Amazon Pay permissions not showing - alexa-skills-kit

I have a skill which utilizes Amazon pay and other permissions (user's mobile number email and name, device address, alexa notifications,Skills Personalization).
All permission are visible on the Alexa app/web interface but Amazon pay isn't and on the developer portal all permissions are toggled. Is this a bug or I am missing something ?

this sounds to me like you possibly did not link your Amazon Pay merchant account to the skill. Please check here for guidance on required steps:
There is some caching in place. It might take a while for the permission to show up, once you linked the skill to your merchant account. I'm unfortunately not aware of the cache eviction time.


How can I make sure Firebase project members with only a viewer or editor role cant access stored user & email data

I have a Firebase project with accompanying webapp (website).
I am looking to create a commmunity on the site, with user accounts, logins and ability to post comments on the site.
I am the Firebase project owner and have some developers (viewer & editor roles) who maintain the site for me.
My concern is that if I create user accounts, my developers may get access to these user emails which compromises GDPR.
Is there a way in the Firebase database of a project, to hide user emails & password data from said developers or even myself?
Appreciate your advice
After doing some research and even hiring someone on fiverr to walk me through this I finally figured out what do do.
First as mentioned by Frank above I need to create a custom IAM role on Google cloud platform. The youtube tutorial below walks through how to do this
Second make sure that the permissions that you assign for them do NOT include any of the below.
Firebase Authentication permissions:
(firebaseauth.configs.create, firebaseauth.configs.get, firebaseauth.configs.getHashConfig, firebaseauth.configs.getSecret
firebaseauth.users.delete, firebaseauth.users.get, Firebaseauth.users.sendEmail, firebaseauth.users.update)
That's it pretty much

No Azure subscriptions discovered to provision app resources to

I'm using the VSC Teams Toolkit. But when I sign in to my Azure account to provision my files, it says "No subscriptions discovered" as shown below:
Which subscription should I get to proceed with provisioning the files?
As the information explained, your logged-in Azure account doesn't seem to have associated Azure subscription.
You can login to your Azure portal, and under subscriptions, please check whether you have accessible subscription.
I had the same issue. You really need to go to -> Subscriptions and have at least 1 subscription listed in the table below.
If no subscription is available, create new one - Pay as you go.
Then, in VS Code - sign out, sign in and subscription will be available
If vscode is complaining about not have an active subscription in the Teams Toolkit extension, for one make sure the tenant id is added to vsocde. See here enter link description here and here enter link description here

Server-side GTM billing quota exceeded

I would like to try server-side GTM. So I did the process of creating a server GTM on GCP. Automatically provision tagging server was failed.
Error Reported: Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded. So I tried Manually provision tagging server which passed me without problems.
I have several projects running in GCP . And I have set up a billing account which is cleared and used every month .
What exactly is the problem and how to set up?
This is a common problem in case you are already a user of GCP and exceeded the free tier limit. You can have only one Free testing sGTM instance on one account.
If you already used the Free tier or want to create one more testing server there is no possibility to do this for free and automatically.
For manual server provisioning you can follow official documentation
Also as an option I can recommend to try Stape as much cheaper and easier to setup alternative for GTM Server Side hosting. There you can create infinity free servers for sGTM on one account.
For example you can follow this article on how to setup free server for Server Side GTM:
This just happened to us and the problem is a very basic one. Apparently by default one billing account in GCP can be tied to 5 projects (who knew :) ). You're probably at that limit and that's what Google Tag Manager interface means by "Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded" --> you're trying to add the 6th project to that account.
Two options comes to mind to solve that:
Create a new billing account (with the same credit card if you want) and tie your new server project to that account
Request for a quota increase from here so your billing account is able to handle more projects
Alternatively you can do 1, then do 2, and when your request is approved change the billing account of the project that contains your GTM server.
I had a similar problem, and this is what I'm suggesting:
ask for increasing quota for current billing account, if not successful:
create new billing account (but be very careful).
Why not the other way? Why not creating first new billing account if you are allowed to do this? I did it, and attached new project to the account, and redirected domain to the project, and everything was fine, but after some time Google send me message like this:
There is some suspicious activity related to your billing accounts, your all accounts are now suspended, your projects are suspended, your domains returns 404. Send us photos of documents which will allow us to verify your accounts (credit cards, ID, payments confirmations). We will check somedays. Till then you can't do anything, you can't close project, accounts, remap domains, nothing! Have a nice day!
If you every tried to contact Google in person, you know how big your problem is. Good luck!
ps. I never found out what the suspicious activity was (probably just creating new billing account).

How do I find/contact an owner or admin of a Pivotal Tracker Enterprise account where my Project resides?

I would like to add an integration but I have no idea how to contact the owner or any admins.
When I go to I see a userID for the owner (no email) of my Enterprise account, and I see that 4 admins exist but no other information.
Also, neither are hyperlinked or have tooltips.
On the integrations menu/tab it tells me that I need to contact the administrator, but it doesn't tell me how.
In my case, I reached out to and they helped me out. I did not discover a self-service method.

Can I give others access to my Alexa Skill while in development before publishing it?

I have an Alexa Skill under development. I would like to grant other people at my company access to the skill in order to test it. Is there a way to do that?
So far I've found the following: and
I would rather not give others access to my household. Any other options for doing this?
Sort of.
There is no simple, safe way to publish your skill to a limited set of users for beta testing, but there is a highly rated feature request that would address this:
You can however, add other users to your Amazon Developer account, and this will give them access to your skill (and other stuff, unfortunately). In your situation - co-workers at the same company - this option might be suitable. More info here:
How to Add Beta Testers to Your Skills Before You Publish
2017-04-18 Amazon has announced a better way to do what you want. See the following Amazon blog post:
Improve Skill Quality with the New Beta Testing Tool for Alexa Skills
Yes, it can be done. However, consider that the other person must have an email already connected to an Amazon Developer account.
Go to your Amazon developer account and select the Skill you want to share.
Click on "Distribution" in the top menu.
Ensure all the required fields on the locales under "Skill Preview" and "Privacy & Compliance" have been completed. Otherwise, you will get an error The skill must be ready for submission before beta testing can be enabled.
Click on "Availability" in the bottom side menu, and then Beta Test.
Insert the email of the person you want to send this Skill.
The person who receives the email will see the option 'Enable Alexa skill "name of the skill" ' - on their smartphone with the Alexa account active.
You will be redirected to another page. Click on the option "Open in Alexa"
Alexa app will open and all left to do is click "Enable to use"
If you are into creating Alexa Skills or are in need of creating one, I can suggest, which is an online platform that allows creating custom Alexa skills with just a few steps.
In case you are struggling, these steps might help. Each of your testers has to do them after being invited, as described in the article here:
(so below are instructions for testers)
Open Alexa developer console at, and log in using the email you have provided for testing purposes.
You will see a list with Alexa Skills. Select the Skill you want to test.
Go to section called “Test”.
Click on drop down menu labeled as “Skill testing is enabled in:”, and select “Development”.
On your Alexa device, you can now say: "Alexa, open "
