Creating unique background in css, image insed - css

Is there a way to create a background like so in css? I didn't know how to describe it so google coudn't help me. Thanks!

You might be able to do it with an SVG image, but be aware that the support could be spotty. It would probably be easier to just create it in Photoshop or GIMP and make it really big (say 1620x1080)
A quick search on CSS and SVG backgrounds came up with this page; but it's from 2009.


Generate CSS from existing Sprite Image

I know there are tools to generate a sprite image and CSS from a collection of images.
But, is there a way to generate the CSS against an existing sprite image.
I was given a sprite image as-is with no CSS and am looking for a way to auto-generate the CSS instead of having to hand code it.
Like: ? ?
A simple Google search shows a lot of sites that will help you with this.

css sprites or Image map?

first and foremost the link to my site is
I"m a student new to web development...please for me???
The navigation below my images I wanted to change the color About/prices/locations
into the color of Services and gallery boxes when hover over it.....and vice versa About/prices/locations.
I also wanted wanted to change the color of all of them when click which I believe is active???
I wanted to know how can I accomplish this do I use css sprites or image map?????
Image Map, if you want a quick solution. But controls on each elements (and changing colors on 'hover') etc., are difficult to achieve.
CSS Sprites is a bit advanced CSS programming. Besides it only makes sense to use one if you have a very high traffic website (to save bandwidth, etc.), otherwise it is as good as not using one. Understanding co-ordinate geometry is an advantage here :)
Hope this helps.

background-position technique for 'single-sprite-background-images'

What is a good 'image spriting' tool to turn single images into one big sprite with different background-position?
I know about but it doesn't seem to produce a result as nice as:
goDaddy's or Behance's
I've been doing it by hand for small hovers and icons but doing the entire website would take a while to hand-code all the background-position properties.
You can try SASS/COMPASS. Even if you are only using the sprite functionality (called sprite mixin) it is worth using it. There are some nice tutorials like this one.

Alternative to CSS background sprites

A while ago I found an article which discussed a solution to an alternative to the traditional way in which CSS sprites are used and designed.
A common issue is that you need to leave space around a part of the sprite if you don't want to accidentally have other parts of the sprite "bleed" into certain elements. Thus you can use diagonal layouts and things to alleviate this problem, but they all require a lot of open white space.
This article demonstrated an alternative which let you create zero white space sprites, and let you define the exact area and dimensions of the image you want to use without worrying about bleeding. I believe it used the CSS content property in the method, but I can't be sure.
I really want to find this article again but I can't seem to find it :(
I'm sorry for my vague description, but for anyone else who saw the article, they'll know what I'm talking about. Any help finding the link? Thanks!
I think what you're referring to might be creating font icons. It allows you to have retina-ready images, while at the same time restricting you to 1 color. There are currently two good solutions to do that:
There's also the way of creating SVG modifiable shapes, which in turn allows you to use shapes of almost unlimited colors and complexity. This solutions however is not perfect, as it's based upon SVGs, which are not supported by older browsers

Is it possible to emulate Mac Osx Finder search highlight in HTML + CSS?

Mac OSX Finder has a search feature that darkens everything but the part that matches.
Is there a way to emulate it via CSS? I was thinking about adding a semi-transparent black div with opacity 50. But how then do I cut a hole in it?? and possibly make the edge fuzzy?
Any suggestions?
Check out the Expose jquery plugin from the jQuery TOOLS collection. I think it will accomplish exactly what you are looking for. They even have a demo of styling the mask with a background image.
Due to the irregular shapes, you're probably looking for an image. And due to the need for varying levels of transparency, you probably want a .png that would just be stuck over the selected item.
Good question, one way would be to have a "selected" png that had the glowing circle cover the selected one, and a different just dark png cover everything else.
EDIT: But you would probably want to use a library like jquery rather than coding everything from scrath your self, as to not reinvent the wheel and save TONS of time :D
maybe a PNG image will work, a square with hole
