Menu link in WordPress doesn't work on ByetHost - wordpress

I created a website in on my local host using WordPress and it worked fine. But when I uploaded it to ByetHost, the menu link doesn't work.
For example:
On my local host, I enter the URL localhost:8080/900feet/about/ to go to the About page and it works. However, after uploading to ByetHost and entering the URL, I am redirected to the wrong page.
I have tried and /page-about.php and it still doesn't work.
I believe the link is wrong, but I don't know how to fix it or access my About page once uploaded to ByetHost.


can't access content on wordpress, always redirected to the page http://localhost/dashboard/

I just tried to moving my live wordpress to localhost, everything looks okay. But when i try to access content in my website, localhost always direct me to the page localhost/dashboard. can somebody help me ?

on a Wordpress site, how is this URL able to display a pdf file even though there's not .pdf extension in the URL?

I have a Wordpress website running locally with URLs like this:
when I go there it displays a file called drawing.pdf stored at /mysite/wp-content/pdf/products/
BUT, same URL on my live site:
does not work, showing: Page Not Found Error 404
If I do this, it works:
Do you have any idea why my local site URLs work without being precise about the .pdf extension? Obviously I missed/changed some settings on my live site. But I do not know what it is. I check Permalinks, both offline and live sites are set to "post name".
Thanks for your help!

Holding page still showing after I have uploaded the new website

I have just uploaded a wordpress website to a live URL which previously displayed a placeholder 'new website coming soon' page.
I have since uploaded the new site which is working fine in Google Chrome however when I try to load it up in Firefox or Edge it still displays the placeholder page.
I have tried clearing the cache for both browsers but the issue still persists!
Is there anything I can do in wordpress or anywhere else to resolve this issue.
The web address is
This is what you should be seeing.
This is what i am currently seeing.
I had initially set the home page to be the 'coming soon' page that I created but I have checked this and the home page is now set correctly in the homepage settings menu. Strangely, other pages on the site such as all seem to load up fine, it's just the homepage.
Update: Chrome on other PCs are showing the old holding page also, simple browser cache won't fix this either
There is cache issue, please go to plugins sections and un-installed all the cache plugins and then save permalinks from settings > Permalinks.
Please access this link, its working fine.
If the above steps do not help you to resolved your problems, then go to your root directory and delete your .htaccess files and save permalinks again from settings > Permalinks.
I hope its help you. :)

wordpress site url not working for localhost

I was about to set my localwordpress to a online site. So I set my site url and home url to that sites name.
Now something went wrong and I was about to check my wp admin and I couldnt get in. I went in to the database to set it back to how it normal was for me. So I set the site url to localhost/wordpress and the home url to localhost.
Now I can see the styles but not my content or images. I am using xampp if that matters. Does anyone knows how i can fix this.? Btw I also can't go into wp-admin.
I changed the wordpress URL to http://localhost/wordpress and the site url to http://localhost/wordpress/home and everything works now.

wordpress login.php redirects to weird places after site was hacked

I am trying to de-hack my wordpress blog, and get it working again. I managed to get the homepage (without a theme). When I try to login into the site (to get my admin access), I see that it redirects to a new url that has nothing to do with my site.
so for example I manage to get to the login page directly:
but when I put my username and password and press the login button I am redirected to:
which doesn't exist (obviously)
I am working on wordpress 4.0.10, and try to understand what has happened and how to fix it. eventually, I might reinstall and hope that the database will be fine - but still. try to find what's going on.
