How can I get different environment values according to different OS in one premake5.lua? - premake

In my project, I want to get different environment value according to different OS, just like get A from Windows and get B from Linux, I try to use filter function like the code shown below:
filter {"system:windows"}
local value = os.getenv("A")
filter {"system:linux"}
local value = os.getenv("B")
or use configuration like that:
configuration {"windows"}
local value = os.getenv("A")
configuration {"linux"}
local value = os.getenv("B")
When I run the premake5.lua, it will return an error: attempt to concatenate a nil value.
Is there anything I misunderstand? How can I implement it correctly?

Another option:
if"windows") then
else if"macosx") then
else if"linux") then

Use os.get to determine which platform you are currently running on.
if os.get() == "windows" then


Filter Data in Oracle Goldengate Replicat Side

I have a requirement to setup CDC from Source(Oracle) to Target(BigQuery) using Goldengate.
I can have only option to filter data in replicat side based on Specific column name .
As per the below link :
I have setup the replicat like below
TARGETDB LIBFILE SET property=dirprm/bqpoc.props
SOURCEDEFS /app/oracle/ogg_bigdata/dirdef/poc.def
export SOUVIKPOC='Smith'
But I am getting below error
2020-02-19 05:47:37 ERROR OGG-01157 Error in WHERE clause for ARADMINPI.TPOC.
Is there anything I am doing wrong here?
For Parameter Substitution to work, you'll need to enclose ?SOUVIKPOC in quotes, like this:
There should also be additional information about the failure earlier in the report file.
Another Example Using #GETENV
Another option is to use the #GETENV function instead of Parameter Substitution. Here, the MAP statement uses a FILTER clause instead of the WHERE clause:
Unless you set the SOUVIKPOC environment variable prior to running GGSCI (and executing START MGR), you need to add a SETENV statement to your parameter file:
Putting it all together:
TARGETDB LIBFILE SET property=dirprm/bqpoc.props
SOURCEDEFS /app/oracle/ogg_bigdata/dirdef/poc.def

Package input parameter SQL Developer

I am trying to create a package in Oracle SQL Developer and want to have a public input parameter that another user can input a date to. I tried the following code -
Create PACKAGE Assignment_1_Pack is
vstartDate date := to_date('&startDate', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
vendDate date := to_date('endDAte', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
When I try to run it I get the following message
Empty package Assignment_1_pack definition (no public members).
I was expecting the window that pops up to prompt for an input but I haven't used packages before so I am not sure what it is I am doing wrong
run set define on;
Use a command create OR REPLACE package Assignment_1_Pack ...
SET DEFINE ON/OFF toggles the substitution variables on or off. Probably the substitution of variables was turned off, so SQLDeveloper doesn't ask for the value
See this for details:
SET DEF[INE] {& | c | ON | OFF} Sets the character used to prefix
substitution variables to c.
ON or OFF controls whether SQL*Plus will scan commands for
substitution variables and replace them with their values. ON changes
the value of c back to the default '&', not the most recently used
character. The setting of DEFINE to OFF overrides the setting of the
SCAN variable.
create OR REPLACE package ... prevents from errors in a case when the package has already been created. Simple CREATE PACKAGE xxx command fails if the package already exists. If you create the package for the first time, then all subsequent attempts will fail. Create OR REPLACE ... drops the package if it already exists, and then creates it again, so it newer fails.

getProperty & getSystemProperty in MonkeyRunner return None

I'm new to Android development and test, currently I'm training to make a test scripts under Python and then use monkeyrunner to run them.
As said in MonkeyDevice official documentation , the [getProperty()][1] and [getSystemProperty()][2] should return you a value that depends on property variable name you pass for them. Each time I got only 'None' value. Any idea or trick?!
The simple code I'm using :
from import MonkeyDevice,MonkeyRunner
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
print device.getSystemProperty('version.sdk')
You need to specify the property group. For example:
print device.getSystemProperty('build.version.sdk')
for whatever reason both getProperty() and getSystemProperty() don't work for me but you can run:
$ adb shell getprop
which returns a complete list of attributes/values

Validate a character as a file path?

What's the best way to determine if a character is a valid file path? So CheckFilePath( "my*file.csv") would return FALSE (on windows * is invalid character), whereas CheckFilePath( "c:\\users\\blabla\\desktop\\myfile.csv" ) would return TRUE.
Note that a file path can be valid but not exist on disk.
This is the code that save is using to perform that function:
else file(file, "wb")
else if (inherits(file, "connection"))
con <- file
else stop("bad file argument")
Perhaps file.exists() is what you're after? From the help page:
file.exists returns a logical vector indicating whether the files named by its argument exist.
(Here ‘exists’ is in the sense of the system's stat call: a file will be reported as existing only
if you have the permissions needed by stat. Existence can also be checked by file.access, which
might use different permissions and so obtain a different result.
Several other functions to tap into the computers file system are available as well, also referenced on the help page.
No, there's no way to do this (reliably). I don't see an operating system interface in neither Windows nor Linux to test this. You would normally try and create the file and get a fail message, or try and read the file and get a 'does not exist' kind of message.
So you should rely on the operating system to let you know if you can do what you want to do to the file (which will usually be read and/or write).
I can't think of a reason other than a quiz ("Enter a valid fully-qualified Windows file path:") to want to know this.
I would suggest trying checkPathForOutput function offered by the checkmate package. As stated in the linked documentation, the function:
Check[s] if a file path can be safely be used to create a file and write to it.
checkmate::checkPathForOutput(x = tempfile(pattern = "sample_test_file", fileext = ".tmp"))
# [1] TRUE
checkmate::checkPathForOutput(x = "c:\\users\\blabla\\desktop\\myfile.csv")
# [1] TRUE
Invalid path
\0 character should not be used in Linux1 file names:
# Error: nul character not allowed (line 1)
1 Not tested on Windows, but looking at the code of checkmate::check_path_for_output indicates that function should work correctly on MS Windows system as well.

Visual Basic 2010: How do I reference one of many objects through an additional object? (Pointer-like behaviour?)

I am writing an application in Visual Basic 2010 Express.
I have two objects of a class from a driver DLL that is provided to me. They have some of their own subroutines that I'd like to call, and I'd like an easy way to toggle between them.
Instead of writing a whole bunch of code like this:
selected = x
If selected = x then
Else If Selected = y then
I would like to do this:
Bob = (some reference to X - NOT a copy of X!)
I'm sure this is really easy - I am just not sure where to look.
Thanks for any help!
' set the object based on what was selected first, here...
Dim selectedDriverInstance = new DriverObject
' now you can run the method without checking for each as selected was already set.
Of course, DriverObject can be the instance x or instance y depending on what u set it to, do the assignment there and set it to our fixed name object selectedDriverInstance. this way you can do everything using selectedDriverInstance as it is set to either instance x or instance y already, get me?
