I am running into a weird situation with r-exams where it "randomly" generates valid and an invalid QTI 2.1 files for the same exercise. I have created a MRE with two almost identical Rmd files here. In a nutshell, the only difference between the two exercises are the actual solution strings in exsolution.
If I look at the generated XML files, one of them contains -Inf as the minimum score at various places, whereas the other has 0 (which I think is the correct behavior).
<outcomeDeclaration identifier="MINSCORE" cardinality="single" baseType="float">
<value baseType="float">0</value>
<outcomeDeclaration identifier="MINSCORE" cardinality="single" baseType="float">
<value baseType="float">-Inf</value>
For reference, the full XML files are here. -Inf seems to be invalid and will cause OLAT's QTI interpreter to skip the exercise. I have no real good explanation for the difference. r-exams does not print any errors and r-exams's stress test works fine. Changing the order of exercises does not change the outcome, nor does including only one of them. I am using r-exams 2.4-0 from r-forge with R 4.0.3 on Windows 10. Is this a bug in r-exams, or somewhere else?
There were two issues with the evaluation strategy here and both are finally fixed now in version 2.4-0.
The string item with solution 10 was misinterpreted as a schoice item with two options (true + false). And this lead to the Inf issue, which was already fixed previously (see comments above).
Setting the negative points for string items within a cloze did not work correctly yet, but finally does. To get the desired evaluation strategy you need to specify:
exams2openolat(..., eval = exams_eval(negative = TRUE), cloze = list(minvalue = 0))
First, this generally enables negative points which, by default, means that an incorrect string (or num or schoice) answer yield a substraction of the same amount of points that the correct answer would have added. Second, for cloze questions the minimum number of points is set to zero, i.e., when summing up the points for all sub-items the worst case is no points.
As I was working out how Epi generates the basis for its spline functions (via the function Ns), I was a little confused by how it handles the detrend argument.
When detrend=T I would have expected that Epi::Ns(...) would more or less project the basis given by splines::ns(...) onto the orthogonal complement of the column space of [1 t] and finally extract the set of linearly independent columns (so that we have a basis).
However, this doesn’t appear to be the exactly the case; I tried
x=seq(-0.75, 0.75, length.out=5)
Ns(x, knots=c(-0.5,0,0.5), Boundary.knots=c(-1,1), detrend=T)
detrend(ns(x, knots=c(-0.5,0,0.5), Boundary.knots=c(-1,1)), x)
The matrices produced by the above code are not the same, however, they do have the same column space (in this example) suggesting that if plugged in to a linear model, the fitted coefficients will be different but the fit (itself) will be the same.
The first question I had was; is this true in general?
The second question is why are the two different?
Regarding the second question - when detrend is specified, Epi::Ns gives a warning that fixsl is ignored.
Diving into Epi github NS.r ... in the construction of the basis, in the call to Epi::Ns above with detrend=T, the worker ns.ld() is called (a function almost identical to the guts of splines::ns()), which passes c(NA,NA) along to splines::spline.des as the derivs argument in determining a matrix const;
const <- splines::spline.des( Aknots, Boundary.knots, 4, c(2-fixsl[1],2-fixsl[2]))$design
This is the difference between what happens in Ns(detrend=T) and the call to ns() above which passes c(2,2) to splineDesign as the derivs argument.
So that explains how they are different, but not why? Does anyone have an explanation for why fixsl=c(NA,NA) is used instead of fixsl=c(F,F) in Epi::Ns()?
And does anyone have a proof/or an answer to the first question?
I think the orthogonal complement of const's column space is used so that second (or desired) derivatives are zero at the boundary (via projection of the general spline basis) - but I'm not sure about this step as I haven't dug into the mathematics, I'm just going by my 'feel' for it. Perhaps if I understood this better, the reason that the differences in the result for const from the call to splineDesign/spline.des (in ns() and Ns() respectively) would explain why the two matrices from the start are not the same, yet yield the same fit.
The fixsl=c(NA,NA) was a bug that has been fixed since a while. See the commits on the CRAN Github mirror.
I have still sent an email to the maintainer to ask if the fix could be made a little bit more consistent with the condition, but in principle this could be closed.
What does the OpenCL compiler option -cl-fast-relaxed-math do?
From reading the documentation - it looks like -cl-fast-relaxed-math allows a kernel to do floating point math on any variables - even if those variables point to the wrong data type, cause division by zero, or some other illegal behavior.
Is this correct? In what situation would this compiler option be useful?
From comments:
Enables -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations. These two options provide aditional speed by removing some checks to the input values. IE: Not check for NaN numbers. However, if the input values happend to BE non normal numbers, the results are unknown. – DarkZeros
There's a problem I've encountered a lot (in the broad fields of data analyis or AI). However I can't name it, probably because I don't have a formal CS background. Please bear with me, I'll give two examples:
Imagine natural language parsing:
The flower eats the cow.
You have a program that takes each word, and determines its type and the relations between them. There are two ways to interpret this sentence:
1) flower (substantive) -- eats (verb) --> cow (object)
using the usual SVO word order, or
2) cow (substantive) -- eats (verb) --> flower (object)
using a more poetic world order. The program would rule out other possibilities, e.g. "flower" as a verb, since it follows "the". It would then rank the remaining possibilites: 1) has a more natural word order than 2), so it gets more points. But including the world knowledge that flowers can't eat cows, 2) still wins. So it might return both hypotheses, and give 1) a score of 30, and 2) a score of 70.
Then, it remembers both hypotheses and continues parsing the text, branching off. One branch assumes 1), one 2). If a branch reaches a contradiction, or a ranking of ~0, it is discarded. In the end it presents ranked hypotheses again, but for the whole text.
For a different example, imagine optical character recognition:
** **
** ** *****
** *******
******* **
* ** **
** **
I could look at the strokes and say, sure this is an "H". After identifying the H, I notice there are smudges around it, and give it a slightly poorer score.
Alternatively, I could run my smudge recognition first, and notice that the horizontal line looks like an artifact. After removal, I recognize that this is ll or Il, and give it some ranking.
After processing the whole image, it can be Hlumination, lllumination or Illumination. Using a dictionary and the total ranking, I decide that it's the last one.
The general problem is always some kind of parsing / understanding. Examples:
Natural languages or ambiguous languages
Path finding
Dealing with ambiguous or incomplete user imput - which interpretations make sense, which is the most plausible?
I'ts recursive.
It can bail out early (when a branch / interpretation doesn't make sense, or will certainly end up with a score of 0). So it's probably some kind of backtracking.
It keeps all options in mind in light of ambiguities.
It's based off simple rules at the bottom can_eat(cow, flower) = true.
It keeps a plausibility ranking of interpretations.
It's recursive on a meta level: It can fork / branch off into different 'worlds' where it assumes different hypotheses when dealing with the next part of data.
It'll forward the individual rankings, probably using bayesian probability, to dependent hypotheses.
In practice, there will be methods to train this thing, determine ranking coefficients, and there will be cutoffs if the tree becomes too big.
I have no clue what this is called. One might guess 'decision tree' or 'recursive descent', but I know those terms mean different things.
I know Prolog can solve simple cases of this, like genealogies and finding out who is whom's uncle. But you have to give all the data in code, and it doesn't seem convienent or powerful enough to do this for my real life cases.
I'd like to know, what is this problem called, are there common strategies for dealing with this? Is there good literature on the topic? Are there libraries for ideally C(++), Python, were you can just define a bunch of rules, and it works out all the rankings and hypotheses?
I don't think there is one answer that fits all the bullet points you have. But I hope my links will lead you closer to an answer or might give you a different question.
I think the closest answer is Bayesian network since you have probabilities affecting each other as I understand it, it is also related to Conditional probability and Fuzzy Logic
You also describe a bit of genetic programming as well as Artificial Neural Networks
I can name drop some more topics which might be related:
I'll start my question by reminding what "recycling" is, and for that, I will quote another user (re: Brian Diggs' question about Implementation of standard recycling rules):
One nice feature of R which is related to its inherent vectorized nature is the recycling rule described in An Introduction to R in Section 2.2.
Vectors occurring in the same expression need not all be of the same length. If they are not, the value of the expression is a vector with the same length as the longest vector which occurs in the expression. Shorter vectors in the expression are recycled as often as need be (perhaps fractionally) until they match the length of the longest vector. In particular a constant is simply repeated.
I would agree that recycling is a great feature and it makes life a lot easier. But I know a lot of people who also consider it dangerous, and I see their point: sometimes, it would be nice if R could warn you when, for example, you are trying to add a vector to a matrix, because it is not the most natural thing to do.
My question: is it possible to make R send warnings whenever it recycles?
Currently, R would only warn when longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length. I'd like something that warns in all cases. I have looked into options but no luck.
I would like to create a grammar for parsing a toy like formula language that resembles S-expression syntax.
I read through the "Getting Started with PyParsing" book and it included a very nice section that sort of covers a similar grammar.
Two examples of data to parse are:
Now, I have come up with a grammar that sort-of parses the formula but disregards
expanding the functions and operator precedence.
What would be the best practice to continue on with it: Should I add parseActions
for words that match oneOf the function names ( sum, avg ... ). If I build a nested
list, I could do a depth-first walking of parse results and evaluate the functions ?
It's a little difficult to advise without seeing more of your code. Still, from what you describe, it sounds like you are mostly tokenizing, to recognize the various bits of punctuation and distinguishing variable names from numeric constants from algebraic operators. nestedExpr will impart some structure, but only basic parenthetical nesting - this still leaves operator precedence handling for your post-parsing work.
If you are learning about parsing infix notation, there is a succession of pyparsing examples to look through and study (at the pyparsing wiki Examples page). Start with fourFn.py, which is actually a five function infix notation parser. Look through its BNF() method, and get an understanding of how the recursive definitions work (don't worry about the pushFirst parse actions just yet). By structuring the parser this way, operator precedence gets built right into the parsed results. If you parse 4 + 2 * 3, a mere tokenizer just gives you ['4','+','2','*','3'], and then you have to figure out how to do the 2*3 before adding the 4 to get 10, and not just brute force add 4 and 2, then multiply by 3 (which gives the wrong answer of 18). The parser in fourFn.py will give you ['4','+',['2','*','3']], which is enough structure for you to know to evaluate the 2*3 part before adding it to 4.
This whole concept of parsing infix notation with precedence of operations is so common, I wrote a helper function that does most of the hard work, called operatorPrecedence. You can see how this works in the example simpleArith.py and then move on to eval_arith.py to see the extensions need to create an evaluator of the parsed structure. simpleBool.py is another good example showing precedence for logical terms AND'ed and OR'ed together.
Finally, since you are doing something Excel-like, take a look at excelExpr.py. It tries to handle some of the crazy corner cases you get when trying to evaluate Excel cell references, including references to other sheets and other workbooks.
Good luck!