Compare values of 2 string arrays in Handlebars - handlebars.js

I have 2 arrays:
all_fruits = ["Orange", "Apple", "Banana"]
selected_fruits = ["Orange", "Banana"]
And i would like to do something like:
{{#each all_fruits}}
{{#each selected_fruits}}
// if all_fruits == selected_fruits
// do something
But I do not know how to iterate both of them at the same time to know which values in all_fruits also exist in selected_fruits


How to count equal values of the same element name [xQuery]

Here is an example:
What i need to do is if bracketSequenceNumber holds the same value trow an exception.
Number of elements is N there can be more than 3. How can i achieve this using xquery.
I tried something like this without success and i cant say i understand xQuery completley:
let $count := ( for $bracketSequenceNumber in $bracketQualifier/bracketSequenceNumber return count(bracketQualifier[#bracketSequenceNumber = $bracketSequenceNumber ])) return
if($GDSN_PriceSyncPriceSegmentTM/value ='250' and $count >= 1) then something
You can use
if (count(//bracketSequenceNumber)
!= count(distinct-values(//bracketSequenceNumber) then ...
If you actually want to find the duplicates, use group by in XQuery 3.1 to process each group of equal values and test whether the group size is 2 or more.

Kusto result column name, bin value from request_parameters

Using query_parameters, how can I:
specify a result column name (ex: summarize ResultColumnName = count())
specify the value of a bin, when value is actually the name of a column in the table
This is easiest to summarize with an example:
let myTable = datatable (Timestamp:datetime)
let UntrustedUserInput_ColumnName = "MyCount"; // actually from query_parameters
let UntrustedUserInput_BinValue = "Timestamp"; // actually from query_parameters
let UntrustedUserInput_BinRoundTo = "365d"; // actually from query_parameters
// the query I really want to perform
| summarize MyCount=count() by bin(todatetime(Timestamp), totimespan(365d));
// what the query looks like if I use query_parameters
| summarize UntrustedUserInput_ColumnName=count() by bin(todatetime(UntrustedUserInput_BinValue), totimespan(UntrustedUserInput_BinRoundTo));
Timestamp MyCount
--------- -------
1909-09-26T00:00:00Z 1
1929-09-21T00:00:00Z 1
1996-09-04T00:00:00Z 2
Column1 UntrustedUserInput_ColumnName
------- -----------------------------
I can't find a solution to #1.
It appears #2 can almost be solved by using column_ifexists, but I don't have a "default" to fall back on, I'd rather just fail if the column doesn't exist.
Treating column names as variables is not possible since columns names are part of the result schema coming out of each operator (with the exception of the "evaluate" operator, see specifically the pivot plugin).
There actually is a way to set variable names to a column, using a hacky trick:
let VariableColumnName = "TestColumn"; // the new column name that you want
range i from 1 to 5 step 1 // this is just a sample query
| project pack(VariableColumnName, i) // this created a JSON
| evaluate bag_unpack(Column1) // unpacking the JSON creates a column with a dynamic name
This will return a column named TestColumn, which is set in VariableColumnName.

Kusto create an in-memory table for testing

Just looking to create a quick in-memory/temp table for testing out queries. I've seen this done before but I'm having trouble finding any examples from a web search or StackOverflow search. I'm looking for something like this:
let TempTable = table("TestTable",
Column column1 = [1,2,3],
Column comumn2 = ["A","B","C"]
I don't need to save the table in any database, just want to use for testing & demonstration purposes.
you could use the datatable operator:
for example:
let T = datatable(column1:int, column2:string)
1, "A",
2, "B",
3, "C",
... do something with T ...

XQuery get data based on distinct values

My xml is like this:
full xml at inputxml
<title>Genetics and MolecularBiology</title>
I need to take distinct values for courses and return instructors that teach those courses.
This is my current code:
let $x := doc("reed.xml")/root/course
for $y in distinct-values($x/title)
let $z := $y/instructor
return ( {data($y)} ,{data($z)})
What am i doing wrong
In the code that you posted, the for loop is iterating over the sequence of distinct title string values.
You can't XPath into those strings.
Rather, you want to XPath into the $x courses and use the $y in each iteration to select those course elements that have the title equal to $y, then select it's instructor.
let $x := doc("reed.xml")/root/course
for $y in distinct-values($x/title)
let $z := $x[title = $y]/instructor
return ( {data($y)} ,{data($z)})
In XQuery 3.1 you can do this with group by.
for $course := doc("reed.xml")/root/course
group by $title := $course/title
return ( <title>{$title}</title> ,
<instructors>{$course/instructor}</instructors> )

Are dynamic variables possible in SQR (not dynamic SQL)

I'm writing an SQR program to send a vendor a file containing employee info. The file contains a number of fields for which I've assigned the variables
Each code has an associated rate, and I've assigned similar variables ($Rate_1, $Rate_2, etc...)
I have a lookup table that has the columns EMPLID, JOBCODE, HOURLY_RT. I need to loop through for each employee to get all of the codes/rates. It's possible that some employees will have more/fewer than others. Is it possible to have "dynamic" variables, like we do for dynamic sql? For example, something like $Code_[$i]? The thought was to do something like this:
let #i = 1
let $Code_[$i] = &EC.JOBCODE
let $Rate_[$i] = &EC.HOURLY_RT
let #i = #i + 1
This doesn't work, but I wondering if there's a similar (or better) way to accomplish this. I suppose I could do an evaluate of the counter: when #i = 1, $Code_1 = ... when #i=2, $Code_2 =... But I'm hoping there's a better way.
Edit - Just for added clarification, for each employee, a single line will be written to a file, with the fields for each of these values (populated or not) - so the line will have:
$EMPLID $Code_1 $Code_2 $Code_3.....$Rate_1 $Rate_2 $Rate_3
For further clarification the lookup table will have multiple rows for each employee, so the table might look like this:
0001 ABC 10.50
0001 DEF 9.75
0001 GHI 9.50
When I populate the variables, looping through the table, I would want $Code_1 = 'ABC', $Rate_1 = 10.50, $Code_2 = 'DEF', Rate_2 = 9.75 etc...
You can use arrays in SQR.
To set up the array:
Create-Array Name=WorkArray Size = 100
Let #NumCodesForEmp = 0
To add data in your Select Block - also use on-break before and after procedures:
EC.Emplid () on-break print=never before=Init-Emp After=Process-Emp
Let $Emplid = &EC.Emplid
add 1 to #NumCodesForEmp
Put &EC.JobCode &EC.Rate into WorkArray(#NumCodesForEmp) Code Rate
Write the before procedure to initialize:
Begin-Procedure Init-Emp
Let #NumCodesForEmp = 0
When done with the employee:
Begin-Procedure Process-Emp
Let #I = 1
Let $OutputLine = $Emplid
While #I <= #NumCodesForEmp
Get $Code $Rate From WorkArray(#I) Code Rate
Let $OutputLine = $Outputline || ',' || $Code || ',' || $Rate
add 1 to #I
! This assumes that file number 10 is open
Write #10 from $OutputLine
However, I think you could do everything without an array - use the before and after procedures as so:
Begin-Procedure Init-Emp
Let $OutputLine = &EC.Emplid
Begin-Procedure Process-Emp
Write #10 from $OutputLine
Then the Select Block would look like this:
EC.Emplid () on-break print=never before=Init-Emp After=Process-Emp
Let $OutputLine = $OutputLine || ',' || &EC.Jobcode || ',' || &EC.Rate
When using on-break, make sure you sort by emplid. This is much simpler if your need is just to write a file from data from a table.
