate view, perhaps adding a custom dimension and excluding the hits with a filter.
This will give us insight in how often it is shown for the first time, how often it is opened/closed and how much people click through. Furthermore this will allow us to track a conversion rate on the landing page (which has a form to fill out).
The 8 websites on which it will be shown each have their own analytics, implemented in various ways (GTM, Classic Analytics or Universal Analytics). We do not wish to interfere with this.
Do any of you have tips/tricks or feedback on my plan?

Google Adwords and Google Analytics display different results

I created a Adwords Campaign about a Month ago. I'm usually a developer, so I'm not too great with eCommerce and marketing. Usually my Boss does this kind of work. He is managing campaigns and the Google Accounts. Now we ran into a Problem.
This was the first Campaign I created so I was a bit unsure. Now Google Analytics and Adwords display different date. As I compared the two, I found that Adwords had about 7% Clicks than the Sessions in Analytics.
I'm aware that a Adwords Click and a session in Analytics are different thing. For example when a User Clicks the Campaign and visits the side, clicks back and reclicks the Campaign, two Clicks are counted, but that in only one session.
My Boss said he couldn't imagine that about 7% of all users are clicking the Campaign ad within a session. Could there be another reason why this occurs? I checked on this Checklist by Google if I made a Mistake, but I didn't find anything. Has anyone experience with this situation?
Are you using IP filtering to filter out people at your company from your Analytics reports? If you are, and you aren't using IP filtering in AdWords to prevent people at your company from seeing your ads, you may be getting clicks on your ads from employees that are being filtered out of your analytics report. This would explain a higher click than session rate as well.
How large is your company? I've worked for a company before where we did, in-fact, have employees (outside of marketing) that would do searches for our company on google to "see where we ranked" and then randomly click on our ads. They didn't realize that those clicks were costing us (and inflating our metrics). When we found out, the marketing team about lost our minds. Luckily we had a fairly large budget, but still, it was maddening.

Google Analytics not generating data

I'm new to Google Analytics. Yesterday, I created an account and I pointed it to our website. I've added the JavaScript codes that Google Analytics generated for us. I put the code on all of our .html files.
I've been hitting our website from outside and so does my officemates since last night and also today. However, when I visited https://www.google.com/analytics under Reporting, everything was showing 0. I don't see any single spike at all.
I would recommend navigating to the Reporting -> Realtime -> Overview tab within your Google Analytics (GA) account. This is an almost realtime view into users on your site. In a separate tab access your site and refresh the page, this page view event should then be visible in the GA Realtime view.
If you can see your page view then its likely that you've inserted the correct GA script into your page and that you've used the correct GA property id. If you cant see your own page view then you will know that your script is incorrectly inserted or your GA property id is incorrect.
Last bit of advice: GA often has a 24-48 delay before you are able to use its full suite of insight tools (such as GA Goals). If you're expecting to see Goals populate immediately you're gonna have a bad time.
Last-last bit of advice: make sure that you select the current date from the date range picker in the top right of the GA Reporting view. It defaults to yesterday.

Google Analytics not capturing outgoing image links

When a user clicks on an outgoing text link in my wordpress blog, I can see it in the real time stats and in the daily stats that it was clicked and how many times it was clicked. However, I have ads on the site as well, that are just outgoing links from an image, and these are not captured by Google Analytics.
I have searched and see no reason there should be a difference.
You probably have some code to track outbound link clicks. You haven't shared it, but I'm guessing you do and that's the one tracking the image clicks.
That code will probably not work on ads because the ads exist inside an iframe that can't be inspected by the code you have on the page.
Maybe the ad network provides an API you can use, to identify events like clicks on the Ads. Otherwise you're stuck and there's simply no way to detect clicks inside that iframe.
