Is there a way to download a PHP/ASP/whatever source code without processing it, as plain text? - http

Suppose the URL If I type this URL on the browser address bar, the PHP code is executed, and its output is returned to me. Fine. But, what if instead of executing it, I wanted to view it's source as plain text. Is there a a way to issue such request?
I believe that there must be some way, and my concern is that some outsider could retrieve sensitive code, such as configurations file, by guessing it's location. For example, Joomla instalations have a configuration.php on it's root folder. If someone retrieves such file as plain text, then these database credentials have been seriously compromised. Obviously, this could be prevented with proper permissions, but it's just too common to just issue 0777 as everything permissions and forgetting about access denials.

For PHP: if properly configured, there is no way to download it. File permissions won't help either way, as the webserver needs to be able to read the files, and that's the one serving contents. However. a webserver can for instance be configured to serve them with x-httpd-php-source, or the PHP/webserver configuration may be broken. Which is why files which don't need direct access (db config, class definitions, etc.) should be outside the document root, so there is no way those files will get served by accident even when the webserver config is incorrect / failing. If your current hoster does not allow you to store files outside the document root, switch hosting a.s.a.p.

There is a way to issue such request that downloads the source code of if the server is configured to provide a URL to do so. Usually it isn't, so usually there is no way to issue such a request.


Symfony not found static files (images, js, txt)

How can Symfony deliver static files without bootstrapping/executing the framework?
For example: if some requests are failing by the webserver(images, js files are not found or something like this) then the framework tries to solve the route. Of course this does not exists.
Is there a way to avoid this or blacklist these extensions?
It could be a cache problem.
If it is :
If it is a cache problem, you could try to clear the cache on the symfony console with cache:clear. If it doesn't work you could try to remove the ressources in the general folder, leaving the original ones in your bundle, and running assetic:dump and assets:install.
If it isn't
Regarding the "remove-symfony-routing" thing, I don't know if it's possible, but it should not done anyways.
What you're asking is to be able to access, from the client side, any file on the server, which constitutes a major security breach.
This could allow the client to get any file on the server, meaning he could get his hands on your javascript or php files which most of the time contain valuable information (such as how your app works or even deadlier : global passwords and config values)
What you could do to access resources from the client would be a route that points to a controller function that could output to browser the file you're looking for, provided that it has an extension you'd be ok to share. For example you could allow any image file but forbid code files such as php or javascript.
EDIT: Or yeah, configure your webserver correctly. 2 simple answers while I was typing :D

Is there a possibility to encrypt media files uploaded in Moodle?

I've run into a problem using Moodle 3.2. I'm uploading mp3-files to be played in a quiz. I have the license to use those files for that specific purpose, but I am not the owner. Thus, I would like to ensure that nobody without a Moodle account can access these files.
However, the path to the files can be extracted from the source code and once you have the path, anybody can access the file. Is there any way to protect the file so only registered users can access it, even if they have the direct path?
Thank you so much!
All the best
EDIT: I've learned that files actually are encrypted by login - I just had the login cookie remaining in several browsers and thus was able to access them.
Are the files served by moodleinstallation/pluginfile.php/? This would include login/permission checks

strange issue when uploading file via, vs manually via FTP

I have a form in ASP.Net MVC, which allows you to upload a file. The file is saved to a location on the server. For example, if the domain is, and the local path is c:\websites\\, the image is stored in /uploads/File/image.jpg.
When I try to access this url, I get redirected to the forms loginUrl="XXXX" path in web.config. To test, I removed the web.config entirely, and accessed the file. This time round, I get a 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
I then uploaded another file via FTP this time, to This one can be accessed without any problem. I even tried download image.jpg as saved via Asp.Net, delete the file on server and re-upload the same exact file by FTP and it worked again!
It seems by FTP is working, while via Asp.Net somehow there are some access / authorisation requirement. I do have authentication set in Asp.Net, but I removed the entire web.config file, and I still got an error.
Any ideas?
I've found out why this was happening, though it is totally unrelated to what I thought it was in the beginning. I am uploading an image and resizing it. I've looked further in the code, and for some reason I was creating an image in the temporary windows folder, and then moving it to the actual location using File.Move.
It seems that the security permissions created are different, than if I had to create the file directly in the final folder. I've updated the code to create the image directly in the actual folder, and this is working fine.

Force file download in a browser using ASP.Net MVC when the file is located on a different server without downloading it on my server first

Here's what I would like to accomplish:
I have a file stored in Windows Azure Blob Storage (or for that matter any file which is not on my web server but accessible via a URL).
I want to force download a file without actually downloading the file on my web server first i.e. browser should automatically fetch the file from this external URL and prompts the user to download it.
Possible Solutions Explored:
Here's what I have explored so far (and why they won't work):
Using something like FileContentResult as described here Returning a file to View/Download in ASP.NET MVC to download the file. This solution would require me to fetch the contents on my server and then stream from my server to the browser. For this reason this solution won't work.
Using HTML 5 download attribute: HTML 5 download attribute would have worked perfectly fine however the problem is that while it is really a very neat solution, it is not supported in all browsers.
Changing the file's content type: Another thing I could do (at least for the files that I own) to change the content type property of the file to something that the browser wouldn't understand and thus would be forced to download the file. This might work in some browsers however not in all as IE is smart enough to go beyond the content type and sees the file's content to determine the content type. Furthermore if I don't own the files, then I won't have access to changing the content type of the file.
Simply put, in my controller action I should be able to specify the URL of the file and somehow browser should force download the file.
Is this something which can be accomplished? If yes, then any ideas how I could accomplish this?
Simply put, in my controller action I should be able to specify the URL of the file and somehow browser should force download the file [without exposing the URL of the file to the client].
You can't. If the final URL is to remain hidden, your server must serve the data, so your server must download the file from the URL.
Your client can't download a file it can't get the URL to.
You can create file transfer WCF service (REST) which will stream your content from blob storage or from other sources through your file managers to client browser directly by URL.
https://{service}/FileTransfer/DownloadFile/{id, synonym, filename etc}
Blob path won't be exposed, web application will be free from file transfer issues.

Custom VirtualPathProvider unable to serve URLs ending with a directory

As part of a CMS, I have created a custom VirtualPathProvider which is designed to serve a single file in place of an actual file structure. I have it set up such that if a file actually exists on the server, that file will be served. If the file does not exist, the virtual content stored for that address will be served instead. This is similar to the concept of serving a website from files stored in a database, though in this case the content is stored in XML files on the server.
This setup works perfectly when a request is made to a specific page. For example, if I ask for "", the content that is stored for "foobar.aspx" will be served. Further, if I ask for "", the appropriate content will also be served.
The problem is this: If I ask for something like "", things begin to fall apart. If the directory exists on disk (and doesn't have a configured default page in IIS, such as index.aspx), I will get a "Directory Listing Denied" error. If the directory does not exist, I'll simply get a 404 - Resource Not Found.
I've tried several things, and so far nothing I've done has made a bit of difference. It seems as though IIS is simply noting the nonexistence of a directory (or default file in an existing directory) and serving up its own error code, without ever asking my application what to do with the request. If it ever did get to the application, I would be able to solve the problem, but as it stands, I'm quite lost. Does anyone know if there is some setting in IIS that is causing this?
I've looked for every resource I can find on the subject, and am coming up empty. I know this should be possible, because I have read tutorials on serving content from both databases and ZIP files. HELP!
p.s., I am running IIS6 and .NET 3.5
IIS will only pass a request to the ASP.NET process if it is configured to do so for the particular extension. The default is aspx, ascx, etc. In other words, if you request a .html file, ASP.NET will never see that HTTP request. Likewise for empty extension.
To change this behavior, add a wildcard mapping to the ASP.NET process. Load IIS Manager, go to the Properties for your web site and look at the Home Directory tab. Click on "Configuration" and there you will see the extension-to-applicaiton mappings.
