How to add Nametags to a Multi-user WebVR in A-frame - aframe

I'm building a multi-user experience in A-frame, I'm very new to coding and A-frame, so I started the project remixing the networked audio ( and using it as base to build the environment. I wanted to add nametags to each user as well, so seeing that this ( has most of the same code than the audio project, I tried taking the avatar template and script parts missing and pasting it in my code. It doesn't work, but even if I remix the naf-nametags project and add a simple cube to the scene, it stops working. I tried for a couple days to understand why, by I don't seem to find the answer.
Sorry if it's the stupidest question ever, any help is greatly appreciated!


Plasmoid won't attach to desktop

Trying to learn the fine art of Plasma5 (specifically 5.12) plasmoid development. I'm aspiring to be a minor KDE documentation contributor.
It's a simple plasmoid that pops open when clicked and displays a message. It runs fine inside of plasmoidviewer and "compiles" correctly with kpackagetool5. It shows up in the panel of available widgets, but I can't drag it to my desktop. I've put the (extremely simple) source up on Github; hopefully someone's willing to take a look.
Thanks a lot. I'm trying to document as I learn. But I've clearly got a lot to learn.
After studying a few existing (and working plasmoids), I found a few differences in the metadata.desktop file. These differ from what's shown in the existing tutorial.
The most important change appears to be the line X-KDE-Library entry. I removed it, and everything works. I'm not sure what it's for - I presume loading some external library - but without it, we're happy hackers again.
So there you go. I hope my discovery will help someone else.

Trying to Get Started with Bourbon/SASS (& How to Compile in Adobe Brackets)

Apologies for my daftness here, but trying to start a new design workflow and having a hard time wrapping my head around a few basic concepts.
I know that I want to join the party late and begin utilizing preprocessing in my development. After a lot of deliberation, I've also decided that I want to use Bourbon/Neat as the basic framework (as opposed to Bootstrap, etc.). Lastly, I've also decided to move over to Adobe Brackets after years of using Komodo Edit as my basic editor.
That said, I'm struggling to figure out how to get the damn thing to work. I've installed the SASS plugin for Brackets, but how exactly do I get Bourbon installed, get to work and start compiling. I've been reading articles, but feel like there's something about the process that I'm just not comprehending. If anyone can lend some thoughtful advice, it would be MUCH appreciated!
Do not bother with plugin, just follow framework guide (1. install it using ruby/node/whatever 2. run framework file watcher, it will compile sass css on save).
If you want to stick with plugin, then explore author's repo, it contains an example.

Tutorials for Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms - get device location

I am looking for instructions on using Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms? I am especially interested in how to get the device's current location. I know that there is sample code here,, that showcases everything that you can do with the library, the only problem being it is way too complicated for a newbie to understand, and there are no comments
Links to any comprehensive tutes or sample code with comments would be appreciated. I have searched but have not come up with anything good.
There are a good set of examples for learning Xamarin.Forms with some descriptions at the following link
With Xamarin.Forms being rather new you will have to search around for good snippets etc however.
There are a number of projects for Xamarin.Forms in Try to looking at the following two for easier to understand short examples in Xamarin.Forms:-
The examples are short enough that should help you to learn from them.
There is a specific map related example at the following that also shows your current location on a map that you may like to look at further also:-
Run the applications, make small modifications and experiment - a great way to learning.
Have fun!
If you want to find out a users location via shared code, look at the Geolocator plugin from the component store. super easy to use

developing plugin for eclipse

Anybody out there who had developed plugins for eclipse?
I am using eclipse for last 4-5 years and am just thinking about developing some plugins for eclipse. I dont know anything about that, like how its written and all. If someone who has experience on this can show light over that, it would be great. Some really good tutorials or links or any useful articles will do.
this might help you have a look
and for breif you can go here too
Here is one more tutorial:
You can start from creating a sample eclipse plugin project. You could also use their plugin-spy (Alt-Shift-F1) to gain insight into any screen. You can start from your first plugin.
Also have a look at the sample code that is generated by creating a new project using the various plug-in wizards.

Does anyone use Silverlight.FX with Silverlight 3?

I started looking at Silverlight.FX by Nikhil Kothari to replace Prism/Unity with our Silverlight 3 project.
So far I like the code layout and structure. It looks well thought out.
But I can't get a lot of the samples working due to a System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException. Anyone else seeing this? Should I not be using this framework with Silverlight 3?
I'm using the framework with Silverlight 3 without issue. Referencing the pre-built dlls works for my project but I haven't tried compiling the source myself. Have you tried using the dlls?
After some heavy debugging this error is coming because some of the class names that Nikhil used I believe are now in Silverlight 3 beta 1. In the TaskList example the ListView's DataTemplate has a HoverEffect
<fxeffects:ColorFill FillColor="#406795D1" Duration="0:0:0.25"/>
This is the one causing all the problems I saw. Removing this took away the AmbiguousMatchException.
Well, that is avoiding the problem, not solving it. It looks like the problem is much deeper, and anything that uses classes that derive from the Effect base class is broken. That makes the use of Silverlight FX pretty boring.
I have tried to use the lib in the past, and had issues with it. While Nikhil Kothari is amazing in the things he has worked on, and his technical abilities, I find that he is not so responsive to solving issues (BTW, someone already posted this problem on his blog, without his response). I do not want this to sound like a knock on Nikhil, it is just something you need to consider when using open source for real-world projects.
I sure hope someone can figure out what the deal is with those classes, I have spent many hours debugging, without solving the issue.
I tried the Amazon Store sample and the TaskList sample using the latest version of the library (3.1 built against SL3), and samples seem to work fine, including the ColorFill effect.
I did rename the Effect class to AnimationEffect which you'd need to avoid the ambiguous API compile error you'd see if you tried to recompile the sources... but precompiled binaries would have been fine. Not sure I see why you'd get a runtime reflection issue however.
Sorry, I know it can be frustrating to not see a response/fix immediately, but theres just too many things going on esp. before a release. My hope is having the source around at least enables you to debug into/break into so at least one is not completely blocked. Yes, I realize its suboptimal, but at the same time it is the reality, as Noam pointed out... :-(
