can't access content on wordpress, always redirected to the page http://localhost/dashboard/ - wordpress

I just tried to moving my live wordpress to localhost, everything looks okay. But when i try to access content in my website, localhost always direct me to the page localhost/dashboard. can somebody help me ?


Wordpress URL slug redirects me to Media file

I'm trying to setup a fanlink with links from Spotify, YouTube & other streaming platforms for a musician. Whenever I set the URL slug as /rock-my-world (rock my world is the name of the track just released) it takes me to the audio file stored in the server (no bueno).
Any clue what could be causing this issue? Would appreciate anyone who could give me a hand with this!
At first I encountered this issue when it had another page /fanlinks as the parent page. I did /rock-my-world as main page (no parent) and still same issue. Contacted hosting provider and they have no clue what to do. Check settings of wordpress URL and everything looks good.
Tried flushing the permalink and that also didn't work.
Edit: It's the media permalink...

Internet explorer not finding right content from wordpress multisite

Okay, so this is at weird one. I only encounter this issue in IE and no other browser.
I have a wordpress multisite installation where I have content on: and
So there is a front page when a user accesses:
The front page does show up when you access it. However, the content of that page is supposed to change if the user is logged in. SOMETIMES that content won't change when the user is logged in.
When I click F12 and check the Network tab, it seems like the issue occurs because the browser tries to access a sub-page to and not
When it looks like this the page works as intended:
Is there a way to prevent this?
Does anybody know why it only does this sometimes?
I figure that I could just change the URL for the sub-installation, but is there anything else or?
So, I see that the likely reason I because Internet Explorer is hit with a 304 redirect trying to access a sub-page to the installation, whereas every other browser is hit with a 301 redirect and thus tries to access the sub-installation instead....
Does anybody know why Internet Explorer is the only one receiving a 304?
And what can I do to prevent this?
So this is in no way the best solution, but it seems like the issue in Internet Explorer occurs when the browser is trying to access just the URL:
When I simply add a slash to the end of it, the browser will try to access the front page on and not try to access a sub-page to
It doesn't really solve the issue for good, but it works for now....

wordpress site url not working for localhost

I was about to set my localwordpress to a online site. So I set my site url and home url to that sites name.
Now something went wrong and I was about to check my wp admin and I couldnt get in. I went in to the database to set it back to how it normal was for me. So I set the site url to localhost/wordpress and the home url to localhost.
Now I can see the styles but not my content or images. I am using xampp if that matters. Does anyone knows how i can fix this.? Btw I also can't go into wp-admin.
I changed the wordpress URL to http://localhost/wordpress and the site url to http://localhost/wordpress/home and everything works now.

Wordpress - Page renders fine, Web Sniffer returning HTTP Response Header 404

I hope someone can help, I've been going round and round in circles. I've tried calling my host 1and1 they basically told me it's nothing to do with them.
All my Wordpress pages render fine to the eye of the user.
However if I use and put any page other than the homepage it returns a 404 status.
The .htaccess file is the standard Wordpress one. I don't have any caching plugins installed.
Could anyone tell me how I fix this? Or what on earth is going on? I've been at this for hours reading tonnes of posts to no avail.
I am using a dedicated 1and1 server, within the settings in Plesk the IPv6 address was set to none. As soon as I added a IPv6 address it all worked!
Note I had another issue that Facebook wasn't able to scrape my URLs, this also fixed that. Wordpress - Shared link 404 on Facebook

Menu link in WordPress doesn't work on ByetHost

I created a website in on my local host using WordPress and it worked fine. But when I uploaded it to ByetHost, the menu link doesn't work.
For example:
On my local host, I enter the URL localhost:8080/900feet/about/ to go to the About page and it works. However, after uploading to ByetHost and entering the URL, I am redirected to the wrong page.
I have tried and /page-about.php and it still doesn't work.
I believe the link is wrong, but I don't know how to fix it or access my About page once uploaded to ByetHost.
