I have developed and published a wordpress website and I used a nulled theme (Business Lounge). After publish it into google suddenly I noticed there are pop up advertisements and push notifications are showing. I can Inspect the advertisement element. But I can't locate the source code from wp files. please help me to locate and delete the advertisement pop ups. also really appreciate if anyone can tell me how to figure out the push notifications code to modify/disable.
enter image description here
It's very bad idea to use nulled thems and plugins, and this issue you have is one of the reasons why.
But if you insist, you can use php malware scanner :
NB : this tool may report some false positives, so you gonna have to be sure that the code is really a malware before you remove it
Today, our google ads rejected due to macilious software issue. we have investgated this problem in details.
we have checked the follow at our end:
we have check thorughly all website code
we have already scan our website using "malware scanner"
we have checked the website maleware scanner for virus total.
we have checked our database
the time-stamp of all pages are not change in recent time
occasionally a pop-up appears at the bottom of the webpage. the screenshot is attached to this message.
i have tried eveything to run my google ads but it always rejected due to the "Malicious Software". I am looking for the solution!!
Any help would be appreciated. thanks
Well, if the popup is appearing on your webpage, then you didn't find the malicious code someone has placed (if it was even there, as I looked at your page and didn't find anything).
Remember that malicious code can also be placed in the header of your html file (If attacker got access to your server).
It can also be the result of an XSS vulnerability, which is a more likely behavior.
I couldn't replicate the bug on your website, so I can't give further info. I can only relay on your images.
So I am trying to customize my already running website via custom code
for better user experience etc.
I see a lot of people developing for WordPress via the code editor
and I simply can't find any information on how I can access my website
via a code editor and customize it with customer HTML, CSS, and javascript (or react.js)
and of course, PHP if necessary.
Could anyone please help me where I can find that information?
I would be very grateful!
Not sure exactly what you are looking for, but I go to CPanel on my host and open File Manager. Scroll down to the public_html folder and the web site below that. Select a PHP file and click Edit. Beware, though, that updating the theme will wipe out any changes when taking this approach.
I love to do some "on the go" coding in the wordpress backend in my spare time.
The situation:
When editing theme or plugin files in the theme editor or plugin editor on my mobile device (android), whenever I try to type on a new line in the file, the character gets automatically "backspaced".
The editor does work when editing existing lines of code, or copy and pasting it in.
When using a bluetooth keyboard the editor works fine too.
There doesn't seem to be any jquery related errors either.
Does anyone know the root of this problem?
I would advise you to report this as a bug, WordPress is open source. Bugs will be handled by priority by many volunteers.
You can read more about submitting a bug and what you need to yourself when submitting one.
See: https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/testing/reporting-bugs/
Make sure to read the page thoroughly before submitting a "bug".
My site's name is akiveb and i am a designer. Whenever i try to share my sites link on social networking or whattsapp. A wierd javascript code shows alongside
I tried searching for a solution and till now all I can manage is that it can be a malicious attack
Thank you to whoever choses to help
I am using WordPress to build my website and I'm using PayPal API for payment through a plugin called Paid Membership Pro (http://www.paidmembershipspro.com/homepage/).
The problem occurs when I fill the form, add credit card number and click on submit to do the payment.
A new blank (white) page comes up with nothing inside of it. Since there is no coding involved I was not able to do any bug fixing. Also could not find any similar issue on stackoverflow.
Could you please share your experience if you have had the same issue or if you have any suggestion?
If you're getting a blank white page that means a PHP error is happening but you don't have error display enabled on your server.
Open your wp-config.php and set WP_DEBUG to true. If it's not in there just add it.
Then when you go through that process you should see actual errors displayed on the screen so you can see what's wrong and get it fixed.