How to put Job Status in the Subject of the email that SNS sends - amazon-sns

I am running an AWS Batch job as Cloudwatch Event Target and I am using SNS to send a notification email about the status of the job.
I have created a SNS Topic, subscribed it to my email address and set it up as a target it a Cloudwatch event rule.
However, I want the status of the job in the Subject of the email. So in case of success I would need the subject as -
* Job Name- Status- Succeeded *
And in case of failure -
* Job Name- Status- Failed *
How can I achieve this?

It looks like not supported for SNS topic.
As an alternative select "Lambda Function' as rule target and create a Lambda function that sends email via SES in which you have full control on the email message format, subject etc.
check this out -


telegram use schedule message

I want to schedule a telegram bot message to be sent at a specific unixtime.
As from telegrams official api ( that should be possible by setting the schedule_date flag.
To schedule a message, simply provide a future unixtime in the schedule_date flag of messages.sendMessage or messages.sendMedia.
However I was not able to set that flag. To be more precisely, I do not even know how to set a flag, or if I am using the correct api.
What I have tried is to use the api directly via the browser (could use curl as well) like so:
I also did not find any way to access this flag via, nor
I want to implement this feature in a python environment, but any working suggestion would be much appreciated.
I decided to save the intention to send a telegram bot message at a certain unixtime in a database. I then create an infinite loop that checks if there are any unsent messages before the current timestamp. If the loop detects such a message it sends the message and sets a flag, that that message has been sent.
And as promised, here is a fully dockerized example of that behaviour in action:
It creates a bot that you can pass a name and the duration. Once the duration has passed it sends a message with the passed name. Basically a simple countdown that you can give several names, that run simltaniously. As it is a telegram chat, you can modify the way you are informed about the end of a countdown by modifying the notificaiton of that chat.
And here is the Bot in action:
We can't do this by bot API itself, and there's no schedule_date parameter in sendMessage method:
And what you've read is for Telegram clients, not bot API consumers.
If you don't really need unixtime, you can simply create a table for scheduled messages with a text, chat_id and a publish_time column (like 22:15), and run a command every minute to look if there's a message for current time to send. Then send the message and delete the record.
Note that the python-telegram-bot library has a built-in solution for scheduling tasks: The JobQueue. This feature is based on the APScheduler library, which you can ofc also use without python-telegram-bot.
Disclaimer: I'm currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot.
Now you can send scheduled messages right away

How to create email template in autosys

Lets say i have a job that runs for 10mins(lets say the time as 10.00). i set max_run_alarm as 3. i should get an email at 10.03 where i can goahead and see why the job is running more than the max_run_alarm. if i use max_run_alarm i am able to see in the logs triggering that alarm, but I cannot spend all day monitoring the logs to see which job is taking long as i have many jobs. my question is am i using max_run_alarm in the correct way or is there something else i am missing or is there entirely different way for the emails to generate.
There is an added functionality where you can configure the email id where all Autosys notification to be sent out.
Incase of any event such as Job Failure / Termination / Run Alarms etc are notified to that email address.
This is configured by the Autosys Admin or the Scheduling Team which i call them as.

alert in stackdriver for not receiving msg after 24 hours in google cloud

I want to monitor that a pod in kubernetes is running correctly as cronjob twice a day using stackdriver.
In order to do it I want to send start msg and end msg logs in the pod and I want to create an alert metric in stack driver that if not receiving these msgs after 24 hours, send Email.
Is it possible to do this alerting in stack driver ?
There are several ways of accomplishing this.
In order to generate the event, I think the easiest way is to check on a log-based metric based on the CRON itself. If you are running a kind:CronJob, you can either use the Metrics Explorer to find Resource type:GKE Container Metric: Log entries, and then filter by container_name (which will be your CronJob
You could also create a log based metric on something like
...and maybe add a string to the spec.containers.args section to make filtering easier.
You could also publish to a pub/sub topic and do your alerting on publish message operations.
Once you decide on the metric, you just need to alert if Any time series is absent[1] for 13 hours. Add a notification channel type=email[2], and you will receive an alert whenever the cron does not run at least once a day.

Control-m email alert for when the job is not triggered by spefic time

I'm exploring different options to send email notifications when the job is not started before 11:00 PM .
My job type is OS and it is dependent on other job(not owned by me), some time the source job run for long time and causing my job to wait , in this case I would like get a notification as my job is not started .
I could see there is a option in Actions tab --> Notifications before job completion --> when : Job not submitted by time , have different option to specify the time but in the Send notification section Don't have email as destination .
Could you please help me if we have options to send email alert .
This is a common requirement. It can be solved by creating custom shout destinations on the Control-M server. Any custom shout destination will show up in the list in your screenshot.
Custom shout destinations can be configured to send an email to a hardcoded email address among other things.
See following link for more details:

How to send a text from the user's cell phone number using Twilio?

I want to programatically send SMS / text messages from my Meteor app; many people recommend twilio for this, and there are several Meteor Twilio packages (findable via atmosphere and/or googling/binging). I don't know if one of these packages is decidedly better than the other, but for now, at least, I'm using the abhiaayer:meteor-twilio package.
My concern is that, when you create a Twilio account, they assign you a "from" phone number (you can't, apparently, just use your own). Maybe I'm misunderstanding how this works, but before I go too far down this path, I want to know if the sender of the SMS -- IOW the user of my app -- will be able to use their phone number as the "from"/sender phone number.
After all, the whole point of my app is to allow the user to send out multiple identical texts (such as "where are you?" or "are you okay?") to friends/family, and then get a response back from them (to his phone, not to a Twilio-supplied number).
If it's possible to use Twilio with your own phone number as the "from"/sending number, has anyone got suggestions on Meteor package preferences (abhiaayer, andreioprisan, DispatchMe) and how that can be accomplished from Meteor?
I imagine the basic code would be pretty much the same, regardless of package used; e.g., here's an example from the andreioprisan package
twilio = Twilio(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN);
to:'+16515556677', // Any number Twilio can deliver to
from: '+14506667788', // A number you bought from Twilio and can use for outbound communication
body: 'word to your mother.' // body of the SMS message
}, function(err, responseData) { //this function is executed when a response is received from Twilio
if (!err) { // "err" is an error received during the request, if any
// "responseData" is a JavaScript object containing data received from Twilio.
// A sample response from sending an SMS message is here (click "JSON" to see how the data appears in JavaScript):
console.log(responseData.from); // outputs "+14506667788"
console.log(responseData.body); // outputs "word to your mother."
I did create a Twilio account, and have the "from" number (not my actual cell phone number) they assigned my account, and the SID, but I don't kow what the AUTH_TOKEN should be.
If what I intend is not possible from Twilio, what I may do is just write the app so that all the selected "to" numbers can be copied to the clipboard, so that the user can paste them into his SMS screen's "recipients" textbox; but I was hoping to afford the user the luxury of simply tapping a button.
I don't think you can do this (send from the user's own cell number using Twilio). If your app is an actual mobile app as opposed to a web app you can use the Android or iOS APIs for sending SMS from the user's phone. I'm not sure of the details of this and certainly with iOS it looks like you can't do so fully automatically for obvious reasons (you could just spam all the user's contacts for instance, and this would incur a monetary cost to the user).
There's a Cordova plugin here which can do what you want: (I haven't used it so can't vouch for it but it seems to be actively maintained).
If it is a web app, your suggesting of copying the numbers to clipboard is by far the most straightforward solution and I would recommend that in the first instance. For completeness I've included some details and considerations below of how you can do 2-way communication with Twilio (or alternatives such as Nexmo) in a couple of ways, in case someone finds it helpful. It's not exactly trivial though. 1-way communication is a lot easier!
Send via API
From your app the user types a message and selects who to send it to. You app then connects to your server which uses the Twilio API to send N messages to the N recipients. These messages will appear to come from the Twilio-provided number.
Send via SMS
The user manually sends an SMS to your Twilio number and then you receive a webhook to your server from Twilio with the message details. You have to do the processing to work out who to forward the message to and then use the Twilio API to do so. Again the recipients will see a message from the Twilio-provided number.
When a recipient replies to the message, Twilio sends you a webhook with the details and you can determine who sent the original message and forward the reply back to the original sender.
Number Pooling
One of the obvious flaws here is that if multiple users send a message to the same person then there's no way of telling which message they are replying to. There's no message IDs passed with SMS so you have to use multiple sending numbers (one per unique sender to a particular recipient). The amount of numbers required is basically the most number of different senders one user would have to reply to (this is not generally possible to work out beforehand, so you would have to call the API to provision a new number on the fly).
To give a more concrete example say you have 2 users (S1 & S2) and 3 recipients (R1, R2 & R3). You have 1 Twilio-provided number (N1).
S1 sends a message to R1 via your app, you use N1 to send the message via the Twilio API. R1 receives the message from N1. If they reply, you receive a message to N1 from R1 so you know you need to forward it to S1.
S1 sends a message to R2 via your app, R2 has not yet received any messages so you can reuse N1 to send the message. R2 replies to N1 and again you can forward it to S1. If this is delivered in-app, no further problems, if the reply is forwarded via SMS then we'd need to provision a new number (N2) to enable S1 to reply to R2's reply.
S2 sends a message to R3 via your app, as before you can reuse N1 and still route the reply correctly.
Now if S2 sends a message to R1, we realise that R1 has already received messages from S1 using number N1. In this case we can't use N1 because we cannot identify who the reply was intended for. If we haven't already, we need to provision a new number (N2) and now we can send the message so R1. When R1 replies to N2 we know the reply needs to be forwarded to S2.
The more users sending to one recipient, the bigger (and more expensive) your number pool gets. It's probably worth implementing some kind of timeout (say 72 hours) in which the recipient can reply. So in this case if the timeout had expired after S1 sent the message to R1 via N1, we could reuse N1 for the communication between S2 and R1. Obviously this isn't entirely foolproof but it could reduce costs.
The other issue with sending from a pooled number. I send a message to Dan via an app, and he receives that message from a random number:
Hi Dan, how are you?
How does Dan know who sent the message? You'd have to add some identifier to every message (or at least the first in each conversation thread).
