Whats is the unique string in analytics report URL? - google-analytics

I need to open custom dimensions report from my website which will open google analytics. To open exact report i need to know analytics endpoint and its parameters.
What is xxxx090493w198642760p19323xxxx string in url and where i can find it? This seems unique based on account.

It is composed by:
axxx090493w198642760p19323xxxx --> a is for account id
axxx090493w198642760p19323xxxx --> w is for web property id
axxx090493w198642760p19323xxxx --> p is for profile id (view)


get CTR or clicks/Impressions via sisense from google analytics

I have CTR, clicks in the Google analytics. I want to get these data via sisense. According to the instruction https://documentation.sisense.com/7-1/managing-data/connectors/google-analytics.htm#gsc.tab=0 I use elastiCube manager to create an ElastiCube. I use google analitics web service to add the data to ElasiCube. I got 27 tables with names like: Traffic By Navigation, Monthly Report, Traffic By Navigation, Monthly Report and so on. By they do not have the fields which I need. I go to google analitics account via Behavior->Events->Overview. I can see "Clicks". How can I get it via sisense?
Here you can find an example for adding event fields with XML: https://support.sisense.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115007407787-Tracking-Sisense-Usage-Via-Google-Analytics

Trouble setting up Google Analytics for website that contains query string

I am trying to create a new tracking code for a new web property in GA however the URL contains a query string at the end of it. The URL string contains common information except for the query string at the end of it.
For example:
GA will not allow me to create a unique tracking code for each of these sites since they contain the query string. So if I remove it, how will I track each of these as unique web sites in GA?
You could solve this problem by creating 3 separate views with a filter for each view, that only records the traffic for the right URL.
First you have to extract the value after the last "/" with this code:
function() {
var loginURL = window.location.href.split("/")[3];
return loginURL;
Put that value into a custom dimension (with GTM just use a custom javascript variable, with GA refer to this documentaion on how to set a custom dimension).
Set up a filter in your new Google Analytics view that only includes traffic with the value of the custom dimension being "login.aspx?p=abc".

How to track USER_ID generated by Google analytics which came from certain campaign/utm?

when somebody register on my website, Google Analytics genrate a new USER ID form him. How can I label/track generated USER_IDs which came from certain campaign (i.e. form certain custom URL with utm parameters)?
Thx for help.
In the first step you should push the UID (or CID) as a Dimension into your GA Account. So you are able to export the UID/CID through the API (or CSV). Here is a article how to do this: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/tag-manager/lcTvzfvcTvU;context-place=topicsearchin/tag-manager/category$3Aadvanced-setup--implementation%7Csort:relevance%7Cspell:false
If you have the ID as a Dimension you can build a Segment containing your Campaign. In your reports you now see the IDs.
Another solution would be to fire the dimension with the IDs just if a User is on a page containing the specific parameters.

How can I link my customers with ganalytics visitor

Most of my website traffic come from adwords, and fill a form to get called.
When A user fill a form, I have a customer created on my database.
For my business strategy, I want to know how much I payed for that lead, and how much benefit I make with it after the call.
For that I think I have to link analytics visitors and my customers directly.
I am searching for a way to put an analytics visitor ID on the request form or something like this...
You would need to get the visitor id and pass it into either a custom variable (ga.js) or custom dimension (analytics.js).
To get the visitor id for Google Analytics (ga.js) *I got this code from How to obtain Google Analytics visitor unique id? SO Answer:
var tracker = _gat._getTrackers()[0];
var visit_code = tracker._visitCode();
To get the visitor id for Universal Analytics (analytics.js) *More documentation on this in Google's documentation:
ga(function(tracker) {
var clientId = tracker.get('clientId');
I've used this before, too:
The best strategy in your case is:
Get user ID from GA or UA(as desribed advisor above)
Send user ID to database
Set up user ID as custom variable(in Googl Analytics) or custom dimension(in Universal Analytics)
Set up custom reports, where you can segment your visitors by their ID's

Get google analytics id from the code embed?

As an example, the code I have to embed has an ID of the form: UA-3235632-1, but to use the data export API I need the ID from the URL of the proper page, in this case: 6270018.
How do I get the real ID from the UA type ID?
That feature of the the GA Data Export API could indeed be a little more clear.
Here's what you need to do:
login to the GA Browser and in the
upper-right-hand corner drop-down
menu, select your GA Account of
interest (assuming you have more
than one--if you don't then you are
already on right page). The page
that renders will be the Website
Profiles for that Account. Find the
row in that table that corresponds
to the Profile (Report) you want
retrieve data from and click on the
next-to-last column Edit;
The page you'll see now will say
Profile Settings in the upper
left-hand corner. Just under that,
in smaller font, you'll see Profile
ID followed by a string of digits
(probably six to eight). This is what you want
(in the python client for the GA
Data Export API, it is referred to
as TABLE_ID)).
To retrieve this parameter (TABLE_ID) programmatically, the GA Data Export API Account Feed returns this value to you in the dxp:tableID field. In particular, an Account Query will return the list of profiles under that Account to which you have access; each Profile will have a tableID in the field i mentioned just above.
