I am using the mlr3 package and I want to plot ROC curves for different models. If I use cross validation as explained in the documentation it works perfectly well, but if I use "holdout" for the resampling then I get an error Error: Invalid show_cb. Inconsistent with calc_avg of evalmod..
Here is the code:
# one task only
tasks = lapply(c("german_credit"), tsk)
# get some learners and for all learners ...
# * predict probabilities
# * predict also on the training set
learners = c("classif.featureless", "classif.rpart", "classif.ranger", "classif.kknn")
learners = lapply(learners, lrn,
predict_type = "prob")
# compare via 3-fold cross validation
resamplings = rsmp("holdout", ratio = .8) # holdout instead of cv
# create a BenchmarkDesign object
design = benchmark_grid(tasks, learners, resamplings)
bmr = benchmark(design)
autoplot(bmr, type = "roc")
Thanks for your help,
In case someone else is having the same problem here is a solution. The problem occurs because the argument calc_avg is set to TRUE by default in precrec::evalmod() and the function is used as is in mlr3viz::autoplot(). Since as_precrec() returns an object without different dsids (different values coming from different folds in the case of cross-validation, with holdout there is only one element) then averaging is not possible for precrec hence the error (although theoretically it could).
Here is a piece of code that can be used to plot ROC curves with holdout (or any other types of resampling). Using the code in the answer we can do the following:
roc_data <- evalmod(as_precrec(bmr), mode = "rocprc", calc_avg = FALSE) %>% # setting calc_avg to FALSE is critical
fortify() %>% # precrec objects have a fortify generic function
.[.$curvetype == "ROC", ] # both roc and prc are returned
# Tracer les courbes
data = roc_data,
mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = modname)
) +
This code also has the advantage of being a ggplot object so it can be modified easily with ggplot2 which is not the case for precrec::autoplot().
When trying to graph the conditional fixed effects of a glmmTMB model with two random intercepts in GGally I get the error:
There was an error calling "tidy_fun()". Most likely, this is because the
function supplied in "tidy_fun=" was misspelled, does not exist, is not
compatible with your object, or was missing necessary arguments (e.g. "conf.level=" or "conf.int="). See error message below.
Error: Error in "stop_vctrs()":
! Can't recycle "..1" (size 3) to match "..2" (size 2).`
I have tinkered with figuring out the issue and it seems to be related to the two random intercepts included in the model. I have also tried extracting the coefficient and standard error information separately through broom.mixed::tidy and then feeding the data frame into GGally:ggcoef() with no avail. Any suggestions?
# Example with built-in randu data set
randu$A <- factor(rep(c(1,2), 200))
randu$B <- factor(rep(c(1,2,3,4), 100))
# Model
test <- glmmTMB(y ~ x + z + (0 +x|A) + (1|B), family="gaussian", data=randu)
# A few of my attempts at graphing--works fine when only one random effects term is in model
ggcoef_model(test, tidy_fun = broom.mixed::tidy)
ggcoef_model(test, tidy_fun = broom.mixed::tidy, conf.int = T, intercept=F)
ggcoef_model(test, tidy_fun = broom.mixed::tidy(test, effects="fixed", component = "cond", conf.int = TRUE))
There are some (old!) bugs that have recently been fixed (here, here) that would make confidence interval reporting on RE parameters break for any model with multiple random terms (I think). I believe that if you are able to install updated versions of both glmmTMB and broom.mixed:
then ggcoef_model(test) will work.
I am facing a difficulty with filtering out the least important variables in my model. I received a set of data with more than 4,000 variables, and I have been asked to reduce the number of variables getting into the model.
I did try already two approaches, but I have failed twice.
The first thing I tried was to manually check variable importance after the modelling and based on that removing non significant variables.
# reproducible example
data <- iris
# artificial class imbalancing
data <- iris %>%
mutate(Species = as.factor(ifelse(Species == "virginica", "1", "0")))
Everything works fine while using simple Learner:
# creating Task
task <- TaskClassif$new(id = "score", backend = data, target = "Species", positive = "1")
# creating Learner
lrn <- lrn("classif.xgboost")
# setting scoring as prediction type
lrn$predict_type = "prob"
Petal.Width Petal.Length
0.90606304 0.09393696
The issue is that the data is highly imbalanced, so I decided to use GraphLearner with PipeOp operator to undersample majority group which is then passed to AutoTuner:
I did skip some part of the code which I believe is not important for this case, things like search space, terminator, tuner etc.
# undersampling
po_under <- po("classbalancing",
id = "undersample", adjust = "major",
reference = "major", shuffle = FALSE, ratio = 1 / 2)
# combine learner with pipeline graph
lrn_under <- GraphLearner$new(po_under %>>% lrn)
# setting the autoTuner
at <- AutoTuner$new(
learner = lrn_under,
resampling = resample,
measure = measure,
search_space = ps_under,
terminator = terminator,
tuner = tuner
The problem right know is that despite the importance property being still visable within at the $importance() in unavailable.
> at
* Model: list
* Parameters: list()
* Packages: -
* Predict Type: prob
* Feature types: logical, integer, numeric, character, factor, ordered, POSIXct
* Properties: featureless, importance, missings, multiclass, oob_error, selected_features, twoclass, weights
So I decided to change my approach and try to add filtering into a Learner. And that's where I've failed even more. I have started by looking into this mlr3book blog - https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/fs.html. I tried to add importance = "impurity" into Learner just like in the blog but id did yield an error.
> lrn <- lrn("classif.xgboost", importance = "impurity")
Błąd w poleceniu 'instance[[nn]] <- dots[[i]]':
nie można zmienić wartości zablokowanego połączenia dla 'importance'
Which basically means something like this:
Error in 'instance[[nn]] <- dots[[i]]': can't change value of blocked connection for 'importance'
I did also try to workaround with PipeOp filtering but it also failed miserably. I believe I won't be able to do it without importance = "impurity".
So my question is, is there a way to achieve what I am aiming for?
In addition I would be greatly thankful for explaining why is filtering by importance possible before modeling? Shouldn't it be based on the model result?
The reason why you can't access $importance of the at variable is that it is an AutoTuner, which does not directly offer variable importance and only "wraps" around the actual Learner being tuned.
The trained GraphLearner is saved inside your AutoTuner under $learner:
# get the trained GraphLearner, with tuned hyperparameters
graphlearner <- at$learner
This object also does not have $importance(). (Theoretically, a GraphLearner could contain more than one Learner and then it wouldn't even know which importance to give!).
Getting the actual LearnerClassifXgboost object is a bit tedious, unfortunately, because of shortcomings in the "R6" object system used by mlr3:
Get the untrained Learner object
get the trained state of the Learner and put it into that object
# get the untrained Learner
xgboostlearner <- graphlearner$graph$pipeops$classif.xgboost$learner
# put the trained model into the Learner
xgboostlearner$state <- graphlearner$model$classif.xgboost
Now the importance can be queried
The example from the book that you link to does not work in your case because the book uses the ranger Learner, while are using xgboost. importance = "impurity" is specific to ranger.
I am trying to find away to derive probabilistic outputs when predicting from a one-class svm in R. I know this is not supported in libsvm and I also know this question has been asked before and here a couple of years ago on SO but packages were not available at that time. I'm hoping things have changed now! Also this question is still valid as no approach implemented in R was given as a solution.
I could not find a package to do this so I tried two approaches myself to get around this:
Get the decision values and transform them through the use of the sigmoid activation function. This is described in this paper. Note the paragraph:
Furthermore, SVMs can also produce class probabilities as output instead of class labels. This
is can done by an improved implementation (Lin, Lin, and Weng 2001) of Platt’s a posteriori
probabilities (Platt 2000) where a sigmoid function is fitted to the decision values f of the binary SVM classifiers, A and B being estimated by minimizing the negative log-likelihood function
Use a logistic regression function on the predicted output and derive the probabilities from it. This approach was first described by Platt and an approach is outlined here
My problem is that to check if either of my two solutions are plausible, I tested these two approaches on a two-class svm problem as e1071, using libsvm, gives probabilities for two-class problems so this was taken as the 'truth'. I found that neither of my approaches aligned closely to libsvm.
Here are three graphs showing the resulting probabilities versus the known decision values.
Click to see image. Sorry I seem to have too low a reputation to embed the image which is frustrating! I'm not sure if someone in the community with a higher reputation can edit to embed?
I think my Platt approach is theoretically more sound but, as can be seen from the graph, it appears the logistic regression was somehow too good, the probabilities associated with either classification being extremely close to 1 for positive and 0 for negative.
My code for the Platt implementation is
platt_scale <- function(oc_svm, X){
# Get SVM predictions
y_pred <- predict(oc_svm$best.model,X)
#y_pred <- as.factor(ifelse(y_pred==T,"pos","neg"))
# Train using logistic regression with cross-validation
model <- train(x = X,
y = y_pred,
method = "glm",
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv",
number = 5),
control = list(maxit = 50) #BROUGHT IN TO STOP WARNING MESSAGES
newdata = X,
type = "prob")[,1])
I get the following warning when this runs
glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
So I am clearly doing something wrong! I feel like fixing this function is probably the best approach but I don't see where I have gone wrong? I am following the approach I mentioned earlier, here
I get the sigmoid of the decision values as follows
sig_mult <-e1071::sigmoid(decision_values)
The examples were done using the Iris dataset, full code is here
two_class<-iris[iris$Species %in% c("setosa","versicolor"),]
#Make Two-class SVM
train.x = two_class[,1:4],
train.y = factor(two_class[,5],levels=c("setosa", "versicolor")),
probability = T,
tunecontrol = tune.control(cross = 5))
#Get related decision values
dec_vals_mult <-attr(predict(svm_mult$best.model,
decision.values = T #use decision values to get score
), "decision.values")
#Get related probabilities
prob_mult <-attr(predict(svm_mult$best.model,
probability = T #use decision values to get score
), "probabilities")[,1]
#transform decision values using sigmoid
sig_mult <-e1071::sigmoid(dec_vals_mult)
#Use Platt Implementation function to derive probabilities
theme(legend.position = "none")
theme(legend.position = "none")
ggarrange(actual, plat_imp, sig,
labels = c("Actual", "Platt Implementation", "Sigmoid Transformation"),
ncol = 3,
label.x = -.05,
label.y = 1.001,
font.label = list(size = 8.5, color = "black", face = "bold", family = NULL),
common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom")
I am using the caret package to train an elastic net model on my dataset modDat. I take a grid search approach paired with repeated cross validation to select the optimal values of the lambda and fraction parameters required by the elastic net function. My code is shown below.
grid <- expand.grid(
lambda = seq(0.5, 0.7, by=0.1),
fraction = seq(0, 1, by=0.1)
ctrl <- trainControl(
method = 'repeatedcv',
number = 5, #folds
repeats = 10, #repeats
classProbs = FALSE
enetTune <- train(
y ~ .,
data = modDat,
method = 'enet',
metric = 'RMSE',
tuneGrid = grid,
verbose = FALSE,
trControl = ctrl
I can get predictions using y_hat <- predict(enetTune, modDat), but I cannot view the coefficients underlying the predictions.
I have tried coef(enetTune$finalModel) but the only thing returned is NULL. I am suspecting that I have to give the coef() function more information but not sure how to do this.
In addition, I would like to produce a box plot of the 50 sets of coefficients (10 repeats of 5 folds) associated with the optimal lambda and fraction parameters.
To see the coefficients, use predict:
predict(enetTune$finalModel, type = "coefficients")
See ?predict.enet for more information on how to get specific coefficients.
Following on from the answer by #Weihuang Wong, you can get the coefficients from the final model using the following code:
predict.enet(enetTune$finalModel, s=enetTune$bestTune[1, "fraction"], type="coef", mode="fraction")$coefficients
To me what works best is stats::predict, as is #Weihuang Wong answer. However, as OP pointed out in a comment, that provides a list of coefficients for every value of lambda tested.
The important thing to understand here is that when you are using predict, your intention is precisely to predict the value of the parameters, and not really to retrieve them. You should then be aware of that an explore the options available.
In this case, you could use the same function with the argument s for the penalty parameter lambda. Remebember that you are still predicting, but this time you will get the coefficients you are looking for.
stats::predict(enetTune$finalModel, type = "coefficients", s = enetTune$bestTune$lambda)
I have count data. I'm trying to document my decision to use a negative binomial distribution rather than Poisson (I couldn't get a quasi-poisson dist. in lme4) and am having graphical issues (the vector is appended to the end of the post).
I've been trying to implement the distplot() function to inform my decision about which distribution to model:
here's the outcome variable (physician count):
Which might look poisson
but the mean and variance aren't close (the variance is doubled by two extreme values; but is still not anywhere near the mean)
> var(d1.2$totalmds, na.rm = T)
[1] 114240.7
> mean(d1.2$totalmds, na.rm = T)
[1] 89.3121
My outcome is partly population driven so I'm using the total population as an offset variable in preliminary models. This, as I understand it, divides the outcome by the natural log of the offset variable so totalmds/log(poptotal) is essentially what's being modeled. Which looks something like:
But when I try to model this using:
plot 1: distplot(x = d1.2$totalmds, type = "poisson")
plot 2: distplot(x = d1.2$totalmds, type = "nbinomial") # looks way off
plot 3: plot(fitdist(data = d1.2$totalmds, distr = "pois", method = "mle"))
plot 4: plot(fitdist(data = d1.2$totalmds, distr = "nbinom", method = "mle")) # throws warnings
plot 5: qqcomp(fitdist(data = d1.2$totalmds, distr = "pois", method = "mle"))
plot 6: qqcomp(fitdist(data = d1.2$totalmds, distr = "nbinom", method = "mle")) # throws warnings
Does anyone have suggestions for why the following plots look a little screwy/inconsistent?
As I mentioned I'm using another variable as an offset variable in my actual analysis, if that makes a difference.
Here's the vector:
I'm fairly sure NB is better than poisson since var(d1.2$totalmds)/mean(d1.2$totalmds) # variance-to-mean ratio (VMR) > 1
But if NB is appropriate the plots should look a lot cleaner (I think, unless I'm doing something wrong with these plotting functions/packages).