How reliable is FLORIS to calculate downstream turbine turbulence intensity? - floris

I'm using FLORIS to obtain individual turbine wind speed and wind turbulence intensity in a wind farm. At first I tried with FAST.Farm but due to the limited amount of wind turbines I had to change to FLORIS. The main difference that I'm seeing with a row of turbines is that in FAST.Farm the turbulence intensity changes from the first turbine upwind to the ones behind, but keeps a constant (more or less) turbulence intensity in the rest of turbines, whereas in FLORIS turbulence intesity increases from one turbine to the next one.
For example, in a row of 9 turbines, if I have a 10% turbulence intensity (lets call it TI) in the 1st turbine the 2nd could have around 25% TI, and the ones behind this would have similar TI values. In the case of FLORIS 1st turbine TI is 10%, 2nd turbine TI is 25%, 3rd turbine TI is 35%, 4th turbine TI is 45%...
In some cases almost reached a 100% TI for the last turbine.
FAST.Farm case seems more logical to me so why does FLORIS do that? Am I introducing any input parameter wrong?
I'm using the next values for Crespo-Hernandez parameters in FLORIS: = 0.0325 = 0.73 = 0.8325 = -0.32
for the following range of parameters 5 < x/D < 15, 0.07 < I, < 0.014 and 0.1 < a < 0.4

In the latest version of FLORIS we've re-tuned the Crespo-Hernandez model parameters to the set of LES data we have accumulated. The current default values are:
default_parameters = {
"initial": 0.1,
"constant": 0.37,
"ai": 0.8,
"downstream": -0.275,
There is alternatively provided the Ishihara-Qian model from:
Ishihara, T., & Qian, G. (2018). A new Gaussian-based analytical wake model for wind turbines considering ambient turbulence intensities and thrust coefficient effects. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 177(August 2017), 275–292.


R How to sample from an interrupted upside down bell curve

I've asked a related question before which successfully received an answer. Now I want to sample values from an upside down bell curve but exclude a range of values that fall in the middle of it like shown on the picture below:
I have this code currently working:
min <- 1
max <- 20
q <- min + (max-min)*rbeta(10000, 0.5, 0.5)
How may I adapt it to achieve the desired output?
Say you want a sample of 10,000 from your distribution but don't want any numbers between 5 and 15 in your sample. Why not just do:
q <- min + (max-min)*rbeta(50000, 0.5, 0.5);
q <- q[!(q > 5 & q < 15)][1:10000]
Which gives you this:
But still has the correct size:
#> [1] 10000
An "upside-down bell curve" compared to the normal distribution, with the exclusion of a certain interval, can be sampled using the following algorithm. I write it in pseudocode because I'm not familiar with R. I adapted it from another answer I just posted.
Notice that this sampler samples in a truncated interval (here, the interval [x0, x1], with the exclusion of [x2, x3]) because it's not possible for an upside-down bell curve extended to infinity to integrate to 1 (which is one of the requirements for a probability density).
In the pseudocode, RNDU01() is a uniform(0, 1) random number.
x0pdf = 1-exp(-(x0*x0))
x1pdf = 1-exp(-(x1*x1))
ymax = max(x0pdf, x1pdf)
while true
# Choose a random x-coordinate
# Choose a random y-coordinate
# Return x if y falls within PDF
if (x<x2 or x>x3) and y < 1-exp(-(x*x)): return x

Error when using the Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate in R after Wilcoxon Rank

I have carried out a Wilcoxon rank sum test to see if there is any significant difference between the expression of 598019 genes between three disease samples vs three control samples. I am in R.
When I see how many genes have a p value < 0.05, I get 41913 altogether. I set the parameters of the Wilcoxon as follows;
wilcox.test(currRow[4:6], currRow[1:3], paired=F, alternative="two.sided", exact=F, correct=F)$p.value
(This is within an apply function, and I can provide my total code if necessary, I was a little unsure as to whether alternative="two.sided" was correct).
However, as I assume correcting for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini Hochberg False Discovery rate would lower this number, I then adjusted the p values via the following code
pvaluesadjust1 <- p.adjust(pvalues_genes, method="BH")
Re-assessing which p values are less than 0.05 via the below code, I get 0!
p_thresh1 <- 0.05
names(pvaluesadjust1) <- rownames(gene_analysis1)
output <- names(pvaluesadjust1)[pvaluesadjust1 < p_thresh1]
I would be grateful if anybody could please explain, or direct me to somewhere which can help me understand what is going on!
(As an extra question, would a t-test be fine due to the size of the data, the Anderson-Darling test showed that the underlying data is not normal. I had far less genes which were less than 0.05 using this statistical test rather than Wilcoxon (around 2000).
Wilcoxon is a parametric test based on ranks. If you have only 6 samples, the best result you can get is rank 2,2,2 in disease versus 5,5,5 in control, or vice-versa.
For example, try the parameters you used in your test, on these random values below, and you that you get the same p.value 0.02534732.
wilcox.test(c(100,100,100),c(1,1,1),exact=F, correct=F)$p.value
wilcox.test(c(5,5,5),c(15,15,15),exact=F, correct=F)$p.value
So yes, with 598019 you can get 41913 < 0.05, these p-values are not low enough and with FDR adjustment, none will ever pass.
You are using the wrong test. To answer your second question, a t.test does not work so well because you don't have enough samples to estimate the standard deviation correctly. Below I show you an example using DESeq2 to find differential genes
# remove spikeins
zfGenes = zfGenes[-grep("^ERCC", rownames(zfGenes)),]
Ctl1 Ctl3 Ctl5 Trt9 Trt11 Trt13
ENSDARG00000000001 304 129 339 102 16 617
ENSDARG00000000002 605 637 406 82 230 1245
First three are controls, last three are treatment, like your dataset. To validate what I have said before, you can see that if you do a wilcoxon.test, the minimum value is 0.02534732
all_pvalues = apply(zfGenes,1,function(i){
wilcox.test(i[1:3],i[4:6],exact=F, correct=F)$p.value
# returns 0.02534732
So we proceed with DESeq2
#create a data.frame to annotate your samples
DF = data.frame(id=colnames(zfGenes),type=rep(c("ctrl","treat"),each=3))
# run DESeq2
dds = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(zfGenes,DF,~type)
dds = DESeq(dds)
out of 25839 with nonzero total read count
adjusted p-value < 0.05
LFC > 0 (up) : 69, 0.27%
LFC < 0 (down) : 47, 0.18%
outliers [1] : 1270, 4.9%
low counts [2] : 5930, 23%
(mean count < 7)
[1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
[2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
So you do get hits which pass the FDR cutoff. Lastly we can pull out list of significant genes
res = results(dds)
res[which(res$padj < 0.05),]

Watson-Williams Test in R Circular

I'm using the circular package for R to do some Watson-Williams tests for homogeneity of simulated data sets. The test checks the assumption that the parameter of concentration is high (Batchelet's 1981 book Circular Statistics in Biology describes the assumption as K>2).
My problem is that I'm getting a warning that my "Global concentration parameter" is less than 2, even if my simulated data has K>2.
What is the Global concentration parameter, and how does this differ from K?
Here is my code:
#create 1st directional angles
angles1<- deg(rvm(200, 90, 3)) #n=200, mean angle = 90 degrees, K = 3
#create 2nd directional angles
angles2<- deg(rvm(200, 90, 3))
and here is the warning:
Warning message: In watson.williams.test.default(x, group) : Global concentration parameter: 0.151 < 2. The test is probably not applicable

Draw random numbers from distribution within a certain range

I want to draw a number of random variables from a series of distributions. However, the values returned have to be no higher than a certain threshold.
Let’s say I want to use the gamma distribution and the threshold is 10 and I need n=100 random numbers. I now want 100 random number between 0 and 10. (Say scale and shape are 1.)
Getting 100 random variables is obviously easy...
rgamma(100, shape = 1, rate = 1)
But how can I accomplish that these values range from 0 to 100?
To make my question clearer. The 100 values drawn should be scaled beween 0 and 10. So that the highest drawn value is 10 and the lowest 0. Sorry if this was not clear...
To add some context to the random numbers I need: I want to draw "system repair times" that follow certain distributions. However, within the system simulation there is a binomial probability of repairs beeing "simple" (i.e. short repair time) and "complicated" (i.e. long repair time). I now need a function that provides "short repair times" and one that provides "long repair times". The threshold would be the differentiation between short and long repair times. Again, I hope this makes my question a little clearer.
This is not possible with a gamma distribution.
The support of a distribution determine the range of sample data drawn from it.
As the support of the gamma distribution is (0,inf) this is not possible.(see
If you really want to have a gamma distribution take a rejection sampling approach as Alex Reynolds suggests.
Otherwise look for a distribution with a bounded/finite support (see
e.g. uniform or binomial
Well, fill vector with rejection, untested code
v <- rep(-1.0, 100)
k <- 1
while (TRUE) {
q <- rgamma(1, shape=1, rate=1)
if (q > 0.0 && q < 100) {
v[k] <- q
if (k>100)
I'm not sure you can keep the properties of the original distribution, imposing additional conditions... But something like this will do the job:
Filter(function(x) x < 10, rgamma(1000,1,1))[1:100]
For the scaling - beware, the outcome will not follow the original distribution (but there's no way to do it, as the other answers pointed out):
# rescale numeric vector into (0, 1) interval
# clip everything outside the range
rescale <- function(vec, lims=range(vec), clip=c(0, 1)) {
# find the coeficients of transforming linear equation
# that maps the lims range to (0, 1)
slope <- (1 - 0) / (lims[2] - lims[1])
intercept <- - slope * lims[1]
xformed <- slope * vec + intercept
# do the clipping
xformed[xformed < 0] <- clip[1]
xformed[xformed > 1] <- clip[2]
# this is the requested data
10 * rescale(rgamma(100,1,1))
Use truncdist package. It truncates any distribution between upper and lower bounds.
Hope that helped.

Statistical inefficiency (block-averages)

I have a series of data, these are obtained through a molecular dynamics simulation, and therefore are sequential in time and correlated to some extent. I can calculate the mean as the average of the data, I want to estimate the the error associated to mean calculated in this way.
According to this book I need to calculate the "statistical inefficiency", or roughly the correlation time for the data in the series. For this I have to divide the series in blocks of varying length and, for each block length (t_b), the variance of the block averages (v_b). Then, if the variance of the whole series is v_a (that is, v_b when t_b=1), I have to obtain the limit, as t_b tends to infinity, of (t_b*v_b/v_a), and that is the inefficiency s.
Then the error in the mean is sqrt(v_a*s/N), where N is the total number of points. So, this means that only one every s points is uncorrelated.
I assume this can be done with R, and maybe there's some package that does it already, but I'm new to R. Can anyone tell me how to do it? I have already found out how to read the data series and calculate the mean and variance.
A data sample, as requested:
# t(ps) dH/dl(kJ/mol)
0.0000 582.228
0.0100 564.735
0.0200 569.055
0.0300 549.917
0.0400 546.697
0.0500 548.909
0.0600 567.297
0.0700 638.917
0.0800 707.283
0.0900 703.356
0.1000 685.474
0.1100 678.07
0.1200 687.718
0.1300 656.729
0.1400 628.763
0.1500 660.771
0.1600 663.446
0.1700 637.967
0.1800 615.503
0.1900 605.887
0.2000 618.627
0.2100 587.309
0.2200 458.355
0.2300 459.002
0.2400 577.784
0.2500 545.657
0.2600 478.857
0.2700 533.303
0.2800 576.064
0.2900 558.402
0.3000 548.072
... and this goes on until 500 ps. Of course, the data I need to analyze is the second column.
Suppose x is holding the sequence of data (e.g., data from your second column).
v = var(x)
m = mean(x)
n = length(x)
si = c()
for (t in seq(2, 1000)) {
nblocks = floor(n/t)
xg = split(x[1:(nblocks*t)], factor(rep(1:nblocks, rep(t, nblocks))))
v2 = sum((sapply(xg, mean) - m)**2)/nblocks
#v rather than v1
si = c(si, t*v2/v)
Below image is what I got from some of my time series data. You have your lower limit of t_b when the curve of si becomes approximately flat (slope = 0). See as well.
There are a couple different ways to calculate the statistical inefficiency, or integrated autocorrelation time. The easiest, in R, is with the CODA package. They have a function, effectiveSize, which gives you the effective sample size, which is the total number of samples divided by the statistical inefficiency. The asymptotic estimator for the standard deviation in the mean is sd(x)/sqrt(effectiveSize(x)).
n_eff = effectiveSize(x)
Well it's never too late to contribute to a question, isn't it?
As I'm doing some molecular simulation myself, I did step uppon this problem but did not see this thread already. I found out that the method actually proposed by Allen & Tildesley seems a bit out dated compared to modern error analysis methods. The rest of the book is good enought to worth the look though.
While Sunhwan Jo's answer is correct concerning block averages method,concerning error analysis you can find other methods like the jacknife and bootstrap methods (closely related to one another) here:
In short, with the bootstrap method, you can make series of random artificial samples from your data and calculate the value you want on your new sample. I wrote a short piece of Python code to work some data out (don't forget to import numpy or the functions I used):
def Bootstrap(data):
B = 100 # arbitraty number of artificial samplings
es = 0.
means = numpy.zeros(B)
sizeB = data.shape[0]/4 # (assuming you pass a numpy array)
# arbitrary bin-size proportional to the one of your
# sampling.
for n in range(B):
for i in range(sizeB):
# if data is multi-column array you may have to add the one you use
# specifically in randint, else it will give you a one dimension array.
# Check the doc.
means[n] = means[n] + data[numpy.random.randint(0,high=data.shape[0])] # Assuming your desired value is the mean of the values
# Any calculation is ok.
means[n] = means[n]/sizeB
es = numpy.std(means,ddof = 1)
return es
I know it can be upgraded but it's a first shot. With your data, I get the following:
Mean = 594.84368
Std = 66.48475
Statistical error = 9.99105
I hope this helps anyone stumbling across this problem in statistical analysis of data. If I'm wrong or anything else (first post and I'm no mathematician), any correction is welcomed.
