WordPress hosting posts on one domain and pages on a different domain - wordpress

What I want to do is have a seamless website using two domains. One domain for the homepage and internal pages, contact etc. One domain strictly for posts. Such as
http://wp-pages.c0m (for home/pages)
http://wp-posts.c0m (Only for posts)
My permalink structure is like this for a post:
And like this for a page:
Basically identical when it comes to permalinks. But I'd like to host pages on http://wp-pages.c0m and posts on http://wp-posts.c0m
I'm looking for the most efficient seamless way to do this with two different servers, domain resolving to a different IP for my testing purposes. Ideally creating posts and pages from http://wp-pages.c0m and it pushing the posts to http://wp-posts.c0m while retaining the pages being created.
There isn't a single reason for doing this it's a multitude of reasons such as for seo testing purposes etc. I'm not here to go back and forth questioning why this would be needed or why someone would want to do this.
A very specific and even technical answer would be appreciated, I'm comfortable around basic server setup.
Any help would be really appreciated.

This isn't possible, without having two seperate Wordpress installations on said different subdomains.
UPDATE: Or, thinking about it you might be able to achieve something like this using Wordpress Multisite (https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network).
You then may be able to use subdomains to have what are essentially separate sites, but link them together. E.g.
blog.domain.com - for your blog posts
page.domain.com - for your pages
(I don't fully know how Multisite works, but I believe it allows you to control content for multiple sites within one WP Admin interface).
This could be a viable option.


Post to 2 (two) Wordpress websites at the same time

I'm running two Wordpress websites on two different servers with two different domain names.
Sometimes I would like to be able to post on one website and have that post push to the other Wordpress website too so I don't have to copy-paste again.
I've tried searching but there's nothing concrete that came up. Is there a solution to this issue? If it's a paid plugin that works, that's even better. I would prefer a paid plugin over a hack since updating it for every Wordpress update is going to be a pain.

How to map multiple domains to a WordPress (single install) site woring as SAAS?

My question is quite similar to this question. However my concerns are not fully answered there, so I am posting a separate question.
I will try to be as detailed as possible here.
I have to build a website (SAAS), say abc.com wherein registered users would get a subdomain on the website, like abc.com/def or pqr.abc.com.
Now some of those users might want to have their own domains in use. for eg. 123.com or xyz.com.
All of these websites need to have identical backend (dashboard). But most importantly a visitor should be able to type a search term on the main website (abc.com), and the search should contain results from ALL websites including the subdomains (abc.com/def or pqr.abc.com) and custom domains (xyz.com).
I am not versed with other frameworks, so I figured out that WordPress could be a good solution.
My approach was that every registered user would be assigned role of an author, with them being able to create/edit their own content. I would then add custom post type for the exact type of content they can add. I would then use dashboard customizing plugins (like Adminimize) to configure what admin menus can the editors see. THis way I would be able to define/force the fields they can use for adding content, and I can also restrict the custom taxonomoies and terms they can use. And also be able to search through the content created by any user.
The only issue here is to create domains for the users.
The I heard of domain mapping. So, is it possible that map domains like xyz.com to abc.com in such a way that whenever a user types 123.com (or xyz.com) in address-bar, they are served the content of abc.com, but still see 123.com (or xyz.com) in their address bar.
I believe this is called masked domain forwarding. I tried a bit of it, and succeeded partially in that whenever a visitor types 123.com (or xyz.com) in address-bar, they are served the content of abc.com, but still see 123.com (or xyz.com) in their address bar. The problem is that whenever users type 123.com/wp-admin/ then instead of getting to the login screen, they see blank screen.
Not sure if the setup is corret, or if it is even acievable using WordPress.
Another alternative could be using WordPress multisite. But it has limitations for my caase:
1. Search across all sites in network is going to be a very expensive operation
2. I would not be able to force identical terms of custom taxonomies across all sites. I can create the taxonmies and terms using code and put it in a plugin and network activate it. It would work for new terms. But when I decide to delete/edit a term, I will have to login to each site's dashboard to sync the terms.
So, is there a way with WordPress to achieve what i am trying to do :custom domain names and identical dashboards, that can be controlled/dictated by admin (me) , and the facility to search through all the sites/domains.
If not with WordPress, then is there any other framework with which I can do this?

best implementation for user group display differences

I am developing a site in Wordpress that offers functionality and content to companies.
Each company will have hundreds of users. All users of all companies get the same content.
However, the main header changes (it needs to include the companies own logo). They also will have their own sub-domain, at least fo the login page, preferably for all pages.
The content will change regularly, so I would prefer having only one copy of that.
So the requirements are:
Same content for all users at same relative url
Different header based on group of current user
Different base url per group
forwarding of user to the correct base url if they login under a wrong one
What is the best way to implement this?
Straight WP with a sub-theme that deals with the header. Mod-rewrite to deal with the urls
WP-MultiSite (how would the same content under different base urls work here?)
Several copies of the site and somehow sync the content (how would I do the sync?)
Use a different CMS
Which of these is the most future proof way to go, assuming I might have to deal with thousands of companies each with hundreds to thousands of users.
Also, If there is an easier way because I missed something in my research like an existing plugin, that would be great too.
Thanks for your help.
I would say that such a thing depends on a lot more than these requirements. For instance, how granular would you like to have your user management? And how much are the users allowed to do on the different groups? Is unique information allowed on the different domains, or is all the information shared?
Based on the information you are providing, I think youy would be best off using the multisite version of wordpress. You then could use a broadcast plugin to share the information on all sites, and create a template site from which to create new sites (using the NS cloner plugin for instance).
There are of course some problems with this approach, for instance search engine optimisation. You will get a lot of duplicate content that will hurt the google ranking of the individual sites.
It would also be possible to do this using a single site install, but then you'll run into problems with the multiple domain structure. It can be done, but the available caching plugins will not support it (at least not that I know off), whereas a multisite environment is supported out of the box. It is also more difficult to keep users from posting on different domains, as they are using a single install. A multisite environment also has as shared user base, but they can be added or removed from the different sites at will.
Using a multisite environment would also allow you greater flexibility template-wise.

Drupal 7, managing multisites content in one admin panel

I have an awkward question, it is possible to use one admin panel for multisite drupal instalation?
For example:
I have one drupal installation, and 5 sites running on it, so I want to create or modify nodes, blocks, etc. in one place. all sites are similar in structure
I never done multisites before, so if you have any ideas, I will love to hear it
Thanks in advance!
No, it is impossible.
Multisites are completelly different sites, using different databases, but sharing the source code. Then you can't share content or configuration.
If you want to create sites for diferent domains, but sharing users, contents and configurations, you should use the Domain Access approach instead of multisites.

Wordpress based website blocked by commercial proxy policies

I have developed quite a number of sites using wordpress, many of which are not blogs and wordpress is only being used as a CMS although I am finding more and more that sites powered by wordpress are being blocked as they are categorised as "blogging/social". The sites in question are neither a blog nor social related.
Has anyone come across this before and if so is there any solution?
There are a number of sites using WP outside the blog/media realm. Obsfucate that you're using WP by restricting IPs into wp-admin. In addition, you could rename wp-content to something else.
This however alone isn't certain to change the classification of existing sites.
