What needs to be done for an action submission? - firebase

I am developing a google smart home action.On the Google Home App, I can set up my test action. I can use the Google Home mini turn on my devices. I used a C++ server as fulfillment (url: https://xxxx.xxx.com/google/smarthome). My server can receive and process SYNC, QUERY and EXECUTE methods.
When I running the SMARTHOME-WASHER demo. It used firebase and homegraph. I can see the washer status data in firebase database. I can see the functions in firebase, such as fakeauth, faketoken, reportstate, requestsync and smarthome. Evenytime when I turn on/off the washer. I saw reportstate and other requests.
But when I test my test action, in my test action's firebase, there are nothing. No status data, no request data.
When I use Test suite for smart home, the WASHER-DEMO is OK, my test action failed to get device list from HomeGraph.
So I want to know:
1. If firebase is necessary when I used my own fulfillment ?
2. How to report state? Request from google server to my server, or conversely?
3. When I add my test action on Google Home App, the firebase database is empty. Is this a issue?
4. What need I to do , if I want to submission my action.
I have been troubled for more than two months. Thanks for your help.

Firebase is not required. You can use any backend implementation you want. To simplify development, our codelab uses one type of implementation. If you want to use another host and database, then you can change how you handle the requests.
Report State is a command you send from your server to the Home Graph. It's proactive, meant to be sent when a device's state changes.
If you are not using Firebase for your test action, then you would not see any Firebase activity. This is fine.
To submit, you should follow this guide. Primarily, run the Test Suite and then submit your action through the Actions Console.


Device Access Console - The project could not be created

I am attempting to integrate my NEST devices with Home assistant so following these instructions: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/nest/
I have created a google cloud project, enabled "Smart Device Management" and "Cloud Pub/Sub" APIs, configured OAuth Consent screen which is now in production and configured OAuth Application Credentials - which generated a client ID and Secret.
I have also paid the $5 for the device access console so can access this screen:
However when I go through the process of creating a project, inputting the OAuth Client ID and submitting, it will try for a few minutes and then get the following error:
Really not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I just encountered the same thing. I don't think it's you. The endpoint to actually create the project is returning a 503-Service Unavailable response. Likely a temporary issue.
I am encountering an issue as well
Marko seems to have discovered that it is on them right now
I had the same issue yesterday. This morning I logged out of the Drive Access Console and then logged back in with the same gmail account and my project was there.
I had this issue as well and I finally figured it out.
After spending more time than I care to admit on it, I realized I could create a project if I skipped the "OAuth Client ID" step. I was then able to go into the project and add the Client ID from there.
What happened is that I had been copy/pasting the Client ID directly from the Google Cloud Console. For some reason, copy/pasting directly from Google Cloud Console adds extra spaces to the start and end of the Client ID string. After I got rid of the extra spaces, I could create projects as expected.
I wish the errors were more descriptive.

Adding account linking to my Actions on Google app

I created a Actions on Google app with the Actions SDK. For this i used as said before the Actions SDK, firebase function for the fulfillment and firestore for storing data. All works fine.
Now i want to implement account linking to provide user specific information. I start to read the full documentation for account linking with the refers to integrate a Oauth 2.0 Server and soon. That is my first time i working with account linking and Oauth servers and now i'm totally confused. I don't understand where my auth server have to sit, how to setup it and what parameters it have to process. After reading more and searching for results i found that firebase provide Account authentication. Is it right that this firebase product is similar a Oauth server?
My next big problem is how to enabling account linking in my Actions app. In the Actions on Google documentation i found a topic how to expand the Action Package for account linking. My problem is to unterstand which information the probiertes need.
So summary, if the firebase authentication is really a Oauth server what i need to do that my app and firebase authentication works together.
Maybe everyone knows a good website for understanding the process of account linking and how it can be implemented.
After getting the first answer for my question i started studying more about account linking and the authentication process.
After this i created following roadmap:
Create an website with a google account sing-in form and host it with firebase hosting
Set up the Oauth2 server
Interact with the linked account. Save account informations in my firestore database
So i started with step one. In the firebase authentication documentation i find a example for a google login form. After modifying and hosting the example i try it. It works fine. After sing in by using the hosted website, my google account linked with my project. I checked this in my google account settings. Also the example response with a lots of data like the profile name, email address and so on. So my question at this point is. Why do i have to set up a OAuth server now? After sign in with the example form i linked my account to my project successful. And so i can start saving the received data in my firebase database and act with them in my Actions app.
Okay . Maybey i have a general problem of understanding the right use of account linking. I try to identify the user who use my action to offer special content when he comes back next time. Or maybe create a question with his name from his google account inside the question. So in my understanding i have to link the users google account with my action and save the account information in a database to identify the use next time. So is account linking for this task the right way?
No, Firebase Authentication is not an OAuth2 server.
Firebase Authentication provides a way for you to manage user accounts for your Firebase-based web or mobile app. With the Auth UI it gives a way for users to log into that account using a variety of means (including their Google account, Facebook account, or phone number). It does not, however, provide components that an OAuth2 server provides.
Most notably, it does not provide any way for a user to log in through another client (like the Google Assistant) to gain authorization for that client. You cannot, with Firebase Authentication, issue a token to the Assistant, nor accept a token from the Assistant and verify if this is a user inside Firebase Authentication.
You need to build these components yourself. Google describes the minimum tasks that it needs to do as part of this authentication. You can use Firebase Authentication as part of this as you build such a server (for example, it is a great way to have people log in to their account and for you to verify that account), and it is reasonable to use a Firebase Database to store user tokens if you go that route, Firebase Functions might be a useful place to implement the token exchange point, and Firebase Hosting would be good to host the login page itself - but you'd need to write code that "puts it all together".
Your auth server can sit anywhere. As I said - you can do it through Firebase Functions, but you don't have it. It just needs to be able to provide some responses through web URLs at HTTPS endpoints.
Once you have done this, you need to configure the endpoints on the actions console and implement a request for account linking in your code or in the action package.
Response to Update 1
After sing in by using the hosted website, my google account linked with my project. I checked this in my google account settings.
From an OAuth perspective - no, the Google Account is not "linked" to your project.
Google has issued a token to you (that is to say, the service that you've written) that gives your service access to certain resources. Those resources include information about a particular user.
This may sound like I'm splitting semantics, but it isn't. It is fundamental to what OAuth is offering and what it means when you get an issue a token. You currently have authorization to do certain things.
Why do i have to set up a OAuth server now? After sign in with the example form i linked my account to my project successful. And so i can start saving the received data in my firebase database and act with them in my Actions app.
You haven't linked your account. You have permission to do certain things.
Furthermore, aside from "that's how they do it", you need to setup an OAuth server because you now need to do the same thing for Google - give them permission to do specific things on your server (like use it). Normally this would be involved with "logging in".
Account Linking is really a fancy term for "logging in". You need a way for users to be able to log into your server. You have an access token, but that is roughly the equivalent of having logged into Google's server.
So why do so many websites, for example, have things like "Log In using Google" or "Log In using Facebook"? Because those sites are willing to trust that if their servers can get permitted to certain information at Google or Facebook, then they can trust you. And you might be willing to accept that when they login to your site (either through the web or through Actions), but the Assistant can't assume that. They need to make sure users actually log into your site - that user's deliberately want to do so and that you deliberately want to let them in.

How to capture wechat group incoming message and save it

need some advice from wechat experts.
How to get all incoming message from a specific wechat group and send it to server db.
Is there any available api or need to use xposed and hook the function of wechat.
Plz advice. Tq
I dont know the specifics of wechat but if it is an Android app you can always intercept its text and images.
Check if the following suits your needs: angel bitbucket.
It is basically an Xposed module that intercepts TextViews and ImageViews in apps. It then sends them from the 3rd party apps to a standalone stub (running in the Xposed app itself). This stub sends them to a nodejs server that shows them in "real-time" in the browser.
Note that by default it is set to only intercept a few apps (whatsapp, facebook...) and while i made it modular, you will still have to build it yourself.

Use GAE background thread to trigger SSE to multiple web clients

I have completed the basic GAE "Guestbook" example which uses Google Cloud Endpoints and Google Cloud Messaging. I can successfully add a note to the guestbook and have it appear on all registered devices.
I've also used the super simple Server Sent Event (SSE) mechanism to have a web page initiate an event source and then update itself as events are received. But separate web pages appear to create their own distinct event sources (even if using the same URI to the event source) and thus get their own events at their own times.
The objective here is to create a bit of collaboration such that user actions can come from an android device or a web page and the effects the received action are then pushed to all connected users/devices/web pages.
I have assumed I will need a background module and that both Endpoints and 'normal' web pages / queries would channel the received user action to that background module. I believe I can get that far. Next, I need the background module to trigger a push notification to all interested parties.
I believe I can trigger a Google Could Messaging event to registered Android devices from that background module.
But it isn't clear to me how a background module can be the source of an SSE, or how the background module can best communicate with a foreground module that already is the source of an SSE.
I've looked at the Google Queue API, but I have a feeling I'm making something quite easy much more difficult than it needs to be. If you were not going to 'poll' for changes from a web page... and you wanted to receive notifications from an SSE source when changes were made by other users, possibly using Android devices rather than a typical web page, and the deployed application is running on the Google Application Engine, what would you recommend?
Many thanks,
You are on the right track, not really sure why you are using the background module but from what i understood you need to:
Your front end module receives an update
You retrieve a list of all devices receiving that update
Use the Queue service to send the update via GCM to every single device
Why use queues? because front end instances have a 1 min time limit per request and you'll need to queue work in order to go beyond that time to serve you (potentially) thousands of users.
Now, If you already have a backend instance (which does not have the 1min limit) you could just iterate over the list and send all messages on one request. I believe you have a 24 hr request limit so you should be OK. But in this scenario you don't have need for the front end module, you can just hit this server straight up.

How do I send Issues into BitBucket by email?

I Love BitBucket.org
But is there a way to configure BitBucket to accept email and automatically put them into my 'New' Issue list in the issue tracker?
BitBucket sends out email notifications, but I want something the other way around. I don't want to have to go in and create an issue manually each time someone emails me about a problem. I want to forward those emails to Bitbucket so problems to go directly into the issue tracker via E-Mail.
And: Similarly, can you configure Bitbucket so that it listens for code check-ins and it auto-magically set issues to complete/fixed etc.?
Is there a way?
I don't think there is a way to submit issues via email and now that Atlassian has bought Bitbucket I doubt that they will spend much time improving or enhancing the issue tracking inside Bitbucket as their main product (JIRA) is an very comprehensive issue tracker.
I would sooner expect some sort of integration of the two and a phase out of the current issue tracker. But then we will probably have to pay :-(
Re adding emails:
I want to forward those emails to Bitbucket so problems to go directly into the issue tracker via E-Mail.
Yes you can do this - you need to have an endpoint that receives emails, so for example sendgrid allows this (see Sendgrid webhooks docs), and will call a webhook on your server whenever an email comes in. You then need a bit of glue code on the server to post that issue to bitbucket via the bitbucket API (see the bitbucket api docs). So there are two parts to doing this, and you will need to write some code I think.
I'm currently working on a tool to do just this at Project Page. If anyone would like to try it out let me know. I'm also planning to let it interrogate the user to get a bit more detail about things like priority and urls associated with the problem.
Re the second part of your question:
Similarly, can you configure Bitbucket so that it listens for code check-ins and it auto-magically set issues to complete/fixed etc.?
Yes you can close issues automatically - just use the text fixes #n, so for example:
fixes #123
in the commit message, where 123 is the number of the issue you want to close.
There is a API to create issue http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BBDEV/Issues.
And a custom script which may or could be able to fetch email and post to issue tracker.
Yes, it's possible. Bitbucket has a robust REST API that lets you do it at least two ways:
Option 1: 3rd Party Service
Use an online API automation service like
Zapier or
(Click those links for specific email/Bitbucket integration examples.)
You have a couple of options with this approach. With Zapier, for example, you can have a dedicated Issue-only Gmail address, and any email sent to it creates a new Issues ticket. OR you can automatically create Issues just by assigning a specific label to an email in an existing Gmail account.
Oddly, IFTTT doesn't currently offer Bitbucket integration.
Option 2: Write Your Own Server Script
If you have server access, you can configure your Message Transfer Agent to send certain emails to a PHP script that will create a Bitbucket Issue.
The script will need to use the Bitbucket API repositories > {username} > {repo_slug} > issues > POST method.
A great how-to article for this approach is Process Incoming Mail with PHP Script with Exim.
