Scilab unwrap function - scilab

p(1)= 0.
p(2)= 0.6771057
p(3)= 0.8277359
p(4)= 1.3828832
p(5)= 1.7971431
p(6)= 2.1882188
p(7)= 2.6911235
p(8)= 3.1073485
gives a wrong result. -2*pi has been subtracted to p(2). That's not correct.
q =

I think there is a bug in the lastest version of unwrap. You can edit its source
--> edit unwrap
and comment out line 102:
//wh = abs(ju)>5*abs(avL)
Then exec unwrap.sci in the editor to update its definition. After this fix unwrap seems to work fine on your example:
p(1)= 0.
p(2)= 0.6771057
p(3)= 0.8277359
p(4)= 1.3828832
p(5)= 1.7971431
p(6)= 2.1882188
p(7)= 2.6911235
p(8)= 3.1073485


Using audio_play_sound() in a if statement GameMaker

I am trying to use the command:
I am trying to insert it into this piece of code, so that when the player jumps, a sound plays.
if (key_jump) && (jumps > 0)
jumps -=1;
vsp = -jumpspeed;
Code that causes problem:
if (key_jump) && (jumps > 0)
jumps -=1;
vsp = -jumpspeed;
Simply inserting the line into the if statement does not work, and gives the error WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS IN FUNCTION. This is rather confusing, perhaps I am using the wrong command? Thanks in advance
The problem is stated in the error, you're providing the wrong number of arguments to the audo_play_sound function.
from the docs
audio_play_sound(index, priority, loop);
As the person above states your answer is audio_play_sound(snd_jump, 1, false).

How does the assignment part work in the following line of code in Angular2?

I am learning from the project angular2-rxjs-chat application ong github. In the code here there is a line of code given below:
threads[] = threads[] ||
where threads has earlier been defined on line 29 in the code as shown below:
let threads: {[key: string]: Thread} = {};
The comments in the code states that "store the message's thread in our acuuculator 'threads'. I need a little bit explanation of how does the assignment works on line 31 as on both sides of the assignment operator we have the same thing i.e., threads[]. If the statement on line 31 was like
(threads[] = message.thread;)
then I would explain it as a value is being assigned to a key in the map "threads". But I don't understand the full line.
This means if threads[] already has a value then keep it, otherwise set the value to meassage.thread.
If the part before || evaluates to a value that is truthy (not null, undefined, false, ...)then the part after||is not evaluated and the result from the part before||is returned otherwise the result from the expression after||` is returned.
You could also write it as
if(!threads[]) {
threads[] = message.thread;

Why does the "command" directly open and not when clicked on Button? Python 3

I pretty new in this whole Python thing and my question is how to make, that a button runs the command, when clicking it and not before.
I searched much in the Internet but i didnt find anything.
I dont understand the classes at all. Is there no other way to do this?
Here is my work, i did on the programm.
Thanks for your help
from tkinter import *
import os
t = ""
def ordner(x):
print ("def")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join("/Kunden/",x)) == True:
def E1holen():
x = E1.get()
#Inhalt Hauptfenster
L1 = Label(main, text="Kundenname:")
L1.pack(side = LEFT)
E1 = Entry(main, bd =5, textvariable=t)
E1.pack(side = RIGHT)
a = Button (main, text=("erstellen/bearbeiten"), command=E1holen()).pack()
It runs immediately ecause you tell it to.
What is the syntax for calling a function in Python? It's foo(), right? So, when you do command=E1holen(), what should python do? It should call E1holen(), and then pass the result to the command attribute.
Put another way, the command attribute takes a reference to a function, but because of the () you were calling the function and giving the command attribute whatever that function returned. The solution? Remove the ():
a = Button(..., command=E1holen)

how to increase the limit for max.print in R

I am using the Graph package in R for maxclique analysis of 5461 items.
The final output item which I get is very long, so I am getting the following warning:
reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 475569 rows
Can somebody please provide me the pointers with how to increase the limit
for max.print.
Use the options command, e.g. options(max.print=1000000).
See ?options:
‘max.print’: integer, defaulting to ‘99999’. ‘print’ or ‘show’
methods can make use of this option, to limit the amount of
information that is printed, to something in the order of
(and typically slightly less than) ‘max.print’ _entries_.
See ?options:
You can use the options command to change the max.print value for the value limit you want to reach. For example:
options(max.print = 1000000)
There you can change the value of the max.print in R.
set the function options(max.print=10000) in top of your program. since you want intialize this before it works. It is working for me.
I fixed it just now. But it looks busty. Anyone make it simple please?
def list_by_tag_post(request):
# get POST
all_tag = request.POST.getlist('tag_list')
arr_query = list(all_tag)
for index in range(len(all_tag)):
tag_result = Tag.objects.get(id=all_tag[index])
all_english_text = tag_result.notes.all().values('english_text', 'id')
arr_query[index] = all_english_text
for index in range(len(arr_query)):
all_english_text = all_english_text | arr_query[index]
# Remove replicated items
all_english_text = all_english_text.order_by('id').distinct()
# render
context = {'all_english_text': all_english_text, 'all_tag': all_tag}
return render(request, 'list_by_tag.html', context)

UDK "Error, 'DefaultMesh': Bad command or expression"

I'm porting UT3 code to UDK, and I am getting the following compile error with the UDK compiler:
C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZPawn.uc(25) : Error, 'DefaultMesh': Bad command or expression
The ZPawn class extends UTPawn.
Line 25 is the following:
DefaultMesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(ZBotOwner(Owner).MeshToUse, class'SkeletalMesh'));
Where did DefaultMesh go in UDK?
The SkeletalMesh is part of the Mesh Component in a Pawn:
Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent name=Mesh01
AnimSets(0) =AnimSet'pawnPackage.Anims.myAnimSet'
End Object
Well just to be clear, the line change you will want will be this:
Mesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(ZBotOwner(Owner).MeshToUse, class'SkeletalMesh'));
Assuming of course your ZBot is all set up correctly.
Also I'm assumign that this is in default properties? Don't forget to add it to your components
