Holding page still showing after I have uploaded the new website - wordpress

I have just uploaded a wordpress website to a live URL which previously displayed a placeholder 'new website coming soon' page.
I have since uploaded the new site which is working fine in Google Chrome however when I try to load it up in Firefox or Edge it still displays the placeholder page.
I have tried clearing the cache for both browsers but the issue still persists!
Is there anything I can do in wordpress or anywhere else to resolve this issue.
The web address is http://www.mascar.co.uk
This is what you should be seeing.
This is what i am currently seeing.
I had initially set the home page to be the 'coming soon' page that I created but I have checked this and the home page is now set correctly in the homepage settings menu. Strangely, other pages on the site such as http://www.mascar.co.uk/drivers all seem to load up fine, it's just the homepage.
Update: Chrome on other PCs are showing the old holding page also, simple browser cache won't fix this either

There is cache issue, please go to plugins sections and un-installed all the cache plugins and then save permalinks from settings > Permalinks.
Please access this link http://www.mascar.co.uk/?sadkjfad, its working fine.
If the above steps do not help you to resolved your problems, then go to your root directory and delete your .htaccess files and save permalinks again from settings > Permalinks.
I hope its help you. :)


Navigation item getting localhost url - Wordpress

I have a WordPress site published at forexschool.club but I am getting the and all URLs are working fine except Home in the header navigation bar which get http://localhost/B2W/. Any idea why?
I changed the WordPress and siteurl to forexschool.club But still getting this issue just for Home
Not sure but I think you might have added custom link in the Menu.
Maybe it is a cache issue, try to clear all your cache on your browser.
try this site to clear WordPress cache

My home page automatically redirects to the user page

I installed the Ultimate Member plugin in my wordpress site and I created all the needed pages (register, login...). On my side, it seems to work fine, but one of the site's users is redirected to his profil when he try to access the home page. However, the home page is not linked to any UM behaviour.
We tried to clear cookies and cache but nothing changes, and I don't see where the problem can come from.
seems like you have to set the Default Start Site in the Customizer, maybe this helps with your problem. Otherwise please check if the Link in your Menu is correct and refers to your Homepage.Customizer Start Site

How to fix wp-admin not coming in the url issue in wordpress?

I am working on wordpress website https://www.iskconujjain.com suddenly some issues are coming although I have not done any major change in the website.
wp-admin are not coming in any admin url.
I am trying to change the Permalinks setting but it is not saving.
All pages are redirecting to home page although in the url having another page path.
for solve this problem you must regenerate permalink-
For solve it go to Settings > Permalink and save it.
Let me know.

Wordpress website links only work on page refresh or with cache disabled

Since yesterday links on my website only work if I click them and then refresh the page. On the first click the addressbar shows the correct address, but the content doesn't change. htaccess is unchanged and there are no cache plugins installed atm. There is no cache directory in /wp-content/ and the webserver cache has also been cleared. If I disable caching in DevTools or visit the website while beeing logged in in Wordpress the pages load correctly. Browser cache has also been cleared.
What is wrong with my website? Thank you!

Screenshot.png Not displaying on admin

I have installed a premium theme and changed the screenshot.png and uploaded it via ftp, upon looking at the admin panel it still display the old screenshot.png and the link it was linking was
http:// www. mysite .com/wp-content/themes/mytheme/screenshot.png
and if I directly go to the link
it shows my new screenshot but not showing on my admin panel, why does the admin panel detects the screenshot with www and if I look on my hosting file manager my theme has the new screenshot. I've tried to delete and reinstall wordpress from scratch including the theme but still doing the same thing. any thoughts?
It's probably cached. Try CTRL+F5 or clear browser cache and see if that helps.
A quicker solution is to add a query arg to the end of the url, like ?refresh=1 which would make your browser think it is a different URL, even if the query arg doesn't do anything. This won't fix the original issue until your cache clears, still, but it will tell you that it is working (at least for other people who haven't seen the old version yet).
