What is the best way to handle some hidden sites in wordpress? - wordpress

Web newbie. I'm setting up a family website for sharing photos, etc. I plan to purchase my own domain name and will rent space on some hosting platform. I'm thinking ahead and will eventually want to create two more websites (another family website for my father's side of the family and a personal one for me). The frugal side of me would like to limit the number of domains and hosts I have to purchase/rent.
I want the family websites to be hidden as much as possible (no SEO and requiring a login just to get to the main page), but I want my personal website to be public.
So far, what I've read says the above is difficult or cumbersome to do with wordpress multisite. If this is true, then is it safe to assume separate wordpress installs are more appropriate? Or, should I consider a new/different domain for my personal website?

I would:
Buy one domain example.com
Buy one hosting (shared or VPS if you have the skills)
Create multiple independent Wordpress, and use subdomain site1.example.com, site2.example.com
protect some websites with Htaccess (some free plugin may also do the trick, but with htaccess you are sure Crawler (like Google) won't access it.

There is a plugin called My private site which allows you to achieve what you are looking for:
A full detailed step by step (blogpost) tutorial on how to make your site private is published here:


WordPress hosting posts on one domain and pages on a different domain

What I want to do is have a seamless website using two domains. One domain for the homepage and internal pages, contact etc. One domain strictly for posts. Such as
http://wp-pages.c0m (for home/pages)
http://wp-posts.c0m (Only for posts)
My permalink structure is like this for a post:
And like this for a page:
Basically identical when it comes to permalinks. But I'd like to host pages on http://wp-pages.c0m and posts on http://wp-posts.c0m
I'm looking for the most efficient seamless way to do this with two different servers, domain resolving to a different IP for my testing purposes. Ideally creating posts and pages from http://wp-pages.c0m and it pushing the posts to http://wp-posts.c0m while retaining the pages being created.
There isn't a single reason for doing this it's a multitude of reasons such as for seo testing purposes etc. I'm not here to go back and forth questioning why this would be needed or why someone would want to do this.
A very specific and even technical answer would be appreciated, I'm comfortable around basic server setup.
Any help would be really appreciated.
This isn't possible, without having two seperate Wordpress installations on said different subdomains.
UPDATE: Or, thinking about it you might be able to achieve something like this using Wordpress Multisite (https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network).
You then may be able to use subdomains to have what are essentially separate sites, but link them together. E.g.
blog.domain.com - for your blog posts
page.domain.com - for your pages
(I don't fully know how Multisite works, but I believe it allows you to control content for multiple sites within one WP Admin interface).
This could be a viable option.

Google adsense for wordpress multisite

Here is my scenario:
I have a server where i want to host 50+ Wordpress websites. Each website needs to have a different domain name (i don't want to use sub domains) and each website must have independent google Adsense code so if something goes wrong due to google's rules the others should not be affected.
So my question is which one is more suitable:
Install each Wordpress site in a different directory on the server
Use the Multisite function that Wordpress offers
If number 2 is more appropriate i want to be absolutely sure that i can make it work with different domain names and have independent google Adsense codes
10x in advance.
If something is not clear with my question let me know so i explain it in details.
I am not sure if you are aware of it or not. In multisite. The domain name changes but the core domain is same. Something like. Xxx.yourdomain.com. Where xxx can be anything.
As per adsense rules. It applies to website. So anything that is associated with your website. Rules do apply.
I guess you are confused about what you want. You said you don't want to use sub domain but wordpress multisite option is for making sub domain.
You would be violating google adsense policy if you use different accounts to like different content on same domain. Let me know if you want to know more

Wordpress Multisite - Is this a good idea?

I'm being tasked at my company to work out a plan to handle 50 new clients that we're about to bring in. Each client is directly related and under an "umbrella" company that owns them all. All 50 sites will be pretty similar, each is for a different company so the themes may vary across them all.
We're planning to give them 10 themes to pick from for all 50 sites. So some of them will be very similar, some won't be at all.
Is Wordpress the best path? I'm very familiar with Wordpress. I've worked with Expression Engine before but am not as savvy as I am with Wordpress and I understand Expression Engine also has a multi site functionality.
So my question, is Wordpress Multi Site the best path for this? What would you do in my situation?
Also, if we wanted to create a user that has access to 10 of the 50 sites, is that possible? We'll need to narrow permissions.
Also, each site will need its own domain name. Is that possible?
Thanks guys!
Yes, Multisite can handle this easily.
To run Mapped Domains, using the MU Domain Mapping plugin cited by #Calle, you need to set up the network as sub-domains (opposed to a directories set up). And the mapped domains must be set as Parked Domains pointing to the directory of the WordPress Multisite installation.
Multisite user management can be a little tricky.
If some site of the network has really special requirements for its user's management, maybe you'll have a hard time.
All users of the network are given Subscriber status in all sites (this can be masked). You can easily assign one user as Administrator of 10 sites, give Super Admin access to others, use a network role management, etc.
You can have a couple of parent themes with the corporate identity and create child themes to accomodate specific needs.
Useful info:
Multisite 101, introduction to MS by one of its wizards, don't forget the tip jar if it's useful to you ;)
This ebook strives to pull it all together, explain you what skills you need to get started, and move you to the next step: running your own Network. Think of it as a basic tutorial in running your own Multisite.
Multisite Rationale, real case study for implementation of a MS Network, if you can find a document like this for Expression Engine, then you can make your choice pretty fast.
Wordpress Multisite can either be path based (www.domain.com/site1, www.domain.com/site2), or domain-based (www.site1.domain.com, www.site2.domain.com). I believe each of these sites have separate users; I'm not sure about your question about setting up a user that only has access to a certain number of the sites, but you can set up a "master user" that has access to all the sites on the network. If you use a domain based network for MS, you can then go into each of your domains you have bought for your 50 sites and forward them using DNS/.htaccess to the individual Wordpress Multisites.
I hope that makes sense :)

Managing 2 websites from 1 admin panel

Is it possible to control 2 different Drupal website from 1 admin panel? 2 different domain, but on same host-server.
one of my client came up with the idea and I wasn't sure if it can be done.
Appreciate advices! Thanks a lot!
If you're just trying to have two domains point to the same Drupal installation (e.g. http://example.com/ and http://example2.com point to the same Example Drupal website), this is supported out of the box as long as you don't use a multisite setup.
That is, normally, you'd just stick your settings.php file in sites/default/. If you did that, any domain that's pointed to the Drupal directory will use the same Drupal site. You don't need to do anything else.
If you've stuck your site in sites/example.com, you could create a symbolic link with the name of the other domain; i.e. you'd have sites/example.com and a symbolic link to it called sites/example2.com.
If you're trying to run two disparate sites through the same admin panel, you can't do it per se: that is, you can't manage most aspects of Drupal through its default administration system because it's not designed to do that.
However, if you're trying to simulate something like Plesk or Cpanel—that is, you just want to easily manage Drupal deployments using one control panel—there is a project under heavy development called Aegir. I've used it on a few different occasions and it works pretty great, but it's a somewhat involved setup process.
With http://drupal.org/project/domain you can simulate two websites. Is not actually two different Drupal installation.
You can take a look http://drupal.org/node/346385 for more information about the different multi-site options.
No, not that I am aware. As well as the content, all the administration aspects of the site are stored in the site's database, so the admin area and the front end of the site are joined at the hip! 1 database per site, so 1 admin area per site.
There is Aegir http://www.aegirproject.org which is a multi-site manager dashboard system. It's more for creating and managing the site than for managing content, but it might be what you're looking for.

SEO consequences of using a subdomain for an externally-hosted blog?

Is there any SEO disadvantage in using a subdomain to host a blog on Wordpress or Blogger? I don't want to go to the trouble of creating a blog module for my site - I'd rather just set up a CNAME entry and point a subdomain to a free Wordpress or Blogger account. Will Google punish me for doing this by claiming that I have "duplicate content" - i.e. the intro text for each blog entry will be on my main site and the full details will be visible on Wordpress/Blogger? Is it better to incorporate the blog functionality into my main site? Are there any other potential disadvantages to this subdomain/external hosting approach using a free blog host?
There are a lot of advantages to self-hosting your blog.
You can do whatever you want with your own self-hosted blog. On Wordpress you could get banned and lose all of your content.
You can host ads or and do other commercial stuff not possible on Wordpress. (The free wordpress blog doesn't allow any advertisements other than their own ads).
Better ranking opportunity in search engines by using your own top-level domain.
You can modify your functionality at will.
It looks more professional and gives you bragging rights.
On Wordpress you may run up against bandwidth restrictions if your blog gets really popular - you won't be able to do anything about it.
Willem Obst answer makes some excellent points, but two serious accusations that are not correct. I know these are incorrect because I am part of the WordPress.com team.
Num 1. If there is a ToS issue, we work with our customers to resolve the issue. In the rare case, where a blog is suspended, the customer is still assisted with exporting their content.
Num 6.We have no bandwidth limits and never have.
Many companies use free WordPress.com for their blog. Here are some examples
WordPress.com is also is a blogging community which gives you access to a large audience and the community features like the global tag pages.
It's a great way to get a blog going, and there is no lock in. Here is an example of a blog by some friends that started on WordPress.com and since moved to host it themselves to gain the additional flexibility Willem describes so well:
Finally to the original question. It's a mixed bag.
The nay sayers to using a subdomain will focus on Google and other search engines generally treating the subdomain as it's own domain with it's own authority.
The pro subdomainers will focus on it being another opportunity for a result in Google and the search engines. As is the case for the "bootup labs" example. (Although, Google's Matt Cutts over a year ago promised this was changing.)
Unrelated to SEO, many teams use a subdomain or separate domain all together for web security reasons. You may notice that http://blog.flickr.net/ is on flickr.net instead of flickr.com primarily -- I understand -- for this reason.
No in one word
Actually a good idea. Self hosted blogs tend to have a lot integrated into them e.g autopinging
In answer to the question.... NO.
The question you asked is also a little ambiguous. Are you wanting to host your own blog ie run it on your own server under a subdomain, or are you wanting to add a CNAME entry that links to your blog.
There are benefits to both:
Running your own - Advantages:
You can control every aspect of it
You can change the design/layout as much as your coding ability can handle
If you have a fast server, your blog will be served to viewers extremely well
You can advertise on your own blog - Google Adwords/Adsense etc...
You can setup advanced analysis of traffic and see every little detail about everyone who visits your blog
You can tweak the SEO of your blog to the 'n'th degree
Running your own - Disdvantages:
Hosting a blog (especially a popular one) requires a pretty powerful web server
You have to maintain the blog and security of the blog eg. users and permissions
Dedicated Server hosting can be expensive
Hosting blogs use a lot of bandwidth
Using a third party blog - Advantages:
Generally free
No strain on your server/bandwidth
Security and permissions management is limited but managed by the host
Generally hosted blogs have an extremely user-friendly GUI
Using a third party blog - Disvantages:
Sometimes include advertising that benefits the host not your company/blog
Very limited ability to customise/edit the design of the blog
Limited control over the security and user management
Other hosts can choose to stop offering a blog hosting service
In regards to SEO and blogs:
Your blog is not going to suffer or be penalised by GOogle/Yahoo/Other search engines if you use a CNAME redirection to another host.
You will not get penalised by a search engine for duplicate content if the content is not completely duplicated on, for example if your main domain uses the title and summary of what is on your blog hosted on the subdomain.
If you adhere to the main SEO principles there is no reason why your blog would suffer on a subdomain:
Using relevant addressing methods eg. yourblog.yourdomain.com/title-of-blog-article.html
Use W3C compliant/correct XHTML/HTML/CSS code
Use appropriate and relevant META data (keywords, descriptions, titles) for the blog and the articles.
Relative linking instead of absolute linking
Hope this helped. If you have any other questions feel free to ask
