I'm trying to include video in a project on a node on auto-replay. I have looked around and found the .Scene.media.Media class but that is not actually built into Java FX11, from what I have found. IntelliJ doesn't let me import it.
Is there something I am missing? If I need a dependency, what is the best practice for correctly importing this into my project?
Java 11 SDK is not supported by oracle and hence not shipped with Oracle JDK 11.
You can download JavaFX 11 SDK from here
More information from oracle here
I've been banging my head on this one for ages and all of the tutorials I've found don't seem to work. When I try to create a new JavaFX project in Netbeans 14, using JDK 18 and the latest JFX download for Windows here:
Also tried with JDK and JFX 17 and still no luck. I get this error:
I've added the libraries like so:
If I try to add the platform folder, it won't let me progress through the dialogue:
I can't find solutions to this anywhere and, again this is the same with JDK 17 and 18, and JFX 17 and 18. I've checked the documentation and there's nothing that seems to solve the issue.
It says to go to the JavaFX tab and enable JavaFX, but there's no JavaFX tab... Unless they mean this:
But if that's it then, as you can see, it's already enabled and it's still not working. I'm totally lost. I don't understand why the documentation is so poor for FX, for every IDE. It's honestly like they don't want people to use it and every tutorial I'm finding is using outdated versions of NetBeans, the JDK and JFX D-: (they also don't solve the issue even if I do follow them).
If anyone could help guide me, I'd really appreciate it.
I would suggest you go to New Project -> Java with Maven -> either Simple JavaFX Maven Archetype(Gluon) or FXML JavaFX Maven Archetype(Gluon). Use the POM to change your version of JavaFX from the default to whatever version you like. I also use the POM to change the JavaFX-Maven-Plugin to the latest version.
I strongly endorse the approach using maven suggested here. This project started exactly the same way; I'd welcome learning of any issues you encounter.
Alternatively, follow the steps outlined in JavaFX and NetBeans: Non-modular projects: IDE. You've created a JavaFX library, but "Don't try to create a JavaFX project." Instead, choose Java with Ant and Java Application to create a new project, shown below, then follow the remaining steps carefully. It's a convenient alternative for a scratch project while you assay maven.
Addendum: The ant code for a JavaFX project, not selected in the image above, may attempt to package dependencies that are no longer required. In particular, a project using module javafx.web may fail with the following error, seen here and here. The easiest fix is to recreate the Java application by choosing Java Project with Existing Sources.
Unable to create javax script engine for javascript.
Alternatively, a simple example using a custom ant script is cited here.
I am going to use the following jar in development of a product:
I am using java 11 for product development.
I just want to confirm, whether above mentioned jar is supported in JAVA 11 or not.
Searched for Jar support on google
MSAL4J, which is the new client MS Identity client library for Java, and has all ADAL4J features and more, does support Java 11. You can get find it on Maven or on GitHub
I try to use the SQLite in the VS2017 in a universal windows platform project. I follow the guidance to download the SQLite extension for VS2015 although my local machine environment is VS2017, maybe this is the root cause? Then I add the reference with SQLIte. After that I installed the SQLitePCL with nuget.
After the SQLite installed, I wanted to try to run a demo to see if it can work right. But I found I can't using the namespace (using SQLite.Net.Attributes;) which it necessary for my demo.
I did some search about the SQLite and VS2017, But didn't found too much about such circumstances. So I want to know if anyone ever met such problem and How can your fix that?
Or it just unavailable to using SQLite in VS2017? If yes, can I complier a newest version about this?
Thanks everyone who can give me some reply or suggestion about this issue.
But I found I can't using the namespace (using SQLite.Net.Attributes;)
It seems like SQLite.Net.Attributes is belong to the Nuget package SQLite.Net-PCL, not SQLitePCL, the one you are using. SQLitePCL does't contain SQLite.Net.Attributes. You may obtain the package that is not you attempt to use.
There're many Nuget packages for SQLite, some of them are older with long time no updating. For UWP app, I'd recommend you to follow this tutorial to use a SQLite database in a UWP app.
Our company's svn cannot allow single file larger than 40mb, realm framework needs 140mb+,so how can I build realm-cocoa with source code on github?
You could instead use the dynamic framework, which is a lot smaller (28,5 MB), through being already linked, but you won't be able to support iOS 7 in that way.
Alternatively I would recommend using a dependency manager like CocoaPods, which helps you with the setup and integration. But as a Core Member of this project, I'm obviously biased in that regard.
If that shouldn't be available for you, then you could theoretically use SVN externals to checkout the realm-cocoa repo (GitHub supports SVN transports), add the Realm.xcodeproj to your Xcode project, set the iOS framework target as dependency target of your app target and link to Realm.framework. But please not that this is not an officially supported way of integration.
I want to fix the error when am using "nativeProcess" class it giving error, How to resolve the error.Any air installation failed?
According to documentation, NativeProcess is only supported with extendedDesktop profile via Native Installer
In clear text, you must have this in your appName-app.xml
And export your application as an .exe file (or whatever your system is), not an .air file.
I ran into such issue when i was using wrong adobe air sdk. As you know, native process support was introduced in 2.0 adobe air sdk. But i used Adobe Flash Builder plug-in for Eclipse, and Eclipse was pointing to 1.5. Manual replacement of air files in the sdk folder with ones in the Air 2 SDK and pointing Eclipse to the right sdk fixed the problem. See detailed description here:
If you are using the appropriate air sdk, ensure that you've included "extendedDesktop" profile to the "supportedProfiles" section in your application descriptor file.
Are you running with needed privileges?
Did you do exactly as in this?
What kind of process you are trying to call?