download the following model: distill-bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased-finetuned-spa-squad2-es - bert-language-model

I have two PCs: one of them has an internet connection and the other PC does not have an internet connection, I need to download the following model: distill-bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased-finetuned-spa-squad2-es, but not I find the link.
I do not have and i cannot install python on the pc with internet access, but I can use wget.
Where i can download the following model: distill-bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased-finetuned-spa-squad2-es?

You can get and use the model directly from Transformers library at this link.
You can also copy the example code from the same page and include it in your project using your pc with internet.


Programmatically access files in a device showing up in 'This PC'

I am on Windows 10. I want to write a function (in R) to copy the files stored in a camera (actually in the SD of the camera, but I cannot just read the memory card in the PC), to a different storage unit (say, the pc or an external HDD).
The camera is connected to the PC via an USB cable.
The problem I am facing is that, when opening the File Explorer, the camera is showing up as a link under "This PC" with no letter to indicate the drive (e.g., 'G:/').
While I can see the files using the file explorer window, I cannot find a way to get to those file from a cli type of interface (e.g., the command prompt, or the R console).
Googling, I found that 'This PC' is not a folder but rather a link to something in the registry called CLSID for which the identifier should be {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}. However this is very confusing to me and I cannot figure out how to use this information.
Is there a way to do it? And if so: how?
Please consider I do not know much of commands from prompt (way better off in R).
A CLSID is just a GUID. My computer is a implementation of IShellFolder.
My Computer is part of the shell namespace. Several entries in the shell namespace are virtual (Control panel, scheduled tasks etc.) and cannot be accessed with low-level file functions nor cmd.exe.
While it would be possible to develop a tool that does something like shellcopy Computer\MyCamera\*.jpg x:\backup, I'm not aware of any existing tools that do this. You might have to code it yourself.
In the old days you would call SHGetDesktopFolder to get the root and then use the returned IShellFolder to navigate but these days it is simpler to use IShellItem instead.
To do this it is crucial to understand how IShellFolder and PIDLs work. See Introduction to the Shell Namespace for more information...

Getting Windows to detect IBM AS400 provider

I am trying to get a connection to work on my machine to an AS400 database as per this link.
I have confirmed that there is no firewall blocking the machine I am working on. I have confirmed that the connection info works on a different machine with a .UDL file. I have installed the requisite C++ runtime libraries onto the machine and confirmed it has the appropriate .NET framework (it has 4.7.2). When I try to run the UDL file with the same connection information, I get "Provider cannot be found. Ensure that the provider has been installed properly." As far as I can tell I did, but it is not detecting that?
Can someone help me understand how to get it set up so that the UDL file will indicate if the connection was successful or not? I'm not really sure what is at issue at this point.
edit: I got lucky on more searching and so on further inspection, I can see that it is not in the registry editor. Could that be the issue? How would I add it there properly so that it shows up as a Data Link so that I can configure it correctly?
go here to download and install access client solutions
after installing the base package, navigate in the install folder and find the Windows_Application folder. In that folder, double click on install_acs_64.js. That will install the ODBC drivers.
run the ODBC Data Source Adminstrator app on the windows PC. Click the Add button. Select the IBM i Access ODBC Driver. Make sure to click the Server tab and set the default schema and library list.
Once the ODBC driver is installed you can test the connection by opening Excel and use the Data tab to config a connection to the IBM i database.

Unable to access internet within "R" on cmd behind proxy

I have been using R on commandline (BASH). I am unable to access the internet (download any packages). I have tried proxy system wide, and tested it with wget, which works. The "install.packages()" command however does not.
Per some user's advice, I also tried setting the proxy in .Rprofiles file. That didn't help either. Please advice.
I recently ran into the same issue on my work machine. Our Firm uses Cylance as its antivirus software. Cylance was quarantining the file "internet.dll" that R uses to access the Internet. Fortunately, however, it only does so in the 32-bit version of R. For me, there were two solutions:
First, I was able to download packages directly from the 32-bit version of R (outside of RStudio). This works fine. The downloaded packages will run in 64-bit RStudio.
The longer-term solution was to submit an IT service request to release this file from quarantine (that is, to "whitelist a blocked entity"). At my Firm this was promptly done, as there is (obviously) nothing unsafe about this R file.

Can I do remote live preview using Adobe Brackets?

Here's my situation: I have two computers on my desk and I would like to use one of them to develop webpages and use another to do a live preview.
Is there an option in Brackets that I can do this? I tried to access the intranet ip address with the port number appearing in the URL when I'm doing a live preview using a local machine, but it cannot be accessed.
There is currently no remote (LAN) live preview in Brackets and there are open issues on Github for the feature request. (Here's one for example)
The livedev.multibrowser option described in the currently accepted answer opens live preview to multiple browsers on the same machine but does not allow access from anything other than localhost.
Here's a workaround that I've been using in the meantime:
Make a standard local web server (with Node/Apache/IIS/whatever) and install and run LiveReload on your dev machine for your project. On the remote machine(s) install the LiveReload browser extension, visit your site and turn on the LiveReload plugin. You don't get the instant (saveless) updates of the Brackets live preview, but the page will auto-refresh on remote machines when you save any files inside your project.
It is possible to use Live Preview on different machines that share the same local network since Release Brackets 1.1. To do this, open your preference file via Debug > Open Preferences File and insert the following directive: livedev.multibrowser: true. Note that you may have to add a trailing comma. For more information, see

Can we run Selenium WebDriver Test case with IIS, instead of Visual Studio Development server

I am working with Selenium 2 WebDriver. Instead of UnitTest project, i initiate it from website because of following reasons:
It should automatically run every 24 hours. I have written some scheduling code using System.Threading.
Provide some UI to customer to run it intermediately when they require.
At every run an email would be sent as a part of test result.
My target site is:
I have created a Class which has all the Selenium Code. I call that Class using System.Threading upon page load of default.aspx.
It works fine when i run default.aspx from visual studio by pressing F5 OR Ctrl+F5 i.e. with Visual Studio development server e.g. http://localhost:3251/default.aspx.
But, when i try to run it directly from IIS, with default port (80) e.g. http://localhost/seleniumTest/default.aspx, then it fails with following observation/error:
It runs the Selenium code to an extend, but doesn't show the broswer.
It fails after some steps with No response from server for url http://localhost:7094/hub/session/4bbe4b0c-aeee-4fa3-8bc0-aae47c6869af/element
It is possible what i am trying to achieve.
FYI: Let me know if further details are required.
I have managed to find the solution myself.
Basically, RemoteWebDriver has to be used instead of FirefoxDriver.
Change the initialization of FirefoxDriver to RemoteWebDriver as:
Change from
IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.Firefox();
Uri url = new Uri("http://REMOTE_IP:4545/wd/hub");
IWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(url, capability);
2. Download Selenium Standalone server and initiate it via command prompt using ~
java -jar E:\Software\selenium-server-standalone-2.24.1.jar -interactive -port 4545
This approach has 2 benefits:
One could use the local IIS for running the test.
Test could be run remotely. Refer Selenium RC documentation. One could see the screenshots remotely using
I am thinking to modify the code of hub.html and client.js file used within it to provide a better Remote feel.
I hope this can be useful for others as well.
IP address REMOTE_IP could be changed to any realtime IP address OR localhost. Use the above mentioned port while initiating the page request.
Start/Stop code of Standalone Server could be fitted inside the test, so that it is automatically started/stopped via batch file.
Keep the server running by not closing the command prompt.
