WordPress home page not appearing - wordpress

I have just installed a WordPress site on GoDaddy but unfortunately the home page of the site does not appear - just stays in waiting mode with the progress wheel spinning.
But if I go down a level to http://example.com/about-us, the site appears as required but going back to just http://example.com/ does not show anything?

Perhaps the home page is set to look up data from a location that is unavailable? Try looking up the source of the home page and see if it is trying to resolve a non-existent page. In addition you might like to use the W3C Validatior to check for errors before proceeding. You error otherwise seems quite vague.


Internet explorer not finding right content from wordpress multisite

Okay, so this is at weird one. I only encounter this issue in IE and no other browser.
I have a wordpress multisite installation where I have content on: example.com and example.com/sub-installation
So there is a front page when a user accesses: example.com/sub-installation
The front page does show up when you access it. However, the content of that page is supposed to change if the user is logged in. SOMETIMES that content won't change when the user is logged in.
When I click F12 and check the Network tab, it seems like the issue occurs because the browser tries to access a sub-page to example.com and not example.com/sub-installation:
When it looks like this the page works as intended:
Is there a way to prevent this?
Does anybody know why it only does this sometimes?
I figure that I could just change the URL for the sub-installation, but is there anything else or?
So, I see that the likely reason I because Internet Explorer is hit with a 304 redirect trying to access a sub-page to the example.com installation, whereas every other browser is hit with a 301 redirect and thus tries to access the sub-installation instead....
Does anybody know why Internet Explorer is the only one receiving a 304?
And what can I do to prevent this?
So this is in no way the best solution, but it seems like the issue in Internet Explorer occurs when the browser is trying to access just the URL: example.com/sub-installation
When I simply add a slash to the end of it, the browser will try to access the front page on example.com/sub-installation and not try to access a sub-page to example.com.
It doesn't really solve the issue for good, but it works for now....

My home page automatically redirects to the user page

I installed the Ultimate Member plugin in my wordpress site and I created all the needed pages (register, login...). On my side, it seems to work fine, but one of the site's users is redirected to his profil when he try to access the home page. However, the home page is not linked to any UM behaviour.
We tried to clear cookies and cache but nothing changes, and I don't see where the problem can come from.
seems like you have to set the Default Start Site in the Customizer, maybe this helps with your problem. Otherwise please check if the Link in your Menu is correct and refers to your Homepage.Customizer Start Site

wordpress Front page still showing up an old one

I changed the front page design and content, but the website is still showing the old one. Using Ctrl+F5 only gets me the new page. And it happens every time I enter the site. I tried other computers too and the same, an old version. It happens on other pages too.
The site:
Hi I think some server side cache are enabled for your site. While I test your url with caching checker then it says server level caches are enabled. please contact your server admin
There are two common causes for this issue. The first one is your browser cache. Sometimes your browser will show you a cached copy of your website instead of showing the new one. To resolve this issue, you need to simply hit CTRL + F5 (or Cmd + R in Mac) buttons on your keyboard to reload the page.
The second and most likely cause of this issue is poorly configured WordPress caching plugin. If you are using a cache plugin, then check it's settings and most of the plugin provide an option to exclude home page from caching. Please activate it.
more details can be available here

Home page of Wordpress website not showing up

Really a newbie question here, since I just started working with Wordpress.
How do I get to the home page of my Wordpress website!? I am hosting a Wordpress website on my personal shared server, and when I go to www.nishantkelkar.org/wp-admin/about.php, it shows the typical admin panel that I'm used to seeing on Wordpress. Then I went about and created some test content (a Hello world post), and said "Publish". It says "Your post has been published" and gives me a link. When I click that link, I get redirected to the index page with an index of all my files in that folder! - http://www.nishantkelkar.org/?p=10&preview=true.
Am I doing something wrong? I just want to be able to see my freshly created content!
It appears as though you need to set your DirectoryIndex to index.php but it is difficult to say from just the information you provided.

WordPress front page (homepage) fails to redirect when static front page is set

I have configured WordPress to display a static front page as described here:
When I save changes and try to visit my front page, my browser displays the following error:
"The page isn't redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
(source: flickr.com)
Changing cookies settings does not remedy the situation.
I'm using the theme Constructor (http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/constructor), which I suspect may be contributing to the problem.
How can I make WordPress properly display my front page?
create a page called home or whatever, go to
Change the......
Front page displays
1. Your latest posts
2. A Static Page
Select Static Page and from the dropdown select your newley created home/page.
if its not redirecting check your permalink settings...set it to default.
Check the homepage is working, re-apply any permalink settings you had..
If the page is still redirecting in a away it will never complete, then try opening your .htaccess file in the root of your wordpress site, delete anything inside and save it,
Again check your homepage... if its still not working, then it's def; down to your theme you are using, if there are particular theme templates for the homepage then that may be the cause.. no time to check the template myself just now, (maybe later)..
You could check the
you should see all your loaded pages on the site,
hover over the homepage listing and click "Quick Edit" onm the right hand side, have a look and check the template drop down menu for any homepage specific template that needs applied to that particular page, then click update and re-check the homepage status now.
"The page isn't redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
this problem happening when you redirect to a page who redirect you back. and it create indefinite loop of redirecting. So, the browser will trap and confuse and produce such error. Read you code again
maybe you need contact the theme author
