Client-side Loggly Meteor 1.4.1 - meteor

I'm trying to setup some kind of logging for my meteor app and chose Loggly, I read this article, but I can't get the client-side implementation to work.
// in startup/client/loggly-client.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { winston } from 'meteor/clinical:winston-browser-logging';"winston-client has started on the client!");
// in startup/client/index.js
import './loggly-client.js';
import './routes.js';
Error I'm getting is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'info' of undefined

According to it should be Winston, not winston.


Collection is not defined after a bare meteor install on windows 10

This newly installed meteor (1.10.2) by chocolatey on windows 10 followed by meteor create --bare appName then copy/paste some 2 year old code I had parked for a while. Chassing the cause of this runtime error for no avail.
ReferenceError: DataTeckCol is not defined
at server/dataTeck.js:13:1
at module (server/dataTeck.js:20:8)
"use strict";
let cheerio = require('cheerio');
import {Matcher} from "./matcher";
import {Dispatcher} from "./dispatcher";
import '../imports/api/dataTeck.js';
DataTeckCol.remove({plateNum: {$in: plates}}); //<<<<<<<< Error line
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
export const DataTeckCol = new Mongo.Collection('dataTeckCol');
You need to explicitly import the exported const, so instead of
import '../imports/api/dataTeck.js';
you need to import it via
import { DataTeckCol } from '../imports/api/dataTeck.js';

Meteor.connect throwing error in React Native (Version 0.61.5)

I'm using react-native-meteor module in react-native-app to connect it to Meteor server.
On Calling the following function in App.js ,
I was getting this error
Invariant Violation: NetInfo has been removed from React.Native.It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-netinfo'
An issue is already opened here NetInfo Issue but not resolved yet.
NetInfo has been removed from react-native core. It should be installed as a stand alone dependency using following command:
yarn add #react-native-community/netinfo
npm install --save #react-native-community/netinfo
step by step instructions can be found on this github link
I followed these steps mentioned on the above mentioned link , but it didn't resolve the issue completely. After digging the issue a little bit, I found out that in node_modules/react-native-meteor/src/Meteor.js ,
They are still importing NetInfo from 'react-native' and using the old functions
import { Platform, View, NetInfo } from 'react-native';
(connected ) => {
NetInfo.isConnected.addEventListener('connectionChange', isConnected => {
if (isConnected && Data.ddp.autoReconnect) {
which is obsoleted now.
It has to be imported from #react-native-community/netinfo
After doing the following changes in node_modules/react-native-meteor/src/Meteor.js .
Error fixed:
import { Platform, View } from 'react-native';
import NetInfo from "#react-native-community/netinfo";
NetInfo.fetch().then(state => {
console.log("Connection type", state.type);
console.log("Is connected?", state.isConnected);
let isConnected = state.isConnected;
NetInfo.isConnected.addEventListener('connectionChange', isConnected => {
if (isConnected && Data.ddp.autoReconnect) {
ImFarhad Does that still work for you? Using your changes to meteor.js I get the error "RNCNetInfo.getCurrentState got 3 arguments, expected 2". Do you know a way around this?

How to import redux-logger?

I'm trying to import redux logger v.3.0.6.
Attempt 1
import logger from 'redux-logger';
Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '../node_modules/redux-logger/dist/redux-logger.js' does not provide an export named 'default'
Attempt 2
import { logger } from 'redux-logger';
Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '../node_modules/redux-logger/dist/redux-logger.js' does not provide an export named 'logger'
Attempt 3
import { createLogger } from 'redux-logger';
Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '../node_modules/redux-logger/dist/redux-logger.js' does not provide an export named 'createLogger'
The third one is the one suggested on the github page. How do I solve this?
I had the same issue and solved it like this:
import createLogger from 'redux-logger';
// ...
const loggerMiddleware = createLogger;
It seems createLogger is a default export.
I am using like your first attempt and it is working fine,
import logger from "redux-logger";
I am also using the same version - 3.0.6 for both typings and logger itself.
"#types/redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
"redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
This suggestion was given to me in the error i got after installing and importing redux-logger.
the fix i found out is given below.
import pkg from "redux-logger";
const {createLogger}=pkg;
const logger=createLogger()
hope it helps!!

Collection.insert is not a function - Meteor

Good day developers! I'm working with Meteor.js it's my 1st expirience
I created collection in file
// ./dbs/messages.js
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
export const Messages = new Mongo.Collection('messages');
and use it in api point with calling Messages.insert like that
// server/mail.js
import Messages from './dbs/messages.js';
''(messageText, location){
messageText: messageText,
location: location
But when I call '' I get an error
Exception while invoking method '' TypeError
Messages.insert is not a function
BUT, when I comment collection import and declare it in server/main.js like that
// import Messages from './dbs/messages.js';
const Messages = new Mongo.Collection('messages');
''(messageText, location){
messageText: messageText,
location: location
In this case my Messages.insert works properly.
Who has experience with Meteor - can you explain me what is the reason?
Also I have removed autopublish and insecure packages
As #MasterAM and #Ankur Soni said you need to import Messages using brackets import { Messages } from './dbs/messages.js';
The only way to import without brackets is by defining Messages and then exporting it like so export default Messages;
I initiate my collections in a "common" space. I feel what you did is actually right. You either declare the collection twice, once on the client side and once on the server side or do it only once in a common folder. I see in many documentations that the popular place to keep these declarations is the /imports/api ... which is common to both server and client.

Import file structure and collection publish

Following Meteor docs on how to use the import directory structure, Example directory layout.
//-------------- publication.js`
import {Vehicles} from '../vehicles.js';
Meteor.publish('vehicles', function () {
return Vehicles.find();
//-------------- carClass.jsx
import './vehicles/server/publications.js';
const composer = (props, onData) => {
const subscription = Meteor.subscribe('vehicles');
if (subscription.ready()) {
const vehicle = Vehicles.findOne({name: 'jack'});
onData(null, { vehicle });
Does the publish method need to be exported?
Error in browser console saying:
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module './vehicles/server/publications.js'
How can this error be fixed? Thanks
Meteor publications are server-only code, so you can't import that script in carClass.jsx.
You should have some file like {app root}/server/main.js. You import your publications here to make them available for client scripts to subscribe to. It's important that this file isn't inside of the /imports folder, so that it is eagerly loaded when the server starts.
The problem is that the path ./vehicles/server/publications.js is not reachable from the carClass.jsx file. You should reference it by ./server/publications.js
