oh my zsh terminal shows weird characters - zsh

I've followed the official git repository of oh my zsh. I've even set the ZSH_THEME = agnoster. But I've been facing some issues in the terminal like the screenshot below.
Whereas the official documentation shows a picture of the terminal like this.
I'm using Windows 10, enabled Linux Sub System and installed Ubuntu from Microsoft Store. The terminal I'm seeing on my screen doesn't look even remotely close to the terminal in the documentation, though I've followed all the steps correctly.


Unix command line on PC using Ubuntu

I am new to these forums and to using Ubuntu and linux and UNIX. I really need some help here. I hope I haven't shot myself in the foot already. I have been trying to complete a UNIX carpentry lesson on the internet for an assignment. I am learning the basics about UNIX. I am not using a Mac, I am using a PC that I did not configure in any way (maybe that's my problem). I am using windows 10 on a lenovo and trying to the command prompt on Ubuntu to find my desktop where a file called "data-shell" is located. The problem: IT IS NOT FINDING THE DESKTOP. Upon further inspection, I have been looking through the location of my desktop and "data-shell" file and found it in the Users location under a number 12094, which I am assuming is the serial number for the computer. I have NEVER fiddled with the software at all with this computer as it cost me a lot of money, but I really do not want to be stopped in the tracks already. I have the following images numbered in the order that I discovered everything; they are posted here. I would really appreciate the help. P.S.: Since I am using a PC and not mac, I thought I had to use another command line like BASH or the terminal on my PCor doI just use Ubuntu? The UNIX shell is supposed to start with a $, right? Please correct me if I a wrong and thank you for your help
linux commands on windows can be ran via cmder or git bash (what i had used in past)
and in linux the desktop is at the path
/home/< username>/Desktop
whereas in windows its
both windows (DOS) and ubuntu/mac(linux) environment are entirely different you can directly run commands of one on the other environment, you do need to "setup" that env first if the command is not native to that.
Now, since its assignments that you are doing and all you need is bare-min linux env
you can give https://repl.it/ a try and create a new project in bash
Also, when you install Ubuntu on windows you dont get acces to windows like path, like "C:...", in ubuntu c:\ of windows is mounted to some other path in ubuntu
search on google how to access windows desktop from ubuntu shell after installing ubuntu inside of windows
When using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), your C drive is located under /mnt/c.
Judging from the screenshot, you are user 12094, so you can either accept this, or you need to actually configure your machine. Also if you look in the screenshot you provided, there is a /home folder which I am betting is actually pointing to /mnt/c/, and your home folder will be under /home/12094, which is also the same as what is stored in $HOME.
To find the location of a file called data-shell, you can run the following linux command while in your home folder:
find $HOME -type f -name 'data-shell'
This command recursively searches for files in your home directory, with the name data-shell

Execute this command line in Windows

I'm trying to connect my firebase auth to an expo project.
I'm following the main docs of each library. I'm stucking on this step.
I'm not able in windows to exeute this command line openssl rand -base64 32 | openssl sha1 -c.
I've tried with the specific https://code.google.com/archive/p/openssl-for-windows/downloads but I don't know how to reproduce the same line.
Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
You need to install openssl. It is usually available on Linux (which I think that article might have been written for). There are some Windows binaries available at here. Alternatively, you could setup a WSL session, and run the command from there.
that is a linux command. Therefore a linux terminal is needed.
there are at least 2 ways to get this done
using virtual machine with ubuntu or some other operating system that uses a linux terminal aka shell (which I doubt you know about)
installing a linux emulator (windows 8+ since it's from the windows store)
assuming you would prefer option 2, go to the windows store, search "Kali" and you will find an app called Kali. install it and if an error shows up, here's a nice video here that talks about solving that error and you would have a kali terminal on your windows computer (your command would work there)

ProgMP page showing I'm not using MPTCP even when I'm using it

I'm started exploring MPTCP recently and started using it on my Ubuntu 18.04. My MPTCP version is 0.95. curl http://multipath-tcp.org on my terminal is returning Yay, you are MPTCP-capable! You can now rest in peace. I further checked it on http://amiusingmptcp.de/ which is telling me I'm using MPTCP. Now I want to write my own default scheduler. So I clicked on appropriate link on http://amiusingmptcp.de/ page which took me to http://progmp.net/progmp.html page. In this page it is showing that I'm not using MPTCP connection so the demo page is showing limited features. I have attached the relevant screenshots. Can someone please tell me how to make my own scheduler?
It seems that you must be on multiple interface to do so. Also, for the local machine based setup without
internet (local network only) you can install the progmp kernel onto your own machine.
In order to do so in your terminal,
wget -c http://progmp.net/tools/linux-image-4.1.20-ProgMp.deb
# then
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-4.1.20-ProgMp.deb
to install the kernel
After that boot into grub menu and select the progMP kernel. the uname -a should prompt kernel version 4.1.20.
Now for writing your own scheduler you can download the example code from progmp.net site and use the python script to add it to the system.
here is the further documentation in order to proceed, along with detailed steps:

Can't find a way to get graphic tablet drivers working on mint

So i was trying to install the XP Pen Driver for my Deco 01 v2 graphics tablet on my Linux Mint 19.2 Tina when i came to encounter the following error:
./Pentablet_Driver: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.10' not found (required by ./Pentablet_Driver)
I went on to install qt 5.10, still the same error. Others suggested to just change the path wth sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf.d/randomLibs.conf which didn't change a thing.
Link to drivers:
The manufacturer has a page describing how to set up their software on Linux with pictures. However, when following them, you end up with a folder name somewhere along the line that has spaces in it, which causes issues.
So a modified set of instructions might look like this:
Connect your XP-Pen product to the computer.
Download the Linux Beta driver from XP-Pen official website.
When the download is complete, extract the compressed folder.
Rename the extracted folder to something without spaces.
Inside the renamed folder is another compressed folder which should be extracted.
Inside the final extracted folder, ensure "Pentablet_Driver.sh" has execution permissions by right clicking on it and going to "Properties->Permissions" and verifying that "Allow executing file as program" is checked.
Open the terminal. (CTRL+ALT+T)
Type "sudo ", then drag Pentablet_Driver.sh from the file browser onto the terminal.
Type the password to complete.
Make sure that you write exactly
sudo ./Pentablet_Driver.sh
sudo ./Pentablet_Driver
I had the same error until I noticed that I forgot to add .sh at the end.

Need help with gdbtui - gnu debugger on linux

I ssh into a remote linux sever from my Mac, and run gdbtui to debug a program. The source code displays, but the cursor line in the source code window frequently is not highlighted. I can enter commands such as 'next' and 'list' in the command line window, but the source code window doesn't redraw correctly. It sometimes shows lines in the source file out of order (the line numbers are displayed out of order.)
I have my TERM environment variable set to xterm-16color which vim is very happy to use. I'm at a loss as to what I should try.
gdb in ordinary command-line mode works fine.
What gdb version are you using? Try the latest one. At least gdb 6.5 had similar problems with tui mode.
I have the exact same configuration as you: I ssh into an Ubuntu server (currently 11.10) from a Mac and I'm currently experimenting with gdbtui.
I recommend that you use iterm2 as your Apple Terminal replacement. Besides 256 colors and a ton of other features, it seems to play decently with gdbtui (line highlighting is fine).
