Plasmoid won't attach to desktop - plasmoid

Trying to learn the fine art of Plasma5 (specifically 5.12) plasmoid development. I'm aspiring to be a minor KDE documentation contributor.
It's a simple plasmoid that pops open when clicked and displays a message. It runs fine inside of plasmoidviewer and "compiles" correctly with kpackagetool5. It shows up in the panel of available widgets, but I can't drag it to my desktop. I've put the (extremely simple) source up on Github; hopefully someone's willing to take a look.
Thanks a lot. I'm trying to document as I learn. But I've clearly got a lot to learn.

After studying a few existing (and working plasmoids), I found a few differences in the metadata.desktop file. These differ from what's shown in the existing tutorial.
The most important change appears to be the line X-KDE-Library entry. I removed it, and everything works. I'm not sure what it's for - I presume loading some external library - but without it, we're happy hackers again.
So there you go. I hope my discovery will help someone else.


How to add Nametags to a Multi-user WebVR in A-frame

I'm building a multi-user experience in A-frame, I'm very new to coding and A-frame, so I started the project remixing the networked audio ( and using it as base to build the environment. I wanted to add nametags to each user as well, so seeing that this ( has most of the same code than the audio project, I tried taking the avatar template and script parts missing and pasting it in my code. It doesn't work, but even if I remix the naf-nametags project and add a simple cube to the scene, it stops working. I tried for a couple days to understand why, by I don't seem to find the answer.
Sorry if it's the stupidest question ever, any help is greatly appreciated!

Grails: Images / CSS missing from time to time

While developing a website I experience a weird bug.
From time to time my images or my css are missing.
It's not really predictable and therefore not reproducible.
Usually it happens after I edit my css, save it and reload the page (in the browser).
It's always syntactical correct CSS, so no compilation erros or anything similar.
I think it's the way Grails updates the running application, but I really can't say why or where it happens as it is quite rarely, but definitely annoying.
It doesn't matter if I run the application with my IDE (IntelliJ 9.0.4) or with the commandline (Windows).
The only thing I did not test so far is whether it happens only when I use the IDE or not.
Did anyone experience this?
Sorry for an unclear description:
"missing" means the browser is unable to load the corresponding ressource: "The Ressource () is not available"
Another Edit:
Thanks for the comments so far.
In addition to my main css-file and my images, which change quite frequently, my reset-css-file disappeared. I never touched it since creation, so I think one can exclude the compilation-script as cause of this mess. (further info in the comments)
Like John Smith I arrived here googling for this problem.
But I found another solution, and i hope that it helps you too.
I googled a little bit more and found this discussion Disabling static resource stuff, here i found a contributor of grails application, and author of Resources Plugin, Mark Palmer (take a look his website), telling what he is doing and answering the questions about this plugin.
Today, all you need to do is to update the Resources Plugin to version 1.2-RC1 or a recent one that will fix this problem.
When you say missing, do you mean that the changes are missing, or the whole stylesheet is missing? If it is just your latest changes, it is possible that your browser is caching the previous css file and isn't getting the latest changes. Try doing a "hard refresh" with something like CTRL+F5, or whatever hard refresh is in the browser that you are using. This will force a pull of the latest resources.
Really old question.. but for anybody googling this - I had similar issues with my CSS because of Windows file format on the Linux systems. Once I changed the format to unix, I still had to restart the server for the css to download. Note that somehow the css were downloading earlier although the format was windows and the issue was intermittent.

Plone and

I am trying to use plone 4 with deco, using this buildout:
It seems to work, but when I add the new page element nothing special happens. (No
Anyone knows what is happening? or know a way of making it work with plone 4?
Deco is still experimental as of this writing, and shouldn't be used in production just yet.
Steps to get it working (what's currently working, that is) can be found in the install docs:
As far as i am aware, there has recently been a refactoring leaving the Deco UI editor not in a workable state. It shouldn't be a lot of work to repair, but it would be best if one of the core developers would do it.
Your best bet is probably asking on the list to make someone do a small development push.

Should I use Xcode 4? How to get started? Aproach it?

I have been struggling with Xcode 3, and decided to jump directly to Xcode 4.
However, a big problem is that there is very little support like articles, videos, and projects I can use as templates.
Does there exist support like this at all?
Can I use Xcode 3 projects as templates?
Would it be easy to work from Xcode 3 tutorials?
I have now been using it for one day. Some things in the interface designer are quite different. For example, I can't get to subviews in the tab bar control (but mostly I manage, and can follow examples).
I'm doing the same thing. Xcode 4 is in pre-release, so there's not much in the way of tutorials while the tools are in a semi-NDA limbo and could be changed significantly before final release.
I highly recommend reading tutorials (I'm working my way through Aaron Hillegass' books on iPhone and OSX development) that use Xcode 3, and allowing extra time for learning where to map across to the new version.
Xcode 4 is much better organised, so it can be annoying but not impossible to find what you are looking for fairly quickly.
Resources you should go to first:
WWDC10 sessions 307, 308 and 315:
Introducing Xcode 4,
Developing your app with Xcode 4, and
Using Interface Builder in Xcode 4.
Access these through the developer portal. They are the definitive Apple guide to the new design and workflow.
In the Xcode 4 Help menu, the Xcode 4 Transition guide is the second choice. I skimmed it, then kept coming back to dive into topics when they came up.
Xcode 4, despite being "released", is an absolute disaster. I would wait for at least a couple of updates (beyond 4.01) before moving to it.
Basic functionality is severely broken. Breakpoints, syntax highlighting, basic functionality in the Interface Builder IU... I don't even know where to begin.
The document management, which was the towering defect of Xcode's design up to this point, has been changed but sadly not fixed. It might even be worse.
At first I had some good impressions. Early notes:
More-sensible defaults for debugging hotkeys.
There's now "Close project" in the File menu!
You can finally set up sounds for lots of build & search events, with a GUI. Nice.
There's a drop-down that shows files that are associated with the one you're editing. This might be useful, but any convenience this might add is ruined by the fact that there's no quick "counterpart" button like there used to be. You have to dig through a menu to go from header to source or vice versa.
Tabs are upside down, extending off the toolbar (WTF). Also, the "X" to close indicator is missing from each tab unless you roll over the tab. This kind of Easter-egg UI hides information from the user and should be abolished.
The tabs don't work well for a couple of reasons. First, there can be two editing panes under one tab with different documents; the tab only shows the name of one of them. You also can't move documents between panes, which you often want to do when referring to different objects and interfaces. Visual Studio solves both of those problems easily by having separate tab groups above each editing pane and letting you drag documents between the two groups.
A second editing pane is always referred to (and indicated in the toolbar) as an "Assistant" editor even if you didn't invoke the assistant (which is bafflingly denoted by a Batman icon button).
View options are under View, where they belong, instead of being incorrectly placed under the Window menu.
If you're typing a call to a function and you're using another function call as a parameter, Xcode's auto-completion appears to automatically prefer functions whose return type matches the parameter you're filling out. EXCELLENT.
But there are bugs aplenty. So many that it's very hard to get work done at times.
One particularly infuriating bug is Xcode's failure to indicate when and where it has stopped at a breakpoint. In many instances, it will stop and pull up the source file, but there's no execution point highlighted. The editor just shows the top of the file, and nothing happens as you step through. The current line is not highlighted, and nowhere does Xcode say, "Stopped at breakpoint." It just says "running."
There's no way to sort files your files in the treeview. NONE. Xcode 3 was bad enough in not sorting them automatically, making you go and sort them over and over and over through the life of a project. Now that's not even an option. WTF?
Xcode leaves your editor window littered with error highlights and messages even after you've fixed the code and recompiled. It turns out that these errors apply to a different target, even though you never built that target and the code they're complaining about doesn't exist anymore.
Xcode will overwrite your syntax-highlighting choices for specific symbol types. You can change them again and again, and Xcode will overwrite your settings inexplicably. You can watch it happen.
THERE'S NO "BUILD" BUTTON IN THE TOOLBAR, AND YOU CAN'T ADD ONE. In fact, the toolbar is not customizable at all, and there's only a "Run" button. What if you don't want to run? Yep, you have to look up the hotkey.
What did they do with all the extra space in the toolbar? Made the project-config dropdown NARROWER. It's so small that it can't show you WTF you're working on. Meanwhile, there's a vast strip of empty space right next to it. Unbelievable.
The Xcode team tried to clean up the mess that was project settings, adding the concept of "schemes." It's mostly an improvement, but buggy. But I'm out of time for this update...
I am not sure what kind of documentation they give you with Xcode 4, however there should be something in the help menu I imagine. WWDC also had a video on Xcode 4, it was their "State of Union" address. Here is a link to the iTunes videos.
Just to add to Luke's point, it all depends on how much code you know. I am going to stick with V3 as compile errors etc are not automatically fixed and I want to learn how the code works, this is going to help in the future.
Current tutorials (mostly about V3) will help you grasp the basics of Xcode, as V4 is easier overall but understanding the basics is the most important aspect.
Localization seems to be pretty significantly broken in 4.0, with constant crashes for me.
I would wait for 4.0.2, or something..
I just switched back to 3.2.6 after I tried out XCode 4. It has so many bugs and crashes, it was too frustrating. Also its updates are not included in the normal apple updates, you have to re install the whole software via the installer. Its ridiculous! Although the git integration and drop down syntax completion is cool, I think I will wait till 4.0.3 before updating again!

Does anyone use Silverlight.FX with Silverlight 3?

I started looking at Silverlight.FX by Nikhil Kothari to replace Prism/Unity with our Silverlight 3 project.
So far I like the code layout and structure. It looks well thought out.
But I can't get a lot of the samples working due to a System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException. Anyone else seeing this? Should I not be using this framework with Silverlight 3?
I'm using the framework with Silverlight 3 without issue. Referencing the pre-built dlls works for my project but I haven't tried compiling the source myself. Have you tried using the dlls?
After some heavy debugging this error is coming because some of the class names that Nikhil used I believe are now in Silverlight 3 beta 1. In the TaskList example the ListView's DataTemplate has a HoverEffect
<fxeffects:ColorFill FillColor="#406795D1" Duration="0:0:0.25"/>
This is the one causing all the problems I saw. Removing this took away the AmbiguousMatchException.
Well, that is avoiding the problem, not solving it. It looks like the problem is much deeper, and anything that uses classes that derive from the Effect base class is broken. That makes the use of Silverlight FX pretty boring.
I have tried to use the lib in the past, and had issues with it. While Nikhil Kothari is amazing in the things he has worked on, and his technical abilities, I find that he is not so responsive to solving issues (BTW, someone already posted this problem on his blog, without his response). I do not want this to sound like a knock on Nikhil, it is just something you need to consider when using open source for real-world projects.
I sure hope someone can figure out what the deal is with those classes, I have spent many hours debugging, without solving the issue.
I tried the Amazon Store sample and the TaskList sample using the latest version of the library (3.1 built against SL3), and samples seem to work fine, including the ColorFill effect.
I did rename the Effect class to AnimationEffect which you'd need to avoid the ambiguous API compile error you'd see if you tried to recompile the sources... but precompiled binaries would have been fine. Not sure I see why you'd get a runtime reflection issue however.
Sorry, I know it can be frustrating to not see a response/fix immediately, but theres just too many things going on esp. before a release. My hope is having the source around at least enables you to debug into/break into so at least one is not completely blocked. Yes, I realize its suboptimal, but at the same time it is the reality, as Noam pointed out... :-(
