My home page automatically redirects to the user page - wordpress

I installed the Ultimate Member plugin in my wordpress site and I created all the needed pages (register, login...). On my side, it seems to work fine, but one of the site's users is redirected to his profil when he try to access the home page. However, the home page is not linked to any UM behaviour.
We tried to clear cookies and cache but nothing changes, and I don't see where the problem can come from.

seems like you have to set the Default Start Site in the Customizer, maybe this helps with your problem. Otherwise please check if the Link in your Menu is correct and refers to your Homepage.Customizer Start Site


Holding page still showing after I have uploaded the new website

I have just uploaded a wordpress website to a live URL which previously displayed a placeholder 'new website coming soon' page.
I have since uploaded the new site which is working fine in Google Chrome however when I try to load it up in Firefox or Edge it still displays the placeholder page.
I have tried clearing the cache for both browsers but the issue still persists!
Is there anything I can do in wordpress or anywhere else to resolve this issue.
The web address is
This is what you should be seeing.
This is what i am currently seeing.
I had initially set the home page to be the 'coming soon' page that I created but I have checked this and the home page is now set correctly in the homepage settings menu. Strangely, other pages on the site such as all seem to load up fine, it's just the homepage.
Update: Chrome on other PCs are showing the old holding page also, simple browser cache won't fix this either
There is cache issue, please go to plugins sections and un-installed all the cache plugins and then save permalinks from settings > Permalinks.
Please access this link, its working fine.
If the above steps do not help you to resolved your problems, then go to your root directory and delete your .htaccess files and save permalinks again from settings > Permalinks.
I hope its help you. :)

wordpress login.php redirects to weird places after site was hacked

I am trying to de-hack my wordpress blog, and get it working again. I managed to get the homepage (without a theme). When I try to login into the site (to get my admin access), I see that it redirects to a new url that has nothing to do with my site.
so for example I manage to get to the login page directly:
but when I put my username and password and press the login button I am redirected to:
which doesn't exist (obviously)
I am working on wordpress 4.0.10, and try to understand what has happened and how to fix it. eventually, I might reinstall and hope that the database will be fine - but still. try to find what's going on.

woocommerce_my_account stopped working after moving to another hosting provider

I recently moved my site built in Word Press to another hosting provider and I found the shortcode [woocommerce_my_account] is not working anymore.
Previously, I had a page called account login where I had the shortcode [woocommerce_my_account]. In the settings I set the landing page to be the same page (account login). so, after an user logged in, it was redirected to the same page showing his/her details.
However, in the new hosting provider this is no longer working. After I put the login information and attempt to login it is taking me to wp-login.php page and ask me to enter my login details again.
The URL path that I see in the browser after attempting to login is similar to this <site_name_url>/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http://<site_name_url>/account-login/
Anybody has got to the bottom of this issue? Thank you.
Try adding this to your wp-config.php:
Make sure you change with your own domaine. You can also try to search and replace your domaine in the database if it has changed.
You can also try to clear browser cache and cookies. I had an issue like this before, launched a private navigation and it was working fine.
Try setting define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);, you may see something going on.
Sometimes, php version makes a difference, try to set the same php version on you new host (google the name of your hosting provider + change php version).
When you move sites/restore databases you often need to save the permalinks again.
go to /wp-admin/options-permalink.php and click "save". This will setup your .htaccess file with the correct information for redirects.
Finally, after all of these days searching and trying different things, the answer for this issue in my case was not related with the Word Press installation itself but, with some software installed on the server called varnish, apparently used to cache the site and improve its performance.
After having a support chat with the hosting provider, they mentioned that varnish is breaking the woocommerce plugin.
At this point, I am not sure if varnish is not compatible with woocommerce or the settings applied on the server using this software make woocommerce not to work properly.

WordPress home page not appearing

I have just installed a WordPress site on GoDaddy but unfortunately the home page of the site does not appear - just stays in waiting mode with the progress wheel spinning.
But if I go down a level to, the site appears as required but going back to just does not show anything?
Perhaps the home page is set to look up data from a location that is unavailable? Try looking up the source of the home page and see if it is trying to resolve a non-existent page. In addition you might like to use the W3C Validatior to check for errors before proceeding. You error otherwise seems quite vague.

WordPress front page (homepage) fails to redirect when static front page is set

I have configured WordPress to display a static front page as described here:
When I save changes and try to visit my front page, my browser displays the following error:
"The page isn't redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
Changing cookies settings does not remedy the situation.
I'm using the theme Constructor (, which I suspect may be contributing to the problem.
How can I make WordPress properly display my front page?
create a page called home or whatever, go to
Change the......
Front page displays
1. Your latest posts
2. A Static Page
Select Static Page and from the dropdown select your newley created home/page.
if its not redirecting check your permalink settings...set it to default.
Check the homepage is working, re-apply any permalink settings you had..
If the page is still redirecting in a away it will never complete, then try opening your .htaccess file in the root of your wordpress site, delete anything inside and save it,
Again check your homepage... if its still not working, then it's def; down to your theme you are using, if there are particular theme templates for the homepage then that may be the cause.. no time to check the template myself just now, (maybe later)..
You could check the
you should see all your loaded pages on the site,
hover over the homepage listing and click "Quick Edit" onm the right hand side, have a look and check the template drop down menu for any homepage specific template that needs applied to that particular page, then click update and re-check the homepage status now.
"The page isn't redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
this problem happening when you redirect to a page who redirect you back. and it create indefinite loop of redirecting. So, the browser will trap and confuse and produce such error. Read you code again
maybe you need contact the theme author
