wordpress site url not working for localhost - wordpress

I was about to set my localwordpress to a online site. So I set my site url and home url to that sites name.
Now something went wrong and I was about to check my wp admin and I couldnt get in. I went in to the database to set it back to how it normal was for me. So I set the site url to localhost/wordpress and the home url to localhost.
Now I can see the styles but not my content or images. I am using xampp if that matters. Does anyone knows how i can fix this.? Btw I also can't go into wp-admin.

I changed the wordpress URL to http://localhost/wordpress and the site url to http://localhost/wordpress/home and everything works now.


can't access content on wordpress, always redirected to the page http://localhost/dashboard/

I just tried to moving my live wordpress to localhost, everything looks okay. But when i try to access content in my website, localhost always direct me to the page localhost/dashboard. can somebody help me ?

How to fix wp-admin not coming in the url issue in wordpress?

I am working on wordpress website https://www.iskconujjain.com suddenly some issues are coming although I have not done any major change in the website.
wp-admin are not coming in any admin url.
I am trying to change the Permalinks setting but it is not saving.
All pages are redirecting to home page although in the url having another page path.
for solve this problem you must regenerate permalink-
For solve it go to Settings > Permalink and save it.
Let me know.

404 after changing URL in wordpress?

I wanted to make a website for my dad on his birthday. He already had one active through one.com with the URL www.virumfarveogtapet.dk.
I made one with wordpress on the URL test.virumfarveogtapet.dk and when I decided for it to be nice enough to go live I changed the URL with wordpress to the actual www.virumfarveogtapet.dk.
When i try to log into it www.virumfarveogtapet.dk/wp-admin it gives me this error
Not Found
The requested URL /wp-admin was not found on this server.
And if I try to access the website through www.virumfarveogtapet.dk it refers to my dads old homepage.
When I go into wordpress it still stands as test.virumfarveogtapet.dk but when I click it, it refers to my dads old homepage also.
It seems you have changed the URL of the WordPress installation to http://www.virumfarveogtapet.dk/.
You may be able to login and change the URL back to the "test" subdomain here: http://test.virumfarveogtapet.dk/wp-login.php
If not try updating the site URL with via FTP in wp-config.php or functions.php as per the docs: https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_The_Site_URL#Edit_wp-config.php

My Website (Wordpress) Loads Bad when (www.) and it's normal when acessed without (www.)

https://www.excelintercambio.com/ (With www. loads all wrong)
https://excelintercambio.com/ (Without www. looks fine)
The website it's not mine, I've been doing some SEO work for a client and his website turned into this out of nowhere. Of course, the heat is on me and the client is asking like crazy to me to resolve. I'm not at all expert with wordpress and was just editing texts for his website, so I'm pretty sure that I didn't messed up anything.
However I need to fix this.
Can you guys help me with? It's suposed to look be acessable as www.
Please change WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) from wordpress admin settings. Go to Settings > General Settings and set www in WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).
I think this is happening due to WP Rocket plugin.
https://www.excelintercambio.com/ In this url JS and CSS files are not loading its showing 404 error.
Can you once deactivate WP Rocket plugin and then check

Menu link in WordPress doesn't work on ByetHost

I created a website in on my local host using WordPress and it worked fine. But when I uploaded it to ByetHost, the menu link doesn't work.
For example:
On my local host, I enter the URL localhost:8080/900feet/about/ to go to the About page and it works. However, after uploading to ByetHost and entering the URL http://wkelvin1991.byethost17.com/php/wordpress/900feet/about, I am redirected to the wrong page.
I have tried http://wkelvin1991.byethost17.com/900feet/wp-content/themes/mythemes/page-about and /page-about.php and it still doesn't work.
I believe the link is wrong, but I don't know how to fix it or access my About page once uploaded to ByetHost.
