Google Analytics not capturing outgoing image links - google-analytics

When a user clicks on an outgoing text link in my wordpress blog, I can see it in the real time stats and in the daily stats that it was clicked and how many times it was clicked. However, I have ads on the site as well, that are just outgoing links from an image, and these are not captured by Google Analytics.
I have searched and see no reason there should be a difference.

You probably have some code to track outbound link clicks. You haven't shared it, but I'm guessing you do and that's the one tracking the image clicks.
That code will probably not work on ads because the ads exist inside an iframe that can't be inspected by the code you have on the page.
Maybe the ad network provides an API you can use, to identify events like clicks on the Ads. Otherwise you're stuck and there's simply no way to detect clicks inside that iframe.


Facebook ads incorrect result or google analytics?

I have implemented facebook ads which shows my website received 290 link clicks over 2 days , but in my google analytics from the day before I started ad it shows 57 users , why is it so ?
There are several reasons why there is a discrepancy between clicks on Facebook Ads (as well as on Google Ads) and Google Analytics sessions. It is a more or less known situation.
Some of these are for example that you are comparing 2 different pieces of information, such as clicks on one side and sessions or users on the other.
Clicks can include clicks on different elements or double clicks.
The session is also detected when the Analytics code on the site page is loaded, so if the user clicks on the ads and exits before the site page is loaded (for example because it loads slowly or because he didn't want to click) you will have clicks counted but not sessions.
In your case you are also talking about users, so the discrepancy is certainly higher since if the same person clicks an ads from his smartphone in the morning, then in the afternoon, then in the evening, he will have 3 clicks on Facebook Ads, in the best of cases will result in 3 sessions in Analytics but for the latter it will result in 1 user.
Adding to Michele's answer a couple of points:
Make sure your cookie banner allow Google Analytics and FB Pixel in the same way (e.g. both are loaded only after the user's acceptance), and make a test also with an AdBlock.
Try optimising your campaign for landing page view optimisation, as they will be counted only those users who click on the ads AND load the page. Maybe this will help.
Edit: be aware about the iOS14 changes that may impact this tracking as well

How can I track button clicks on a site that can't use Google Analytics?

I will start by saying that I have fair experience in HTML, but please keep the technical terms to a bare minimum. Pretend you're explaining it to a child. :-)
I used to make my site (Wix is a place to easily design websites and has little HTML capabilities, since it's all based on being able to easily design a site with no HTML knowledge). You can add a Google Analytics tracking code, so i can see the number of clicks on the site, but that's about all. Apparently you can't change the code to be able to see button clicks on the site etc. (or maybe you can?...)
This is what I need above anything else:
On the site are a few "sign up now" buttons. When someone clicks it, they go to a signup page on an external site. I need to be able to track who clicks these buttons and when.
Ideally it's all tracked within google but apparently it doesn't work on wix.
Somehow it works with Google Analytics on Wix. It would have to be if somehow I can track it with Analytics without putting a code on the site itself. Don't know if or how that would work.
If not Google, is there a simple 3rd party Analytics site that could track the number of clicks on these buttons to external pages? It would be best if I can get the IP addresses of the clickers as well.
this is fairly easy, try which can directly help you to send data about the users when they click event tracking.
Wix supports 3 types of goal tracking for your site: Destination, Duration and Pages/Screens per session. Currently, Wix doesn't support an Event tracking goal.

How can I tell if a website is firing virtual page views?

Is there a way to know how many page views are being fired, including virtual pageviews, when a browser lands on a page?
I'm investigating a severe bounce rate drop that is pretty clearly a technical issue since there has been no content or layout changes on the site.
We do have:
2 Google Analytics tags (Classic and Universal) throughout the site;
Optimizley is set up and testing.
Could this cause the problem?
Note, there is currently no event tracking on the site, just the base analytics tags.
Is there a way to see what tags (assuming that's it) are causing the issue? I am using httpfox (like fiddler) and added filter "utm" to see what's going on. Sure enough, 2 GA tags firing plus 2 dart pixels.
Would those cause page views though?
To check what is firing on the entire page. Download firbug for firefox and add the "omnibug" extension. The omnibug extension should be in the firefox firebug window when you open it.
When you go the omnibug in the firefix panel, you will see EVERYTHING THAT IS FIRING!
Is that what you are looking for?
To check what pageviews are firing correctly VERY QUICKLY in Google analytics. Do the following;
Make sure the google analytics code you have is on the page you want to track
Make sure your IP is not excluded or filtered out of the analytics profile
Login to your google analytics account
Go to Real-Time section on the left hand sidebar.
Click on Content
Go to your site and click on the link or go to the virtual pageview page you added the code to and then watch if that link shows up in the real-time -> content section.

Tracking clicks using both Webtrends + Google Analytics

I need to track clicks to a webpage that already has Webtrends codes embedded. The thing is that I also need to track clicks to that page using Google Analytics.
It would have been easy if I can just embed Google Analytics's code on to the landing webpage but my client does not allow us to modify their webpage.
My question now is that, is it possible to track clicks on both Webtrends and Google Analytics by placing two tracking parameters (or syntax; query) onto one single URL?
For example:
Within the "adredirect.php" page, I then can embed our GA code inside, with a redirect code to the correct landing page. I know for sure that by clicking the link above it will lead the browser to my desired page. What I don't know is that will the two parameters be actually captured correctly by both GA and Webtrends?
Are there other ways to achieve similar tasks?
Thanks to all that have time to help.

In Google Analytics, should I apply delay before redirection?

Using Google Analytics, I am tracking clicks on a link (The link is of the same website).
Is it necessary to apply some delay before redirection after tracking the click using trackPageViews?
I see people suggest delay on outbound link but I guess, the same rationale applies to the link that takes users to the same website.
The issue is really whether or not the tracking pixel request (from _trackPageview) has completed before you leave the current page.
So, yes -- if the link is opening up in the existing window, you'll want to add a delay on following the link, regardless of staying on the site or not.
BTW, while using _trackPageview for tracking clicks will work, it also inflates the actual page view count for your site -- you might want to use event tracking (with _trackEvent) instead. See Event Tracking Guide
