Wordpress Multilingual plugin subdirectory lanauge - wordpress

I'm currently trying to install a Wordpress website, and providing it through multiple languages. I've found a bunch of plugins to manage the translation.
But I'm still getting stuck to setup WordPress to be able to have http://www.mywebsite.com/en/ and/or http://www.mywebsite.com/de/.
I've found the language switch redirecting to the same page, with the correct subdirectory, but I got an error 404. It looks something should be enabled globally on Wordpress, or even changing the Apache configuration?
Thank you for your future help.

You can User this plugin for making multilingual you site.


wpml languages redirecting to default

I'm not too familiar with WPML and I site I am working on is using it. Everything was working fine, but now it has been noticed that when you go to a different language domain (e.g. www.domain.com/es/pagename) the site seems to rewrite the address to (www.domain.com/pagename) removing the language directory from the web address making some language pages unaccessable.
This is not occurring on all pages though.
I checked the htaccess file and the rewrite are their.
Any help or information on this would be great.
Try check settings of WPML plugin http://take.ms/hFuqg
Problem ended up being 'Custom Permalinks' plugin. Doesn't play nice with WPML.

Unable to create a Wordpress multisite network for an existing installation, A Last Hope

I have a website with some large number of posts like (75k posts).
Till now, i am using a plugin called Main Category As Sub-domain to convert categories into sub-domains.
ISSUE - 1 → In recent wordpress 4.7 update, few functions of that plugins are depreciated. I don't think that plugin's author is going update it.
ISSUE - 2 → I tried to use its alternative plugins, but they are having some permalink restrictions which are causing 404 errors for my existing posts. So, i cant use them.
My current permalink structure is /%post_id%/%postname%/
After all, I decided to convert my single WP into Multisite.
I followed all steps in http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network
But after changing .htaccess and wp-config.php, I logged out.
ISSUE - 3 →When i login again, i am not seeing anything new in WP Dashboard. (i.e) Network is not setup. I tried it many times but no use.
I am not able to understand what is causing this issue.
ISSUE - 4 → Also, i tried to create an alternative WP multisite to export all category posts to specific sub-sites. I know this will work but taking long time to process exporting and importing as i can only export 2000-2500 posts at once.
Using .htaccess rules to redirect 404 errors when using alternative
Importing and Exporting posts with help of MySQL.
I don't know whether these are possible or not. But
Please help me, setup a network for my site.
Or provide any alternative idea.
Any kind of response would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
In wp-config.php make define('WP_DEBUG', true);. It will show you what and where the problem is.

Wordpress update to 4.7 causes Magento/Fishpig integration to redirect base URL to the Wordpress folder

I've copied a live site to a test server to test updating Wordpress on a Magento site that uses Fishpig to bridge content from Wordpress to Magento. Since the udpate, the site always redirects from the homepage to the wordpress folder. e.g. dev.site.com goes to dev.site.com/wordpress. It's not an .htaccess issues, if I wipe them out in both directories it still does it, if I rename index.php in the wordpress folder it stops it but breaks the preview. If I rename the theme and plugins folders it still redirects, something in the core is causing it but I am having issues figuring out what it is. Thanks.
Also if I change the site to show the latest blog post instead of the static home page, it doesn't redirect but shows the blog page.
We will need more information to help solve your problem.
Are your FishPig extensions at the latest version?
What FishPig add-on extensions, if any, are you using?
Have you tried disabling all WordPress plugins?
Do you have any error messages in System > Configuration > WordPress?
My guess is that your WordPress URLs aren't setup correctly and you're using an out dated add-on extension (eg. Visual Composer). There was a bug in older versions of some add-ons that caused this issue, but this has now been fixed.
If you can provide the actual link to your dev site, it will make debugging the issue much easier.

Website with 2 separate WordPress blogs

I have a website, which runs an integrated wordpress blog, the wordpress was installed by my hosting company and it was a one click install. I then went into my FTP and took all the files from the original style and edited it to look like my website and still function. this is all well and good.
However, I would like to run another page on a separate wordpress blog (so there is basically two seperate archiving systems in place as one of the pages is a blog, and the other is articles which are produced monthly).
is there anyway to do this with the one click install, for example through the WP admin Control panel?
Thanks for your help in advance.
You can use Wordpress MU (Multisite) to accomplish this or just install another Wordpress instance.
Are the two instances you want running on the same domain? Different domains?
In regards to the one click install from your web host, I'm not sure which web host it is or if there are any options for this on there.
Please clarify if you have any further issues. :)
Yes you can use two blogs by the two methods
Install wordpress on SubDomain like site.domain.com
Install wordpress on SubDirectories like domain.com/site
And then you can use both of your site in one another according to your needs and requirements ...

How do I map custom domains to my sites on a multisite Wordpress installation?

I just upgraded one of my many blogs to Wordpress 3.0 and I was glad to see that I now should be able to run all my blogs from a central installation.
I have the multisite stuff configured and up and running, and can create new blogs as I wish.
My host is set up to handle wildcard subdomains, but I'd like to map my already existing, proper domains to sites instead. How do I do this?
Redirecting the domains is not an option.
There's a domain mapping plugin:
If you download the dev version, that will work with 3.0, I'm told:
There should be a download link at the bottom of that page.
Modrewrite is probably the answer, but without knowing more about the server and how wordpress is doing the multiple blog feature (I use it and have upgraded to 3 as well, but i haven't looked at it very closely), it's hard to give a specific answer.
