address 0x803e0e of ACS712_ATTINY817.elf section `.data' is not within region `data; ATMEL STUDIO 7 - atmel

ISSUE: Facing this error on build of from an ATMEL Start project. The project was working earlier but after re-configuring using ATMEL Start i am getting this error.
Can anyone help me in understanding about .elf section in ATMEL Studio 7


How to build, deploy and run a Xamarin forms GTK application on a Raspberry Pi using Visual Studio 2019

I have a situation where I need to develop a multi-platform app to run on windows and Raspbian (Raspberry PI OS). Currently, I have an application written in Xamarin Forms WPF for windows and one written in Xamarin Forms GTK for use on the RPI. The issue I am having is, when I deploy the GTK version, I get one of two exception:
Development System:
Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10 Pro
Framework 4.7.2 and .Net Standard 2.0
Target Systems
Windows 10 (Xamarin.Forms.WPF)
Debian 10 "Buster" (Xamarin.Forms.GTK)
System.DllNotFoundException: libglib-2.0-0.dll : When trying to run with Mono
The library '' required to execute the application was not found. : When trying to run under dotnet.
The RPI is running Debian 10 "Buster". The OS is up to date and dotnet, mono and GTK have been installed successfully. A simple "Hello World!" console app was build on windows using Visual Studio and executed against both frameworks without issue on the RPI. However, any real app with UI fails with the above exceptions.
Can anyone please provide me with information or point me in the right direction on how to resolve these issues in detail? Most of the information on the web is partial and/or makes assumptions about subject matter knowledge. Which is not really helpful.
I've researched and followed many examples online. However, they either did not work as expected or did not cover the subject of deployment to the RPI (Raspberry Pi). The system has the required frameworks and tools on it. It appears there application is missing configuration files.

VisualGDB visual Studio 2022 QT application for Linux

I was working with qt application for raspberry pi using visualGDB cross compiler in 2015 it was working fine for me, but after 5 years I restarted the project this time I update the VisualStudio 2022 with the latest visualGDB version, and I found that when I create the Linux project on creating the project first ui was created by default but when I trying to create the new ui class I haven't found the option for qt class. Send a week but haven't found the solution. Please suggest where if I miss anything.

Visual Studio 2015 Community version

there is a problem.
I've instaled VS 2015 Community version. I wanted to open the project from another computer and there is a problem with it.
1. Could not find SDK "SQLite.WP81, Version=3.12.2".
1. The referenced component 'SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1' could not be found.
2. Warning IDE0006 Error encountered while loading the project. Some project features, such as full solution analysis for the failed
project and projects that depend on it, have been disabled.
What should I do to work on this project on this computer ? How can I download missing SDK ?
P.s. Im going to work on widnows Phone application.
Thx for help!
Your project is missing SQLite For Windows Phone 8.1 library. Download an updated version of SQLite.WP8.1 here
Install it and relaunch Visual Studio.
Further information, including complete documentation, may be found at the official web site "".

Object reference is not set to an instance of an object on creating windows phone app

When i tried to create a windows phone application on visual studio 2012 i get the error "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object". I searched on google and find that deleting the 'NuGet packet manager' will solve the issue. But after deleting the packet manager i got the same error. What should i do to create the app.?
it appears that your windows phone development kit along with your visual studio is messed up. Try running the Visual Studio setup again and choose repair your installation. Once done, try creating the windows app again.
Reinstall your Windows phone SDK toolkit or repair it. If still your are getting same issue try to repair your visual studio 2012 from control panel.
Note: Please close your visual studio before repair.

Windows Phone 8 Debugging-Error using MVVM-Light portable in Express-Editions

this is my first post her on stackoverflow. My english isn't so good, so i hope you understand my issue.
I'm using the Express-Editions of Visual Studio 2013 (Desktop, Web, Windows-Apps) and the Express Edition of Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Phone.
I created a Solution in Web-Developer 2013, created a class library and changed the project-file like mentioned in this post:
So now i have a portable class library in my solution. I followed the instructions in this tutorial:
So in the solution there is a portable class library containing "MainViewModel" and "ViewModelLocator" class. After that i opened the vs 2012 express for windows phone and opened the solutions, add a wp8 project and did the steps mentioned in the tutorial.
In the designer i can see the "Hello"-Message on the MainPage.xaml. But when i try to debugg the wp8 project, i get an error that's saying something like this:
"There is no network connection to anymore. Debugging was canceld".
Anybody an idea what i could try to get this running? Or isn't it possible to run this with the different express editions of visual studio?
i have found the solution. :-)
The problem was, that in the Windows Phone project there was a wrong version of Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll. The MVVM-Light Package by default installed there the v2.0 version of the dll. In the MVVM Light PCL project by defaukt it was the v4.0 version. So i changed the reference in WP8-project to the v4.0 and now it's debugging.
So if someone else runs in the same problem as me, here is the solution.
