Google adsense for wordpress multisite - wordpress

Here is my scenario:
I have a server where i want to host 50+ Wordpress websites. Each website needs to have a different domain name (i don't want to use sub domains) and each website must have independent google Adsense code so if something goes wrong due to google's rules the others should not be affected.
So my question is which one is more suitable:
Install each Wordpress site in a different directory on the server
Use the Multisite function that Wordpress offers
If number 2 is more appropriate i want to be absolutely sure that i can make it work with different domain names and have independent google Adsense codes
10x in advance.
If something is not clear with my question let me know so i explain it in details.

I am not sure if you are aware of it or not. In multisite. The domain name changes but the core domain is same. Something like. Where xxx can be anything.
As per adsense rules. It applies to website. So anything that is associated with your website. Rules do apply.
I guess you are confused about what you want. You said you don't want to use sub domain but wordpress multisite option is for making sub domain.
You would be violating google adsense policy if you use different accounts to like different content on same domain. Let me know if you want to know more


What is the best way to handle some hidden sites in wordpress?

Web newbie. I'm setting up a family website for sharing photos, etc. I plan to purchase my own domain name and will rent space on some hosting platform. I'm thinking ahead and will eventually want to create two more websites (another family website for my father's side of the family and a personal one for me). The frugal side of me would like to limit the number of domains and hosts I have to purchase/rent.
I want the family websites to be hidden as much as possible (no SEO and requiring a login just to get to the main page), but I want my personal website to be public.
So far, what I've read says the above is difficult or cumbersome to do with wordpress multisite. If this is true, then is it safe to assume separate wordpress installs are more appropriate? Or, should I consider a new/different domain for my personal website?
I would:
Buy one domain
Buy one hosting (shared or VPS if you have the skills)
Create multiple independent Wordpress, and use subdomain,
protect some websites with Htaccess (some free plugin may also do the trick, but with htaccess you are sure Crawler (like Google) won't access it.
There is a plugin called My private site which allows you to achieve what you are looking for:
A full detailed step by step (blogpost) tutorial on how to make your site private is published here:

Is there a way to create custom URLs in WordPress for each client

I'm trying to create a site for a client who want's to use the WP Workscout theme. He want's a client portal that's able to do 2 things;
The clients logo and basic chosen style in their portal area
A url for the client for example
I could do this quite simply with a custom site but I'm not sure about WordPress. Is it possible? If so, how?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
You might want to consider building a WordPress multisite. Sounds like it might be what you're looking for.
It will allow you to have some different styling for each site in the network, and you can set up each site on different subdomains.

WordPress hosting posts on one domain and pages on a different domain

What I want to do is have a seamless website using two domains. One domain for the homepage and internal pages, contact etc. One domain strictly for posts. Such as
http://wp-pages.c0m (for home/pages)
http://wp-posts.c0m (Only for posts)
My permalink structure is like this for a post:
And like this for a page:
Basically identical when it comes to permalinks. But I'd like to host pages on http://wp-pages.c0m and posts on http://wp-posts.c0m
I'm looking for the most efficient seamless way to do this with two different servers, domain resolving to a different IP for my testing purposes. Ideally creating posts and pages from http://wp-pages.c0m and it pushing the posts to http://wp-posts.c0m while retaining the pages being created.
There isn't a single reason for doing this it's a multitude of reasons such as for seo testing purposes etc. I'm not here to go back and forth questioning why this would be needed or why someone would want to do this.
A very specific and even technical answer would be appreciated, I'm comfortable around basic server setup.
Any help would be really appreciated.
This isn't possible, without having two seperate Wordpress installations on said different subdomains.
UPDATE: Or, thinking about it you might be able to achieve something like this using Wordpress Multisite (
You then may be able to use subdomains to have what are essentially separate sites, but link them together. E.g. - for your blog posts - for your pages
(I don't fully know how Multisite works, but I believe it allows you to control content for multiple sites within one WP Admin interface).
This could be a viable option.

Google Analytics code in wordpress

I need to edit the existing GA code on our WordPress website with a different code and i intend to do the same by using add header/footer script plugin but i don't know if that will replace the present code. I tried to find the same on the server to change via FTP (as with our magento site) but was unsuccessful, can anybody update me on the same please?
You should be able to edit this via the admin itself. If you use as plugin like this
Otherwise, to edit GA, is not in the files itself, but within the admin. I would look within your admin, there is a lot of resource out there with wordpress integrations. You should almost never need to look in the code to find this. (that's the purpose of wordpress). I couldn't exactly say where yours is, but take a look at all your wordpress plugins/integrations and configurations.

How to map multiple domains to a WordPress (single install) site woring as SAAS?

My question is quite similar to this question. However my concerns are not fully answered there, so I am posting a separate question.
I will try to be as detailed as possible here.
I have to build a website (SAAS), say wherein registered users would get a subdomain on the website, like or
Now some of those users might want to have their own domains in use. for eg. or
All of these websites need to have identical backend (dashboard). But most importantly a visitor should be able to type a search term on the main website (, and the search should contain results from ALL websites including the subdomains ( or and custom domains (
I am not versed with other frameworks, so I figured out that WordPress could be a good solution.
My approach was that every registered user would be assigned role of an author, with them being able to create/edit their own content. I would then add custom post type for the exact type of content they can add. I would then use dashboard customizing plugins (like Adminimize) to configure what admin menus can the editors see. THis way I would be able to define/force the fields they can use for adding content, and I can also restrict the custom taxonomoies and terms they can use. And also be able to search through the content created by any user.
The only issue here is to create domains for the users.
The I heard of domain mapping. So, is it possible that map domains like to in such a way that whenever a user types (or in address-bar, they are served the content of, but still see (or in their address bar.
I believe this is called masked domain forwarding. I tried a bit of it, and succeeded partially in that whenever a visitor types (or in address-bar, they are served the content of, but still see (or in their address bar. The problem is that whenever users type then instead of getting to the login screen, they see blank screen.
Not sure if the setup is corret, or if it is even acievable using WordPress.
Another alternative could be using WordPress multisite. But it has limitations for my caase:
1. Search across all sites in network is going to be a very expensive operation
2. I would not be able to force identical terms of custom taxonomies across all sites. I can create the taxonmies and terms using code and put it in a plugin and network activate it. It would work for new terms. But when I decide to delete/edit a term, I will have to login to each site's dashboard to sync the terms.
So, is there a way with WordPress to achieve what i am trying to do :custom domain names and identical dashboards, that can be controlled/dictated by admin (me) , and the facility to search through all the sites/domains.
If not with WordPress, then is there any other framework with which I can do this?
