Collection is not defined after a bare meteor install on windows 10 - meteor

This newly installed meteor (1.10.2) by chocolatey on windows 10 followed by meteor create --bare appName then copy/paste some 2 year old code I had parked for a while. Chassing the cause of this runtime error for no avail.
ReferenceError: DataTeckCol is not defined
at server/dataTeck.js:13:1
at module (server/dataTeck.js:20:8)
"use strict";
let cheerio = require('cheerio');
import {Matcher} from "./matcher";
import {Dispatcher} from "./dispatcher";
import '../imports/api/dataTeck.js';
DataTeckCol.remove({plateNum: {$in: plates}}); //<<<<<<<< Error line
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
export const DataTeckCol = new Mongo.Collection('dataTeckCol');

You need to explicitly import the exported const, so instead of
import '../imports/api/dataTeck.js';
you need to import it via
import { DataTeckCol } from '../imports/api/dataTeck.js';


How to handle Cloud FireStore Triggers when migrating to react-native-firebase 6.x.x?

In my React Native project I'm migrating react-native-firebase from version 5 to version 6 using this guide. In the Specific Module Installation section it says to import the functions module using #react-native-firebase/functions and then to import them with import functions from '#react-native-firebase/functions';. However, when I try to update this code:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import { FeedModel } from '../../../models/feed.model';
export const onFeedCreate = functions.firestore
.onCreate( async (
) => {
const promo = as FeedModel;
by replacing the first line with #react-native-firebase/functions';, then the term firestore on the third line is underlined in red and says Property 'firestore' does not exist on type 'FirebaseModuleWithStaticsAndApp<Module, Statics>'.
How should I change my imports in order to run this function?

Connecting firebase from ember gets is not a function getApp

I am working in an Ember.js app and currently trying to connect to firebase (is not my default adapter, the default is a Rest adapter). I followed the instructions given in but when I try to read data from the database I get:
Error while processing route: my.routingFile is not a function getApp
In brief, this is my routing file:
import AuthenticatedRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/authenticated-route-mixin';
import RouteMixin from 'ember-cli-pagination/remote/route-mixin';
import Ember from 'ember';
import RealtimeRouteMixin from 'emberfire/mixins/realtime-route';
export default Ember.Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin,RouteMixin, RealtimeRouteMixin, {
firebaseApp: Ember.inject.service(),
model(params) {
And, my adapter is defined as follows:
import RealtimeDatabaseAdapter from 'emberfire/adapters/realtime-database';
export default RealtimeDatabaseAdapter.extend({
databaseURL: ''
My ember-cli version is: 3.0.2
Then, what am I missing?
I'm surprised that it's not working. Your code looks fine to me. Did you define the environment variables for Firebase in config/environment.js?

How to import redux-logger?

I'm trying to import redux logger v.3.0.6.
Attempt 1
import logger from 'redux-logger';
Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '../node_modules/redux-logger/dist/redux-logger.js' does not provide an export named 'default'
Attempt 2
import { logger } from 'redux-logger';
Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '../node_modules/redux-logger/dist/redux-logger.js' does not provide an export named 'logger'
Attempt 3
import { createLogger } from 'redux-logger';
Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '../node_modules/redux-logger/dist/redux-logger.js' does not provide an export named 'createLogger'
The third one is the one suggested on the github page. How do I solve this?
I had the same issue and solved it like this:
import createLogger from 'redux-logger';
// ...
const loggerMiddleware = createLogger;
It seems createLogger is a default export.
I am using like your first attempt and it is working fine,
import logger from "redux-logger";
I am also using the same version - 3.0.6 for both typings and logger itself.
"#types/redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
"redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
This suggestion was given to me in the error i got after installing and importing redux-logger.
the fix i found out is given below.
import pkg from "redux-logger";
const {createLogger}=pkg;
const logger=createLogger()
hope it helps!!

Client-side Loggly Meteor 1.4.1

I'm trying to setup some kind of logging for my meteor app and chose Loggly, I read this article, but I can't get the client-side implementation to work.
// in startup/client/loggly-client.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { winston } from 'meteor/clinical:winston-browser-logging';"winston-client has started on the client!");
// in startup/client/index.js
import './loggly-client.js';
import './routes.js';
Error I'm getting is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'info' of undefined
According to it should be Winston, not winston.

Import file structure and collection publish

Following Meteor docs on how to use the import directory structure, Example directory layout.
//-------------- publication.js`
import {Vehicles} from '../vehicles.js';
Meteor.publish('vehicles', function () {
return Vehicles.find();
//-------------- carClass.jsx
import './vehicles/server/publications.js';
const composer = (props, onData) => {
const subscription = Meteor.subscribe('vehicles');
if (subscription.ready()) {
const vehicle = Vehicles.findOne({name: 'jack'});
onData(null, { vehicle });
Does the publish method need to be exported?
Error in browser console saying:
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module './vehicles/server/publications.js'
How can this error be fixed? Thanks
Meteor publications are server-only code, so you can't import that script in carClass.jsx.
You should have some file like {app root}/server/main.js. You import your publications here to make them available for client scripts to subscribe to. It's important that this file isn't inside of the /imports folder, so that it is eagerly loaded when the server starts.
The problem is that the path ./vehicles/server/publications.js is not reachable from the carClass.jsx file. You should reference it by ./server/publications.js
