I am getting below error when i try to run the munits. I am using Anypoint studio 7.4.2 and mUnit version 2.2.4.
"Two configuration elements have been defined with the same global name. Global name must be unique. Clashing components are sub-flow and sub-flow"
Please check if you don't have multiple sub-flow components with the same doc:name defined. That is the cause of the error.
I'm trying to use vstest.console.exe with the TfsPublisher logger in VSTS (cloud).
There's a URL example shown in the article for TFS onsite, but I'm trying to work out what parameters to use for my VSTS build. The example is:
But I just get an error saying the build cannot be found in the project, e.g.
Error: Build "1234" cannot be found under team project "MyProject".
I believe the problem is the BuildName parameter. My project and build definition have no spaces in the names. I have tried various values, e.g.:
BuildName=%BUILD_BUILDID% (resolves to number, e.g. 1234)
BuildName=%BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME% (resolves to build definition name OK)
BuildName=%BUILD_BUILDURI% (resolves to url, e.g. vstfs:///Build/Build/1234)
The error message confirms that the environment variables seem to be resolving OK, but I can't determine what I should substitute for "DailyBuild_20121130.1" in my case.
Updated: My vstest.console.exe logger parameter currently looks like
I effectively got the result I wanted using the Trx logger and one of the "Publish Test Results" build steps:
vstest.console.exe ... /logger:Trx
The build name is generated by "Build number format" under build definition "General" tab. You can get it from "BUILD_BUILDNUMBER" variable.
I am using Angular2-Meteor, TypeScript. (Meteor version
When I use console.log('test'); on the server side, it is working well.
However, I got this warning in my terminal:
Cannot find name 'console'.
How can I get rid of this warning?
Or is there any special method such as Meteor.log for server side? Thanks
How can I get rid of this warning?
if its a TypeScript compiler warning (and not a runtime one) then console is defined in lib.d.ts : https://basarat.gitbooks.io/typescript/content/docs/types/lib.d.ts.html
Make sure that the compiler is setup correctly (e.g. doesn't have --noLib or some custom incorrect --lib). You might want to look at your tsconfig.json's compilerOptions (if any)
#barbatus who is main contributor for angular2-meteor, gave the answer on Github.
The issue is in that TypeScript package uses lib.core.ts default lib on the server side which doesn't have definitions for console. NodeJS definitions from other side as now defines console in the global scope only (i.e. global.console).
The solution is running this in your terminal:
typings install registry:env/meteor --ambient
Please go here for more details.
I am using Realm for our Objective-C iOS app, installed via CocoaPods. However I wasn't able to get rid of the following warning message:
ld: warning: Auto-Linking supplied '/{App_Directory}/Realm.framework/Realm', framework linker option at /{App_Directory}/Realm.framework/Realm is not a dylib
Is there any solution about it? Thank you very much!
Taking another look at that, it seems like you'd somewhere in your project a misconfigured build setting, which contained literally {App_Directory}, which won't be substituted as a variable because of the missing leading dollar sign, assuming that you defined yourself App_Directory as a build setting. It might be better to just use $SRCROOT for that purpose, if that's suitable as well.
This is the error here:
Any ideas? I have no idea what the error means
It seems like your theos tool is either not installed correctly or not in the path it expects it to be or your environment variable that points to it is not set correctly. You are also trying to compile as root which is problematic. You should be compiling as 'mobile' user and only use root while installing theos.
Type "echo $THEOS" (without quotes) to see if that environment variable is even set. It should point to somewhere like /opt/theos
I have a problem with the compiler, it does not recognize symmetry classes:
for example if I open the class PayrollCalculatePayStatementBenefits and I type an empty space and save the compiler shows a syntax error on the line 12 (Class declaration).
Symmetry.taxEngine.BenefitInfo benefitInfo401_403;
But before doing this action the hole process of paystatements generation was working fine
after saving the same code it does pay statement generation process dons not work any more showing and error
"absence of an executable code in path of the class"
I think it's a server configuration problem because if create a job and type Symmetry the the compiler does not propose the Symmetry class in the suggestion list, but I used to work on an other server in an other machine and it does , I don't understand ...
I just got this problem on AX 2012 R3 CU8. 22 compile errors on a brand new and clean installation...
It can be solved by adding a reference to ste-net.dll in the AOT.
This DLL file can be found in the client bin folder.
I found the solution