How can I display the specified icon on the list in "Programs and Features" by the installer created by Inno Setup? [duplicate] - icons

This question already has answers here:
Is it possible to change the uninstall icon in Inno Setup?
(5 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
When installed with the installer created by Inno Setup, the icon specified in the "ICON" section does not appear on the list in "Programs and Features".The specified icon can be displayed on the desktop or startup.
How can I display the specified icon on the list in "Programs and Features" by the installer created by Inno Setup?

I just had a quick search in the help system and found the answer.
You need to use the UninstallDisplayIcon keyword in the [Setup] section of your script.
The help topic states:
This lets you specify a particular icon file (either an executable or an .ico file) to display for the Uninstall entry in the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. The filename will normally begin with a directory constant.
Please go to the help topic for full details of this keyword.


How can i use CVS version control in QT

Hey I am trying to connect my Qt creator to my CVS. At the moment i am using it separated but i have seen version control options for it.
Now i have looked but no clear answer/or answer that worked has shown up.
Every one revers to the option Tools-->CVS, but this option in not in my list. The plugin is installed.
I am working on a Windows 10 computer and the information in the top shows my Qt and CVS versions.
My question is how can i use my CVS version control in QT?
First, make sur the CVS plugin is actually loaded. Go to Help > About Plugins... and ensure the CSV plugin has a green check icon.
Then ensure the CVS plugin is configured properly. Go to Tools > Options, under "Version Control" you should have a CVS tab with multiple options.
If it still does not work, you might want to report a bug in:

How to create a folder or a subdirectory for a project in QtCreator? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to create a subdirectory for a project QtCreator?
(10 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I want to create subdirectories and folders to organise my code in Qt.
I tried to manually create the directory in my shell / explorer, but Qt does not recognize it.
Prior to QT Creator 3.1.x, you can right-click on your project -> "add new..." and change the path to the folder you want.
Be careful the folder must exist, Qt will not create it for you.
Qt takes care of the path in your .pro file.
That's it !

Restore Qt Creator default layout

I am totally new to Qt development. Infact today's my first day! I installed Qt 5.3.1 open source (LGPL license). I was looking around in the Qt Creator and accidentally closed several sub-windows and not able to view the actual code, other list of opened files, etc. But it does load the project and also executes when I click the green 'Run' button. How do I recover the default layout? There is no window layout/View option in the menu. Can't see anything online! Please help...
Qt Creator creates some files to save the settings. These files are in different location in different operating systems.
On Windows Vista and Windows 7 :
<drive>:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\QtProject and <drive>:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\QtProject
On Linux :
~/.config/QtProject and ~/.local/share/data/QtProject/qtcreator
Try to delete QtCreator.ini and many settings including the layout are reset to default when you reopen Qt Creator.
Alt+0 will show project tree. Use ctrl+k to open search window.

xcode4 archive/ipa problem [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Xcode 4 Archive Version Unspecified
I'm archiving an application for iPad adhoc deployment but when I try to share the archive, the option for ipa construction is not available. The application I'm trying to deploy was created using XCode 3. It worked perfectly fine over there.
My problem seems to be, that the created archive has two missing values. The organizer shows the value of "version" as "unspecified" and the value "identifier" is empty. I tried setting this values in my info.plist and in the Info-tab in the project settings. None of it worked.
So why are these values not correctly set?
Here is a screen shot:
Your Xcode project probably references one or more other Xcode projects for shared libraries that your project requires. Go through the Xcode projects for each of those shared libraries, and set each target's "Skip Install" build setting to "Yes". Then rebuild your archive. Organizer should now let you create your .ipa.

Quick Patch not creating Uninstallation

I am using Installshield 2008 Premier edition, I am able to build the Quick patch successfully, and I am doing the following settings Under Quick patch project IDE, In Installation Designer; under Patch Settings select General Information Next select Build Settings and at the right hand side pane select the first tab named as Common and in that check the checkbox option Patch Uninstallation Allow Patch to be Uninstalled(Requires Windows Installer 3.0)
After setting this option; where do I find this uninstallation option whether it will display in add/remove program or will it create a shortcut in the start up menu under already installed parent product?
There are different ways of uninstalling patches. They are listed at MSDN:
About writting InstallScript - what exactly do you want to script in QuickPatch except patching files?
