Error on Google Analytics tracking code for a Google Site - google-analytics

When i run the tracking code on my google site, it gives the following error :
Error on line 8
Should I ignore it? Or is it really an error? in which case what do i do?

If you are using Google Sites, you will first need to enable Analytics
and then add your Analytics Web Property ID (UA-xxxxx-xx) in the General settings under Statistics at site name)/system/app/pages/admin/settings or in Google Apps at domain name)/system/app/pages/admin/settings


Google Analytics site internal search tracking is not working on Google Site

I am using Google Analytics to keep tracking on the internal search term in the site I built with "Google Site"
I have already set up the query parameter in the Google Analytics view setting. However, the internal search term tracking is not working as expected.
I searched over hundreds of keyword in the site while only 2 of them got recorded in Google Analytics.
Is there anyone who knows where the problem is?
The URL of my site is :
When I searched something through the searching bar in the site, the URL became:
("/search" got inserted into the URL)
I was wondering if the change of URL is the reason why search term tracking not working, but then I checked the only 2 records I got in the GA, they are like:
Dont know where 2 came from... isnt there supposed to be a "/search" in the URL when using site internal search bar in the Google Site? This also confused me a lot.

Facing error when trying to link firebase analytics to microsoft clarity

Hi I am trying to link google analytics with Microsoft clarity but I use firebase to add google analytics
when I pressed the get started button I authenticated and gave it all the permissions it needed
But it shows
I have my site on google anaylitics can anyone please help me
Your first screenshot says:
Google Analytics 4 support coming soon.
Firebase works with Google Analytics 4. So the integration is not yet available.

No HTTP response detected - Google Analytics on Wix

I am using Wix and Google analytics. I have implemented GA using wix tools and marketting integration. I have also used custom trackevents to send data to GA. But the bounce rate is not correct.
Also i am getting this error
No HTTP response detected
Can anyone help me in this regard.
I have the same problem with Google Analytics being implemented into my Wix site as a marketing integration. The tag works fine on my home page, but I get the "No HTTP response detected" error when I navigate to any new pages I create on the site.
I emailed with Wix SEO & Marketing and QA specialists for a week, and they report that their technical team has resolved the issue with the Google Analytics tag in tag assistant. They did not provide any details on the fix.
Checking Tag Assistant on my website now, it appears that the issue has been resolved and the tag is loading correctly.

how to verify that google analytics is working correctly on a subdomain (no access to root domain)

I am trying to add google analytics to a project that is located under a subdomain. The subdomain has been was pointed to my my project by the domain owner, so I do not have access to the domain itself.
When I add the tracking code the status (shown under Property > Tracking Info)
Status: Tracking Not Installed
Last checked: 04-Jan-2014 00:00:05 PST
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your
website's home page. For Analytics to function, you or your web
administrator must add the code to each page of your website.
Is there any way to verify the tracking code is installed on the subdomain without having to access the domain root?
Although the tracking status is uninstalled, I am getting activity in Standard Reports > Realtime.
Does this mean that it is working despite the status report?
Am I likely to get correct tracking information with this setup?
You do not need access to the root domain and if the realtime statistics track traffic then most likely your GA setup works correctly. Most likey you did not implement the code at the place in the source code where Google expects it (which usually works but is still flagged as an error in verification).
If you use Google Chrome as browser you can additionally use two nice extensions to verify that your setup is correct:
Google Tag Assistant - verifys various Google Tags without mch detail
Google Analytics Debugger - provides some detail which data is sent to google, which plugins (e.g. ecommerce) are loaded by the analytics code etc.

Google analytics test for the In-Page Analytics error

I am getting following error whenever i test the In-Pageanalytics form my google analytic account.
I have added the new version of google analytics js, provided by google.
Please let me know anybody faced the same problem
I have the same problem. When I looked closer at that, debug told told me that there is an error in inpage.js file
