Navigation item getting localhost url - Wordpress - wordpress

I have a WordPress site published at but I am getting the and all URLs are working fine except Home in the header navigation bar which get http://localhost/B2W/. Any idea why?
I changed the WordPress and siteurl to But still getting this issue just for Home

Not sure but I think you might have added custom link in the Menu.

Maybe it is a cache issue, try to clear all your cache on your browser.
try this site to clear WordPress cache


How to fix wp-admin not coming in the url issue in wordpress?

I am working on wordpress website suddenly some issues are coming although I have not done any major change in the website.
wp-admin are not coming in any admin url.
I am trying to change the Permalinks setting but it is not saving.
All pages are redirecting to home page although in the url having another page path.
for solve this problem you must regenerate permalink-
For solve it go to Settings > Permalink and save it.
Let me know.

Wordpress too many redirects issue on localhost

I am facing the issue as described in the title. I am working on a Woocommerce site with default WP Twenty Nineteen. Everything was working fine but I have mistyped https in the WP admin General Settings Site Url field. This caused too_many_redirects error on both Chrome and Mozilla. I have tried clearing cookies and complete browsing data, disabling plugins, changing permalinks and deleting htaccess file but none of this worked. Maybe this can help but strangely I can access admin but cannot see none of the pages. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In wp-config.php add this 2 lines (with your protocol+domain_name):

Wordpress gives 404 in any page with any kind of permalink, but when I change the theme it works. How to fix?

I have a wordpress theme that has the page.php, but it gives 404 in any page that I create, even using the plain permalink (http://localhost:8080/?page_id=33141).
But when I change to wordpress theme the page works.
I think it is not about htacces, because none of the themes should work.
Could the theme redirect all pages to 404? I didn't find anything in the code.
Could someone refresh my mind?
I am running it in a docker container but I dont think it has influence because the other theme works.
Try go to setting->permalink and click save and clear cache and fresh page.
go to settings-> permalinks and save the permalinks and also clear the cache. sometime it is occurring due to cache.
And also sometimes it may happens due to permission is declined from cpanel
Go to cpanel and then right click select permission and change the permission. It may be helpful

Holding page still showing after I have uploaded the new website

I have just uploaded a wordpress website to a live URL which previously displayed a placeholder 'new website coming soon' page.
I have since uploaded the new site which is working fine in Google Chrome however when I try to load it up in Firefox or Edge it still displays the placeholder page.
I have tried clearing the cache for both browsers but the issue still persists!
Is there anything I can do in wordpress or anywhere else to resolve this issue.
The web address is
This is what you should be seeing.
This is what i am currently seeing.
I had initially set the home page to be the 'coming soon' page that I created but I have checked this and the home page is now set correctly in the homepage settings menu. Strangely, other pages on the site such as all seem to load up fine, it's just the homepage.
Update: Chrome on other PCs are showing the old holding page also, simple browser cache won't fix this either
There is cache issue, please go to plugins sections and un-installed all the cache plugins and then save permalinks from settings > Permalinks.
Please access this link, its working fine.
If the above steps do not help you to resolved your problems, then go to your root directory and delete your .htaccess files and save permalinks again from settings > Permalinks.
I hope its help you. :)

Wordpress Custom Logo not showing on all pages

So I've been handed the admin panel of a wordpress site someone else built
I am trying to add a new custom logo which I have done for the first page (via theme options - header), but it doesn't seem to work on the other pages, they are loading a copy of our old logo.
New Logo:
Old Logo:
Does anyone have an idea about why this might be? Thank you
It can be the cache issue please clear your cache .
Try to clear you site cache
It must be cache issue.
Clear the the cache and check.
Are you using any cache plugin?
Just try this URL in your browser.
