Put a responsive SVG with background-image - css

I make a website, and actually i have a simple rectangular images.
I want to design my image and make a design like below.
So i tried to create a svg, and i wanted to put my picture inside .. but the problem is that svg cant be responsive.
Can i do it in full css ?
Or it's better to use a SVG ?
The best way could be to use Photoshop and design the picture, but if i can make it in css or using svg, it's better. i know that some website have similar design for their pictures, how they do ?


how to make a wrinkled paper background using css

I have a image of a background that looks like a wrinkled paper and I am trying to make the same background using CSS instead of the image.
is that even possible to make using css?
this is the image:
I don't think that this is possible to do with css (at least not efficiently)

Tailwind CSS, Next.js Image Component Mosaic Like Design

How do you get the images to show up like this?
Some of the images are seen to be cut off, or at least it looks that way, or if the size fits, it'll find an image inside the categories to fit in here (I think this would be more complicated to find the images of the right sizing)
I know that NextJS has Image component, but it requires a width/height or layout='fill'. So would there be an easy css way of doing something similar to the images?

Responsive sizing with SVG clipPath

I would like to mask an image for a design with a rounded hexagon. I think the ideal option would be the CSS clip-path property, but it doesn't seem to allow for rounded hexagons—unless there is a tool that allows you to upload shapes to it and it generates the polygon code. I've found Clippy and CSS Plant's generator, but neither allow you to upload or easily generate rounded shapes.
SVG clipPath is the other option. The main issue with this option is it isn't responsive. I'd like the SVG shape to be the max-width of it's container and fit the image within it, but it doesn't seem to do that—at least with the CSS I have now. This is what I've been working with: https://codepen.io/apautler/pen/eMBEoO. I looked into objectBoundingBox, but I can't seem to get that to work either.
Any help that can point me in the right direction of how to get a rounded hexagon that is responsive would be very helpful.

Generate CSS from existing Sprite Image

I know there are tools to generate a sprite image and CSS from a collection of images.
But, is there a way to generate the CSS against an existing sprite image.
I was given a sprite image as-is with no CSS and am looking for a way to auto-generate the CSS instead of having to hand code it.
http://www.spritecow.com/ ?
http://www.spritebox.net/ ?
A simple Google search shows a lot of sites that will help you with this.

Creating unique background in css, image insed

Is there a way to create a background like so in css? I didn't know how to describe it so google coudn't help me. Thanks!
You might be able to do it with an SVG image, but be aware that the support could be spotty. It would probably be easier to just create it in Photoshop or GIMP and make it really big (say 1620x1080)
A quick search on CSS and SVG backgrounds came up with this page; but it's from 2009.
