Wordpress Custom Logo not showing on all pages - wordpress

So I've been handed the admin panel of a wordpress site someone else built http://www.humanutopia.com.
I am trying to add a new custom logo which I have done for the first page (via theme options - header), but it doesn't seem to work on the other pages, they are loading a copy of our old logo.
New Logo: http://www.humanutopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website-logo.png
Old Logo: http://www.humanutopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/hulogo-e1461777462384.png
Does anyone have an idea about why this might be? Thank you

It can be the cache issue please clear your cache .
Try to clear you site cache

It must be cache issue.
Clear the the cache and check.
Are you using any cache plugin?
Just try this URL in your browser.


Wordpress Admin Dashboard not working. It does not load css files. Also the website is not able to edit using the customize buttons etc

I am not able to edit the Wordpress site at all. The dashboard looks like its not loading css. But also the links are not working, each time I press anything on the bare-looking dashboard, it takes me to Page not found. I am facing this issue because I changed the admin password from phpMyadmin using cPanel. From that moment, this is all messed up. It would be awesome if I get a solution for this. (Ps. I do have a backup of the site but it is old, so it does not have a lot of changes done recently, so I cannot roll back to old version
If you are using any cache plugin, then deactivate it, clear your browser cookies, also try to access it from different IP from another place.
Also, check this link for a better understanding.

Navigation item getting localhost url - Wordpress

I have a WordPress site published at forexschool.club but I am getting the and all URLs are working fine except Home in the header navigation bar which get http://localhost/B2W/. Any idea why?
I changed the WordPress and siteurl to forexschool.club But still getting this issue just for Home
Not sure but I think you might have added custom link in the Menu.
Maybe it is a cache issue, try to clear all your cache on your browser.
try this site to clear WordPress cache

Wordpress post text area missing issue

I have an issue that is in wordpress when i click on add new post button the post form appears it is showing everything on that form except the main content text area it's simply not there. I just updated my wordpress and this happens.
Now I have also downgraded my wordpress to previous version but still same issue.
Can anyone help me please.
Make sure all your plugins and theme are up to date, compatible with 4.8.1
Flushing any caching plugins you might be running, as well as server and/or browser caches. Not just your browser, but any op cache or content network cache as well such as CloudFlare.
If that does not resolve the issue, try deactivating ALL plugins temporarily to see if this resolves the problem (plugin functions can interfere). If this works, re-activate them individually (one-by-one) to find the problematic plugin(s).
Edit manually wp-config.php file.
Find the line
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);
(it is probably true by default installation)
and change in
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', false);
That might solve your issue. Hope this will helpful for you.

wordpress redirecting to a site am not sure of when viewing a profile

my wordpress site when viewing a profile of authors sometimes it stays sometimes when refreshed it goes to http://financetimes.co/work-at-home-mom-true-success-story-googletrader/ redirects to this hacked site.
is there a php code i can add in Function.php so it dont redirect.
if "http://financetimes.co" {
dont redirect
You first need to establish if the problem is on your computer side or on the server side.
Try with another computer. If the problem remains, the problem is on the server.
You cannot simply add a "patch". If your website is vulnerable you need to fix it.
You can consider disabling plugin by plugin and/or try temporarily another theme in order to find out the origin of the problem.
Maybe your wordpress theme is corrupt or contains malware. Download the following plugin to check if your theme contains malicious code;
resolved the problem by removing infected zen cauche pro plugin thanks stack overflow members.

Why after updating a custom WordPress theme it doesn't change?

I bought a theme for WordPress and when i try to edit the theme it would not change a thing.
i even deleted images and background from the theme and it somehow still shows up on the page like its being cached somewhere. I cleared my browsers cache and just to be sure i tried to visit the my website on a different computer and the same page shows up.
My question is does WordPress cache images somewhere automatically? if yes is there any way to flush it?
WP doesn't cache anything unless you have any caching plugins enabled. Try disabling all plugins and double checking that the files you deleted are really the ones that you're seeing in your browser.
Right click on any images to get their source then compare them with the path of the image on the server, are they the same?
