Why does WebAssembly fail to build on fresh Uno Platform template - .net-core

When I attempt to build and run my Uno WebAssembly on Ubuntu 20.04, it fails. The error cites a file or directory that doesn't exist.
Steps to reproduce:
Open Ubuntu 20.04 platform
Install .NET Core SDK 3.1.403
Follow the "Getting Started on VSCode" tutorial here
When you attempt to start the app with the .NET Core Launch configuration, note that the build fails.
Error Details:
/home/<user>/.nuget/packages/uno.wasm.bootstrap/1.3.4/build/Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap.targets(126,2): error : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): No such file or directory [/home/<user>/Projects/uapp/uapp.Wasm/uapp.Wasm.csproj]
What I've tried
My knowledge of Uno Platform is approximately 1 day old. I'm not sure I understand enough about it to even know what to try, but I have done these things:
Run dotnet run from within the uapp.Skia.Gtk, which successfully opened the window I expected to see.
Run dotnet run from within uapp.Wasm, which resulted in the error described above.
Look on the documentation for clues on why the file might not be found on a fresh template that's not been modified (I could not find anything)
What should I be doing differently to get the Web Assembly to build and display the app correctly?
EDIT: The file in the error does exist, precisely in the path in the error.

You're hitting an error that may happen when building with some native components, like SQLite or Skia.
To fix this, you'll need to execute the dotnet-setup.sh installation script which is not yet run automatically.
This script installs .NET Core, mono and ninja, on ubuntu-alike systems.


dump_sys.exe google breakpad for mingw not working

I am trying to integrate google breakpad with my qt application in order to generate the dump file. this is working fine. dump file is getting generated whenever application is crashing but next step is to generate the symbol file for that exe.
to accomplish this dump_sys.exe is provided by the google breakpad, but whenver I am running that dump_sys.exe. I am getting the following error.
CoCreateInstance CLSID_DiaSource {4C41678E-887B-4365-A09E-925D28DB33C2} failed (msdia*.dll unregistered?)
I tried to install visual studio 2013 and registered all the needed msdia*.dll but still getting the same error. Please tell me how to resolve this. I am stuck at this from quite a time now.

Dotnet CLI command fails to run DLL

This is probably something stupid I'm overlooking, but suddenly the dotnet CLI command fails to run my .Net Core Project DLL (>dotnet MyFrameworkDependent.dll). It runs fine locally but just doesn't do anything on the VM which is Win7Pro. I reinstalled .Net Core and 'dotnet' utility is there as I can run it with -help and other stuff in the admin command prompt. It just wouldn't do anything when I pass my DLL. It used to run with the previous version, but now - nothing! Not even any error or feedback. Any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this? Any clues are greatly appreciated!
Windows Event viewer may contain either of these errors
This issue may occur if another program has not completed installing and a system reboot is required.
To resolve this issue, delete the strings, if any, in the PendingFileRenameOperations and FileRenameOperations registry keys.
Turned out there was some kinda problem with directory contents. I was able to run the DLL within the publish directory. I don't have time at the moment to investigate further, but if I get to it, I'll post details.

Codelite Sample code Executable

I am just started exploring codelite. I have written a sample program hello.c to create a window and it will display "Hello World". Executable hello.exe is available under Debug directory. When i execute that from my system its working fine.
I have copied the hello.exe to my other system and tried to execute from there and i got error message "The Application was unable to start correctly. Clock OK to close the application".
Is it not possible to run the executable created in one PC to other PC? Do i need to any specific option during compilation?
Also i have installed MingW 64 bit and GTK 3.6.4 in the PC.
You are missing some information in your report, for example: when the error dialog was shown, did it say which error code or why it failed to launch?
Did you try using dependency walker to check whether you are missing some DLLs that exist on your computer but not on the other PC?
If you are building using a MinGW-64, then try to use dependency walker for 64 bit applications to see which DLLs are missing

Qt program does not run and exits immediately when run on another computer

I want to deploy my QT program and I can't find the reason it doesn't work, maybe you guys can help me ?
I work with visual studio 2010, windows 7, QT 5.0.2.
I have tested my deployment tree on my own computer and it works fine.
When deploying my application I ship every necessary dll that I am aware of. Depends.exe does not complain. I also deployed the plugin I know of, and since it still did not work I moved my entire plugin folder in the exe folder.
When I execute it on any other computer than my development computer, the program exits instantaneously with no message whatsoever.
Any idea where I should look now ?
How can I debug that kind of issue ?
Did you try deploying the debug version of the program and then starting it from the command line. The debug version will output more information to the console which could help you resolve the issue.
You will have to also deploy the debug versions of the MS c-runtime libraries.
Deploying the debug version is not a permanent solution, so you should not adopt that as normal routine for distributing your software. I am just suggesting that you try running the debug version one time on that particular machine until you figure out the issue. Then remove the installed program and install the release version again.
You can run your application using QtCreator:
Debug > Start Debugging > Start and Debug External Application...
This can give you more information about what's going on.

SQLite deployment fails unable to locate system.data.sqlite.dll vb.net

Hoping that I do this corectly.
I am having the above issue. My development machine is win7 64. Im developing x86 application,(x86 set in compile options). I have downloaded sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010- as my app will be on .net4. I have referenced the above dll, set it to copy local. Can confirm that its in the deployed dirrectory. Tests OK on development machine both as a debug and a fully instaled app. When I put the app on a separate win 7 64bit it wount run due to the Dll. It installs ok into ProgramFiles(x86) and runs untill the database is required. The dll is in the instaled dirrectory when instaled on the other PC. (fresh win instal).
I am using InstalShield and it is also telling me about an error ' -6248: Could not find dependent file system.data.sqlite.dll, or one of its dependencies of component' but it compiles OK.
Im stearing at the Dll in the program , in the references, the intelisence picksup the SQLite name and all the code is right. I have referenced by browse and then finding the dll.
What on earth could I be doing wrong ?
This has had so many views that I decided to answer this so as to help others.
The problem isnt a big deal once you know what it is, despite the error message that sends you almost in the wrong dirrection. The problem isnt the DLL, its one of its dependancies. Basicaly you have to install C++ distributable file on the client machine , even if you are using VB.net. I cant take credit for the find, it comes from here http://justanothersoftwareengineer.blogspot.com.au/2011/08/how-to-make-systemdatasqlitedll-work-on.html.
