Does adal4j-1.6.2.jar supported by Java 11 or not - jar

I am going to use the following jar in development of a product:
I am using java 11 for product development.
I just want to confirm, whether above mentioned jar is supported in JAVA 11 or not.
Searched for Jar support on google

MSAL4J, which is the new client MS Identity client library for Java, and has all ADAL4J features and more, does support Java 11. You can get find it on Maven or on GitHub


building corda 4.8 on windows with intellij

I get this error while building corda 4.8 on a windows 10 box using intellij:
Could not find javafx-controls-mac.jar (org.openjfx:javafx-controls:11.0.2).
Searched in the following locations:
I don't want to build the mac version, how can I disable or ignore the error?
Maybe I'm missing something as far as context, but currently, you can only build corda with java 8. Java 11 is not supported yet. Take a look at this docs page for the specific tooling you need to configure CorDapps.
Long story short, until corda 5 is released you'll need java 8 to build cordapps which you can install here :

Including Video - FX11 & Dependencies

I'm trying to include video in a project on a node on auto-replay. I have looked around and found the class but that is not actually built into Java FX11, from what I have found. IntelliJ doesn't let me import it.
Is there something I am missing? If I need a dependency, what is the best practice for correctly importing this into my project?
Java 11 SDK is not supported by oracle and hence not shipped with Oracle JDK 11.
You can download JavaFX 11 SDK from here
More information from oracle here

BROWSER option is missing in view listener in a tree in JMeter

I have JDK 14 and JMeter 5.3 configured on my Windows 64 bit system But I don't see "Browser" option in "View Listeners in a Tree" in JMeter.
Any ways I can get it?
The easiest solution is just to downgrade to Oracle JDK 8 as it includes JavaFX package which is required for this Browser option to work.
However according to 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure you should always be using the latest version of JRE/JMeter so if you need to be able to render the response in the View Results Tree listener go for the following steps:
Download and install OpenJFX
Set PATH_TO_FX environment variable pointing to the OpenJFX installation folder
Restart JMeter - at this point you should see the Browser option
Browser option was removed due to missing JavaFX suppport
Bug 63355 - View Results Tree: Browser view option is not Available with Java 11
You can downgrade to Java 8 (which include library) or add Java FX library manually
Felix Schumacher:
You either have to downgrade to a Oracle Java -- which includes JavaFX, or you try to integrate JavaFX into a newer Java version. claims to have JavaFX versions for newer Java versions.

How to compile realm-cocoa with source code

Our company's svn cannot allow single file larger than 40mb, realm framework needs 140mb+,so how can I build realm-cocoa with source code on github?
You could instead use the dynamic framework, which is a lot smaller (28,5 MB), through being already linked, but you won't be able to support iOS 7 in that way.
Alternatively I would recommend using a dependency manager like CocoaPods, which helps you with the setup and integration. But as a Core Member of this project, I'm obviously biased in that regard.
If that shouldn't be available for you, then you could theoretically use SVN externals to checkout the realm-cocoa repo (GitHub supports SVN transports), add the Realm.xcodeproj to your Xcode project, set the iOS framework target as dependency target of your app target and link to Realm.framework. But please not that this is not an officially supported way of integration.

Java Compiler multi-platform

How could I compile a Main.Java program to something that I could run with OpenJDK Java 6 or 7 . The program doesn't contain anything besides displaying the message "Hello World"
I would like to compiler to .JAR
Also if I compile the program will it run in Windows or do I got to cross compile like C++ if I'm using Linux as the native developer.
I'm using the Linux Ubuntu OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
This is how you compile.
cristian#ubuntu:~/Java$ javac
but how would you compile to a .JAR file so I can run it in my Windows.
Any guides to learning Java are welcome and thanks for the help.
I'm using Linux Ubuntu.
You must specify your main class in the JARs manifest in order for it to be runnable. You can then invoke your application from it's jar as follows
java -jar application.jar
Current versions of the JDK for Windows will create a file association for .jar files so if you click on them they will execute.
For further details, take a look at Oracle's Jar Tutorial, specifically the section on Setting an Application's Entry Point
Regarding the need for cross compilation... Since Java compiler targets a virtual machine, you do not need to cross compile for different operating systems. (One of the early taglines for Java was "Write Once Run Anywhere".)
Here is a decent article on the basics of how the JVM does its magic: What Is The Java Virtual Machine & How Does It Work?
The Oracle Java Tutorials are an solid starting point for many things java related and I recommend reading through them if you are new to Java.
Java's JAR files are platform independent and only require an installed JRE/JDK.
OpenJDK does almost the same thing as Oracle JDK however you can also get the Oracle JDK on Linux Ubuntu by using third-party repositories such as ppa:webupd8team/java(details on how to use the repository are provided on the webupd8 website) i found i needed to switch to oracle java for performance issues.
Most common IDE's for java provide support for compiling and packaging to JAR/Runnable JAR.
A popular java IDE is Eclipse( other popular IDE's include NetBeans and JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA.
Most programmers use IDE's for ease of use and other functionality such as IntelliSense(Autocomplete), error checking, Syntax highlighting and debugging.
A good guide to learning java is Other guides such as java game development can also be found on Thenewboston's channel or thenewboston website.
