kamailio: how to get a value from SIP INVITE Header - kamailio

Please help me to get the a value from SIP INVITE header reached to kamailio like INVITE sip:+341930203454#sub.domain.com;myid=+34#sub.domain.com SIP/2.0 and i want to save the myid value +34 into a variable, without the domain name.
$var(uri) = $sel(ruri);
xavp_params_explode("$(var(uri){s.unbracket})", "uri");
xlog("L_INFO", "$var(uri) Received converted to $xavp(uri=>myid[0])\n");
I tried above and it prints +34#sub.domain.com But i want to just save +34 into a variable to further check the prefix based routing from the database.
Could you please help how to get it or If there is any alternate/single line approach to get this value, please help.
thanks in advance.

An one line statement variant can be:
$var(result) = $(ru{uri.param,myid}{s.select,0,#});
$ru - is the request URI (sip address in the first line of request)
{uri.param,myid} - is a transformation returning the value of a parameter (myid in this case) in a URI
{s.select,0,#} - is a transformation returning first token from a string by splitting it using the delimiter #

I think something like this will work:
$var(uri) = $sel(ruri);
$var(myid-param) = $(var(uri){param.value,myid}); # this should return +34#sub.domain.com
$var(sip-myid-param) = "sip:" + $var(myid-param); # this should return sip:+34#sub.domain.com
$var(user-part) = $(var(sip-myid-param){uri.user}); # this should return +34
All above string operation is possible to put in one line, I used several lines just to show it in simple way.
In one line it should be something like below, but please do not quote me on this, but I hope you can get an idea
$var(user-part) = $(var("sip:" + $var($(var(uri){param.value,myid}))){uri.user});


Loadrunner Parameters in JSON String

I'm trying to use a parameter inside of a JSON string, and would like to use an inner parameter to replace an GUID. I've changed the default parameter start and end characters since curly braces are used in JSON.
I've tried to do something like this, where the json param contains my json which is similar to this below.
request_json = lr_eval_string("<json>");
lr_save_string(request_json, "request_json_param");
I'm expecting the lr_eval_string to replace the with the GUID that's in this parameter, what's the best why of replacing this ID in my JSON String?
Not sure what you are asking but I will put this here in case someone comes here in the future:
lr_eval_json("Buffer/File=my_json.json", "JsonObject=MJO",LAST);
lr_json_stringify("JsonObject=MJO","Format=compact", "OutputParam=newJsonBody",LAST);
"Name=Content-Type", "Value=application/json", ENDHEADER,
return 0;
"LastActionId": 0,
"Updated": "{mydate}"
Okay so instead of doing what I'm thinking above I ended up creating an array of char's with this {"DashboardGUID":"<Dash_GUID>", someotherdata:"123"} in 10 different positions within the array. I then randomly selected an element from this array and when doing the lr_eval_string the parameter was replaced.
Hopefully this makes sense those looking to do something similar.

Search for RestASSURED values by sending a variable

In the following code fragment I am trying to find in my responseBody a specific number by a variable and thus save its brother value.
However when I try to do it that way he answers me null and if I remove the quotes he answers me:
The parameter "n0" was used but not defined. Define parameters using the JsonPath.params(...) function
Response response = get(keyrest);
System.out.println("Value 0: " + response.asString());
semilla = response.path("seed");
String v1 = response.path("keys.find{it.number == 'n0'}.value");

rkafka.read() doesn't return a message (Returns double quotes only)

Trying to return a message through rkafka library in R.
Followed the same rkafka documentation # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rkafka/vignettes/rkafka.pdf
Output returns "" without the actual message in it. Kafka tool confirms that the message is sent by the producer.
rkafka.send(prod1,"test","","Testing once")
[1] ""
Desired Output would return "Testing once".
In order to read the messages of a topic that have already been written to the topic (before the consumer has been started) you need to set offset value to the smallest possible (equivalent to --from-beginning). According to rkafka docs autoOffseetReset argument defaults to largest
smallest : automatically reset the offset to the
smallest offset largest : automatically reset the offset to the
largest offset anything else: throw exception to the consumer
Required:Optional Type:String default:largest
In order to be able to consume messages you need to set autoOffsetReset to "smallest".
consumer1=rkafka.createConsumer("","test", autoOffsetReset="smallest")
Update: This Code Works:
rkafka.send(prod1,"test","","Testing once")
rkafka.send(prod1,"test","","Testing twice")
consumer1=rkafka.createConsumer("","test",groupId = "test-consumer-
group",zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs = "100000",autoCommitEnable = "NULL",
autoCommitInterval = "NULL",autoOffsetReset = "NULL")
The key is to restart Kafka after deleting the logs it generates.

Nginx-redis module returning string length along with the value from Redis

I am using redis2-nginx-module to serve html content stored as a value in redis. Following is the nginx config code to get value for a key from redis.
redis2_query get $fullkey;
redis2_pass localhost:6379;
#default_type text/html;
When the url is hit the following unwanted response is rendered along with the value for that key.
How to remove this unwanted output? Also if key passed as an argument doesn't exist in the redis, how to check this condition and display some default page?
(Here's a similar question on ServerFault)
There's no way with just redis2 module, as it always return a raw Redis response.
If you only need GET and SET commands you may try with HttpRedisModule (redis_pass). If you need something fancier, like hashes, you should probably try filtering the raw response from Redis with Lua, e.g. something along the lines of
content_by_lua '
local res = ngx.location.capture("/redis",
{ args = { key = ngx.var.fullkey } }
local body = res.body
local s, e = string.find(body, "\r\n", 1, true)
ngx.print(string.sub(body, e + 1))
(Sorry, the code's untested, don't have an OpenResty instance at hand.)

Unable to read AT Command Response

I test some basic AT Command in Hyperterminal. The GSM modem response as per my command too. But problem is that it shows me the unreadable text. I use the following code :
+CUSD: 1,"0062004B006100730068000A00310020004D0032004D0020005400720061006E007300
AT+CUSD=1,"*247#",15 command should display
Menu 1
Menu 2
Menu 3
Something like that. But it displayed the hexadecimal code which it unreadable. How can I get plain text ? Can anyone help Me ?
Judging by information provided. Where when you send the +CUSD request with DCS (Data Coding Scheme) of 15. And the response from the Bkash service with DCS of 72. It looks like your modem does not support the encoding specified in the DCS from Bkash.
I found is fairly similar question and solution to this question. Try and ensure that +CSCS is set to something like IRA or GSM and see what happens then with your +CUSD responses.
Use the following functions to decode "UCS2" response data:
public static String HexStr2UnicodeStr(String strHex)
byte[] ba = Hex2ByteArray(strHex);
return HexBytes2UnicodeStr(ba);
public static String HexBytes2UnicodeStr(byte[] ba)
var strMessage = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(ba, 0, ba.Length);
return strMessage;
for example:
String str2 = SmsEngine.HexStr2UnicodeStr("0062004B006100730068000A00310020004D0032004D0020005400720061006E0073006600650072000A0032002000440069007300620075007200730065000A00330020004D007900200062004B006100730068000A0034002000480065006C0070006C0069006E0065000A");
// str2 = "bKash\n1 M2M Transfer\n2 Disburse\n3 My bKash\n4 Helpline\n"
Please also check UnicodeStr2HexStr()
Hi this code is something called PDU (Protocol Data Unit). To decode it is not straight forward. you need to understand the structure first.
