I am trying to find away to derive probabilistic outputs when predicting from a one-class svm in R. I know this is not supported in libsvm and I also know this question has been asked before and here a couple of years ago on SO but packages were not available at that time. I'm hoping things have changed now! Also this question is still valid as no approach implemented in R was given as a solution.
I could not find a package to do this so I tried two approaches myself to get around this:
Get the decision values and transform them through the use of the sigmoid activation function. This is described in this paper. Note the paragraph:
Furthermore, SVMs can also produce class probabilities as output instead of class labels. This
is can done by an improved implementation (Lin, Lin, and Weng 2001) of Platt’s a posteriori
probabilities (Platt 2000) where a sigmoid function is fitted to the decision values f of the binary SVM classifiers, A and B being estimated by minimizing the negative log-likelihood function
Use a logistic regression function on the predicted output and derive the probabilities from it. This approach was first described by Platt and an approach is outlined here
My problem is that to check if either of my two solutions are plausible, I tested these two approaches on a two-class svm problem as e1071, using libsvm, gives probabilities for two-class problems so this was taken as the 'truth'. I found that neither of my approaches aligned closely to libsvm.
Here are three graphs showing the resulting probabilities versus the known decision values.
Click to see image. Sorry I seem to have too low a reputation to embed the image which is frustrating! I'm not sure if someone in the community with a higher reputation can edit to embed?
I think my Platt approach is theoretically more sound but, as can be seen from the graph, it appears the logistic regression was somehow too good, the probabilities associated with either classification being extremely close to 1 for positive and 0 for negative.
My code for the Platt implementation is
platt_scale <- function(oc_svm, X){
# Get SVM predictions
y_pred <- predict(oc_svm$best.model,X)
#y_pred <- as.factor(ifelse(y_pred==T,"pos","neg"))
# Train using logistic regression with cross-validation
model <- train(x = X,
y = y_pred,
method = "glm",
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv",
number = 5),
control = list(maxit = 50) #BROUGHT IN TO STOP WARNING MESSAGES
newdata = X,
type = "prob")[,1])
I get the following warning when this runs
glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
So I am clearly doing something wrong! I feel like fixing this function is probably the best approach but I don't see where I have gone wrong? I am following the approach I mentioned earlier, here
I get the sigmoid of the decision values as follows
sig_mult <-e1071::sigmoid(decision_values)
The examples were done using the Iris dataset, full code is here
two_class<-iris[iris$Species %in% c("setosa","versicolor"),]
#Make Two-class SVM
train.x = two_class[,1:4],
train.y = factor(two_class[,5],levels=c("setosa", "versicolor")),
probability = T,
tunecontrol = tune.control(cross = 5))
#Get related decision values
dec_vals_mult <-attr(predict(svm_mult$best.model,
decision.values = T #use decision values to get score
), "decision.values")
#Get related probabilities
prob_mult <-attr(predict(svm_mult$best.model,
probability = T #use decision values to get score
), "probabilities")[,1]
#transform decision values using sigmoid
sig_mult <-e1071::sigmoid(dec_vals_mult)
#Use Platt Implementation function to derive probabilities
theme(legend.position = "none")
theme(legend.position = "none")
ggarrange(actual, plat_imp, sig,
labels = c("Actual", "Platt Implementation", "Sigmoid Transformation"),
ncol = 3,
label.x = -.05,
label.y = 1.001,
font.label = list(size = 8.5, color = "black", face = "bold", family = NULL),
common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom")
For classification problems, I was using Balanced Accuracy, Sensitivity and Specificity to evaluate the models. Recently, I saw calibration could capture those cannot be captured by accuracy and AUC. So, I want to give it a try, and Reliability Plot is the visualized calibration.
I am using R Verification package, reliability.plot() function. However the result looks weird like this:
Maybe it's because the variable I put into the function is wrong, but I am not sure how to modify. Here is my code:
Train The Model and Get Predicted Probilities
svm_learner <- makeLearner("classif.ksvm", predict.type = "prob")
svm_param <- makeParamSet(
makeDiscreteParam("C", values = 2^c(-8,-4,-2,0)), #cost parameters
makeDiscreteParam("sigma", values = 2^c(-8,-4,0,4)) #RBF Kernel Parameter
ctrl <- makeTuneControlRandom()
cv_svm <- makeResampleDesc("CV",iters = 5L)
svm_tune <- tuneParams(svm_learner, task = train_task, resampling = cv_svm, par.set = svm_param, control = ctrl,measures = acc)
t.svm <- setHyperPars(svm_learner, par.vals = svm_tune$x)
svm_model <- mlr::train(svm_learner, train_task)
svmpredict <- predict(svm_model, test_task)
I am trying to calculate the observed frequency and forecasted frequency, and put them in the function
xy <- data.table(Truth=svmpredict$data$truth, Response=svmpredict$data$response)
xy[, ObservedFreq := ifelse(Truth==0, 1806/(1806+48), 48/(1806+48))]
xy[, ForecastedFreq := ifelse(Truth==0, 1807/(1807+47), 47/(1807+47))]
reliability.plot(svmpredict$data$prob.1, xy$ObservedFreq, xy$ForecastedFreq, positive="1")
I guess the problem maybe caused by the variables I put in the function, but what else can be observed and forecasted frequency? Do you know how to plot the right reliability plot?
I am using the caret package to train an elastic net model on my dataset modDat. I take a grid search approach paired with repeated cross validation to select the optimal values of the lambda and fraction parameters required by the elastic net function. My code is shown below.
grid <- expand.grid(
lambda = seq(0.5, 0.7, by=0.1),
fraction = seq(0, 1, by=0.1)
ctrl <- trainControl(
method = 'repeatedcv',
number = 5, #folds
repeats = 10, #repeats
classProbs = FALSE
enetTune <- train(
y ~ .,
data = modDat,
method = 'enet',
metric = 'RMSE',
tuneGrid = grid,
verbose = FALSE,
trControl = ctrl
I can get predictions using y_hat <- predict(enetTune, modDat), but I cannot view the coefficients underlying the predictions.
I have tried coef(enetTune$finalModel) but the only thing returned is NULL. I am suspecting that I have to give the coef() function more information but not sure how to do this.
In addition, I would like to produce a box plot of the 50 sets of coefficients (10 repeats of 5 folds) associated with the optimal lambda and fraction parameters.
To see the coefficients, use predict:
predict(enetTune$finalModel, type = "coefficients")
See ?predict.enet for more information on how to get specific coefficients.
Following on from the answer by #Weihuang Wong, you can get the coefficients from the final model using the following code:
predict.enet(enetTune$finalModel, s=enetTune$bestTune[1, "fraction"], type="coef", mode="fraction")$coefficients
To me what works best is stats::predict, as is #Weihuang Wong answer. However, as OP pointed out in a comment, that provides a list of coefficients for every value of lambda tested.
The important thing to understand here is that when you are using predict, your intention is precisely to predict the value of the parameters, and not really to retrieve them. You should then be aware of that an explore the options available.
In this case, you could use the same function with the argument s for the penalty parameter lambda. Remebember that you are still predicting, but this time you will get the coefficients you are looking for.
stats::predict(enetTune$finalModel, type = "coefficients", s = enetTune$bestTune$lambda)
The xgboost package allows to build a random forest (in fact, it chooses a random subset of columns to choose a variable for a split for the whole tree, not for a nod, as it is in a classical version of the algorithm, but it can be tolerated). But it seems that for regression only one tree from the forest (maybe, the last one built) is used.
To ensure that, consider just a standard toy example.
data(agaricus.train, package = 'xgboost')
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(agaricus.train$data,
label = agaricus.train$label)
bst = xgb.train(data = dtrain,
nround = 1,
subsample = 0.8,
colsample_bytree = 0.5,
num_parallel_tree = 100,
verbose = 2,
max_depth = 12)
answer1 = predict(bst, dtrain);
(answer1 - agaricus.train$label) %*% (answer1 - agaricus.train$label)
forest = randomForest(x = as.matrix(agaricus.train$data), y = agaricus.train$label, ntree = 50)
answer2 = predict(forest, as.matrix(agaricus.train$data))
(answer2 - agaricus.train$label) %*% (answer2 - agaricus.train$label)
Yes, of course, the default version of the xgboost random forest uses not a Gini score function but just the MSE; it can be changed easily. Also it is not correct to do such a validation and so on, so on. It does not affect a main problem. Regardless of which sets of parameters are being tried results are suprisingly bad compared with the randomForest implementation. This holds for another data sets as well.
Could anybody provide a hint on such strange behaviour? When it comes to the classification task the algorithm does work as expected.
Well, all trees are grown and all are used to make a prediction. You may check that using the parameter 'ntreelimit' for the 'predict' function.
The main problem remains: is the specific form of the Random Forest algorithm that is produced by the xgbbost package valid?
Cross-validation, parameter tunning and other crap have nothing to do with that -- every one may add necessary corrections to the code and see what happens.
You may specify the 'objective' option like this:
mse = function(predict, dtrain)
real = getinfo(dtrain, 'label')
return(list(grad = 2 * (predict - real),
hess = rep(2, length(real))))
This provides that you use the MSE when choosing a variable for the split. Even after that, results are suprisingly bad compared to those of randomForest.
Maybe, the problem is of academical nature and concerns the way how a random subset of features to make a split is chosen. The classical implementation chooses a subset of features (the size is specified with 'mtry' for the randomForest package) for EVERY split separately and the xgboost implementation chooses one subset for a tree (specified with 'colsample_bytree').
So this fine difference appears to be of great importance, at least for some types of datasets. It is interesting, indeed.
xgboost(random forest style) does use more than one tree to predict. But there are many other differences to explore.
I myself am new to xgboost, but curious. So I wrote the code below to visualize the trees. You can run the code yourself to verify or explore other differences.
Your data set of choice is a classification problem as labels are either 0 or 1. I like to switch to a simple regression problem to visualize what xgboost does.
true model: $y = x_1 * x_2$ + noise
If you train a single tree or multiple tree, with the code examples below you observe that the learned model structure does contain more trees. You cannot argue alone from the prediction accuracy how many trees are trained.
Maybe the predictions are different because the implementations are different. None of the ~5 RF implementations I know of are exactly alike, and this xgboost(rf style) is as closest a distant "cousin".
I observe the colsample_bytree is not equal to mtry, as the former uses the same subset of variable/columns for the entire tree. My regression problem is one big interaction only, which cannot be learned if trees only uses either x1 or x2. Thus in this case colsample_bytree must be set to 1 to use both variables in all trees. Regular RF could model this problem with mtry=1, as each node would use either X1 or X2
I see your randomForest predictions are not out-of-bag cross-validated. If drawing any conclusions on predictions you must cross-validate, especially for fully grown trees.
NB You need to fix the function vec.plot as does not support xgboost out of the box, because xgboost out of some other box do not take data.frame as an valid input. The instruction in the code should be clear
Data = data.frame(replicate(2,rnorm(5000)))
Data$y = Data$X1*Data$X2 + rnorm(5000)*.5
gradientByTarget =fcol(Data,3)
plot3d(Data,col=gradientByTarget) #true data structure
fix(vec.plot) #change these two line in the function, as xgboost do not support data.frame
#16# yhat.vec = predict(model, as.matrix(Xtest.vec))
#21# yhat.obs = predict(model, as.matrix(Xtest.obs))
#1 single deep tree
xgb.model = xgboost(data = as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),label=Data$y,
nrounds=1,params = list(max.depth=250))
#clearly just one tree
#100 trees (gbm boosting)
xgb.model = xgboost(data = as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),label=Data$y,
nrounds=100,params = list(max.depth=16,eta=.5,subsample=.6))
plot(Data$y,predict(xgb.model,as.matrix(Data[,1:2])),col=gradientByTarget) ##predictions are not OOB cross-validated!
#20 shallow trees (bagging)
xgb.model = xgboost(data = as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),label=Data$y,
nrounds=1,params = list(max.depth=250,
num_parallel_tree=20,colsample_bytree = .5, subsample = .5))
vec.plot(xgb.model,as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),1:2,col=gradientByTarget) #bagged mix of trees
plot(Data$y,predict(xgb.model,as.matrix(Data[,1:2]))) #terrible fit!!
#problem, colsample_bytree is NOT mtry as columns are only sampled once
# (this could be raised as an issue on their github page, that this does not mimic RF)
#20 deep tree (bagging), no column limitation
xgb.model = xgboost(data = as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),label=Data$y,
nrounds=1,params = list(max.depth=500,
num_parallel_tree=200,colsample_bytree = 1, subsample = .5))
vec.plot(xgb.model,as.matrix(Data[,1:2]),1:2,col=gradientByTarget) #boosted mix of trees
#voila model can fit data
I have fitted a GARCH process to a time series and analyzed the ACF for squared and absolute residuals to check the model goodness of fit. But I also want to do a formal test and after searching the internet, The Weighted Portmanteau Test (originally by Li and Mak) seems to be the one.
It's from the WeightedPortTest package and is one of the few (perhaps the only one?) that properly tests the GARCH residuals.
While going through the instructions in various documents I can't wrap my head around what the "h.t" argument wants. It says in the info in R that I need to assign "a numeric vector of the conditional variances". This may be simple to an experienced user, though I'm struggling to understand. What is it that I need to do and preferably how would I code it in R?
Thankful for any kind of help
Taken directly from the documentation:
h.t: a numeric vector of the conditional variances
A little toy example using the fGarch package follows:
spec <- garchSpec(model = list(alpha = 0.6, beta = 0))
simGarch11 <- garchSim(spec, n = 300)
fit <- garchFit(formula = ~ garch(1, 0), data = simGarch11)
Weighted.LM.test(fit#residuals, fit#h.t, lag = 10)
And using garch() from the tseries package:
fit2 <- garch(as.numeric(simGarch11), order = c(0, 1))
# comparison of fitted values:
# comparison of residuals after unstandardizing:
unstd <- fit2$residuals*fit2$fitted.values[,1]
Weighted.LM.test(unstd, fit2$fitted.values[,1]^2, lag = 10)
I have count data. I'm trying to document my decision to use a negative binomial distribution rather than Poisson (I couldn't get a quasi-poisson dist. in lme4) and am having graphical issues (the vector is appended to the end of the post).
I've been trying to implement the distplot() function to inform my decision about which distribution to model:
here's the outcome variable (physician count):
Which might look poisson
but the mean and variance aren't close (the variance is doubled by two extreme values; but is still not anywhere near the mean)
> var(d1.2$totalmds, na.rm = T)
[1] 114240.7
> mean(d1.2$totalmds, na.rm = T)
[1] 89.3121
My outcome is partly population driven so I'm using the total population as an offset variable in preliminary models. This, as I understand it, divides the outcome by the natural log of the offset variable so totalmds/log(poptotal) is essentially what's being modeled. Which looks something like:
But when I try to model this using:
plot 1: distplot(x = d1.2$totalmds, type = "poisson")
plot 2: distplot(x = d1.2$totalmds, type = "nbinomial") # looks way off
plot 3: plot(fitdist(data = d1.2$totalmds, distr = "pois", method = "mle"))
plot 4: plot(fitdist(data = d1.2$totalmds, distr = "nbinom", method = "mle")) # throws warnings
plot 5: qqcomp(fitdist(data = d1.2$totalmds, distr = "pois", method = "mle"))
plot 6: qqcomp(fitdist(data = d1.2$totalmds, distr = "nbinom", method = "mle")) # throws warnings
Does anyone have suggestions for why the following plots look a little screwy/inconsistent?
As I mentioned I'm using another variable as an offset variable in my actual analysis, if that makes a difference.
Here's the vector:
I'm fairly sure NB is better than poisson since var(d1.2$totalmds)/mean(d1.2$totalmds) # variance-to-mean ratio (VMR) > 1
But if NB is appropriate the plots should look a lot cleaner (I think, unless I'm doing something wrong with these plotting functions/packages).