Facing error when trying to link firebase analytics to microsoft clarity - firebase

Hi I am trying to link google analytics with Microsoft clarity but I use firebase to add google analytics
when I pressed the get started button I authenticated and gave it all the permissions it needed
But it shows
I have my site on google anaylitics can anyone please help me

Your first screenshot says:
Google Analytics 4 support coming soon.
Firebase works with Google Analytics 4. So the integration is not yet available.


Issue Google Analytics Install Tracker for IOS

I am trying to set up link with utm's to track app installs from Apple App Store. In iOS Campaign Tracking URL Builder is requirement to enter Google Analytics Property ID in UA-XXXX-Y format. In my account -> admin -> property setting there I can able to find 'property id' in google analytics, but it shows in different 9 digits format which is unacceptable in URL Builder. What shall I do?
In above mentioned link they are asked to enable IOS tracking test but in new google analytics version I couldn't able to see those options,The documentation and actual analytics tool not matching
Please let me updated documentation link as well as clarify above mentioned query?
You can create a Universal Analytics Property enabling advanced option when you create a new Google Analytics Property. In this case you can obtain the relative identifier UA-XXXXXXX-X:
Anyway, tracking for apps with the Google Analytics SDK is deprecated (it is no longer possible to create a Universal Analytics Property for apps).
You must instead use Firebase: https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/get-started

How do I link a Google Analytics account to Google optimize

Google recently released Analytics version 4. When I create an Analytics account and try to link it in Google Optimize the Analytics account is not visible in the list of available Analytics account. Anyone know's why?
The reason is because Google Optimize does not support Google Analytics V. 4. Nowhere do they mention that. You need to create a "Create a Universal Analytics property" account to make it work

UWP Google Analytics full integration Tutorial needed

I have created a UWP app and integrated google analytics SDK in it from the following link https://github.com/dotnet/windows-sdk-for-google-analytics. Since the help of this library does not portray a complete work flow I need a working example to set things up with analytics. I want to track product additions and checkouts. I am able to send page views and clicks to analytics as well as bundle up product details with hit requests.
Please help me to understand how to see the sent products in Google Analytics dashboard and reports.
I finally managed to get Google Analytics working with UWP. I wrapped up my data with events and prepared custom reports in Analytics dashboard on the basis of wrapped data.

What is the difference between the sources "google" and "google-play" in Firebase Analytics?

I see the following install sources for my app in Firebase Analytics:
What are the sources "google" and "google-play"? What is the difference?
"google-play" generates more revenue, but what is it?
The google source is attributed for the Adwords campaign that draws user to install your app. This can be search, UAC, Display or Video.
The google-play campaign is attributed when the user gets to your app via Google Play Campaign Attribution.
means that the user found your App in the Google websearch and installed it directly.
Google Play
means that the user found it in the Google Play store.
EDIT: I think only if its installed over the Google Play website, but I'm not completly sure. Are you using ad campains?

Error on Google Analytics tracking code for a Google Site

When i run the tracking code on my google site, it gives the following error :
Error on line 8
Should I ignore it? Or is it really an error? in which case what do i do?
If you are using Google Sites, you will first need to enable Analytics
and then add your Analytics Web Property ID (UA-xxxxx-xx) in the General settings under Statistics at sites.google.com/site/(your site name)/system/app/pages/admin/settings or in Google Apps at sites.google.com/a/(your domain name)/system/app/pages/admin/settings
