D365 FO - Passing date range in query [duplicate] - axapta

I need to create simple query which will show all contracts which will expire in next 3 months. I know how to do that with SQL, but how to do that in Visual Studio when I create query. I added data source Contract table. Added range. Column where is date about expiring is VALIDTO.
So, something to write up in value, or how to do that ?

Solved with two ranges on VALIDTO column. Used (MonthRange(0,3)) with (Day(0)) formulas.


SQLite: select all rows made in a specific month

i want to get all entries from a SQLite table, which have the timestamp from the same month.
For example, the user can type in "July" and then i want to get all entries made in the 7. month.
The current "time"-column is a simple string and in the Format (DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS)
Is there a way to do this with SQLite or will i need to use code in my program?
Assuming that your time strings have a fixed length, you could use a query like this:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE time LIKE '__.07%';
However, you should always stored dates in one of the supported date/time formats so that you are able to use the built-int date/time functions.

Selecting the most recent date from a table in PeopleSoft using Peoplesoft Query (Max() doesn't work)

I am building a query in people soft using Peoplesoft query manager.
I am trying to pull the most recent date from the date column. I have tried using max() as an expression, however, the query doesn't pull any records.
I have checked with another co-worker and they have never been able to pull records using max().
Is there any other way or workaround to pull the most recent record?
So I figured out why no results were returned when using Max in a subquery. It was more from a lack of understanding PeopleSoft and SQL since I am relatively new to it. When I was setting the date column in the subquery as max for the aggregate to be used as criteria to compare to the date column in the main query I didn't make any criteria in the subquery. This meant that the subquery would go through all dates for all employees except for the employee that I was specifying in a prompt and returning a value that didn't match any of the dates for the employee in the main query and returning no one. This was fixed by setting a criteria in the subquery that the employee ID that had to be searched in the subquery matched the one that was typed into the prompt in the main query
Use effective date for doing such searches while using PSQuery.
Use Effective date in order to get the most recent date, max may not work properly in PeopleSoft. Query should be effective dated
PS Query has built in filters for EFFDT tables. When you add a criteria on the EFFDT field, there are some additional drop down choices on the "condition type" field like 'Eff Date <' and 'Eff Date <=', etc. Usually, when you create a query for an Effective dated table, PS Query will automatically add the subquery based on the 'Eff Date <=' condition type.

How to add Timestamp value in SQL Server 2005 by using LINQ

My database table have a Timestamp column named as inTime and i am using LINQ for insert, update data in SQL server. Now i want to add the timestamp value in my database but i don't know how to insert?
spaBL.attendance obj = new spaBL.attendance();
obj.FK_employeeId = 1;
obj.inTime =[what to write here??]
inTime is of timestamp type.
Timestamp as in SQL Server Timestamp data type?
;) If I got a cent every time someone did not read the documentation and thought that is a TIME STAMP I would be more rich than bill gates.
Timestamp data time has NO TIME INFORMATION IN IT. It is a running version number, legacy to Sybase SQL Server where SQL Server from Microsoft originated and a totally borked design.
So, no, you CAN NOT SET THAT FIELD, sorry, and it has no usable value except to see whether it changed (then the row was updated).
The documentation is explicitly clear on that, even if some people think reading is maybe a lost art:
Is a data type that exposes automatically generated, unique binary
numbers within a database. timestamp is generally used as a mechanism
for version-stamping table rows.
There is no way for you to set it. CHange your LINQ setup to not update this column.
Timestamp values are auto generated by the server on inserts. You should insert rows to the table without supplying a value for the timestamp column. Sql server will then generate the value for the column.
Note the columns of type timestamp does NOT contain values that can be parsed as a DateTime. The idea behind timestamp columns is that they can be used to check if a row has been updated between fetching the row and trying to update the row with new values.
You do not provide values for columns with a Timestamp (Rowversion) data type. SQL Server will provide a value for you automatically (and it won't be a datetime value). Therefore you do not need to be concerned with having Linq To SQL insert a Timestamp value for you. In fact, you cannot do it. SQL Server will do it for you. You can however, retrieve the value of a Timestamp column. I believe the corresponding C# type will be System.Data.Linq.Binary.
How to add Timestamp value in SQL database by using LINQ
hope it helps
You cannot update a timestamp. See here. And indeed, as TomTom indicated, it doesn't contain actual time information.

ASP.NET / SQL drop-down list sort order

I am trying to correct the sort order of my ASP.NET drop down list.
The problem I have is that I need to select a distinct Serial number and have these numbers organised by DateTime Desc.
However I cannot ORDER BY DateTime if using DISTINCT without selecting the DateTime field in my query.
However if I select DateTime this selects every data value associated with a single Serial number and results in duplications.
The purpose of my page is to display data for ALL Serials, or data associated to one serial. When a new cycle begins (because it is a new production run) the Serial reverts to 1. So I cannot simply organise by serial number either.
When I use the following SQL statement the list box is in the order I require but after a period of time (usually a few hours) the order changes and appears to have no organised structure.
alt text http://img7.imageshack.us/i/captureky.jpg/
I'm fairly new to ASP.NET / SQL, does anyone know of a solution to my problem.
If you have multiple date times for each serial number, then which do you want to use for ordering? If the most recent, try this:
SELECT SerialNumber,
FROM Table
GROUP BY SerialNumber
I don´t know if everybody agrees with that, but when I see a DISTINCT in a query the first thought that goes trough my mind is "This is wrong". Generally, DISTINCT is not necessary and it´s used when the person writing the query doesnt know very well what he is doing and this might be the case since you said you are new with Sql.
Without complete knowledge of your model is difficult to assist you a hundred percente, but I would say that you should use a GROUP BY clause instead of DISTINCT, then you can order it correctly.

Cast Date in Informix

I have never used Informix before and I'm trying to write a query that will return records over the last 365 days.
Here is the query I have been trying to use:
Select * from Visit where vis_mod_dt between today-365 and today;
That returns no records even though I know that there is data for the last 365 days. I am guessing that the vis_mod_dt in not a true date column, although it displays as '12/31/1899' I have tried to cast this column using:
select * from visit where date(vis_mod_dt) between today-365 and today;
This still returns no data.
Any ideas?
Informix DATE format
Be aware that the date 1899-12-31 corresponds to the internal date representation of zero (0). That is, internally, Informix stores DATE values in a 4-byte integer, and counts the number of days since 1899-12-31, so Day 1 was 1900-01-01 (and since it knows that 1900 was not a leap year, Day 60 was 1900-03-01).
That fact makes me worry about what is in your table. However, if the data in your table cannot be converted to a DATE upon request, normally you would get an error.
What is your table schema?
It would be sensible for you to establish the schema either using DB-Access and the Info/Tables option, or use DB-Schema:
dbschema -d dbase -t visit
The DB-Schema output is more suitable for adding to your question.
The query expressions using 'TODAY-365' and 'TODAY' should work fine - if there is data to select.
DBDATE environment variable
There is an environment variable, DBDATE, that you may need to set to get things to work - to convert from a string representation to dates. Since you are probably based in the UK (from your icon), then you may want and need to set the value of DBDATE to:
export DBDATE=DMY4/
This says that dates consist of the day, the month, a 4-digit year and the '/' is used as the preferred separator. You won't be surprised to learn that the presumed default value is usually 'MDY4/', for US format; I use 'Y4MD-' habitually, so I see DATE value the same as DATETIME YEAR TO DAY, which is the ISO 8601:2004 notation for a date. (It has many benefits: it is unambiguous, and naive sorting algorithms sort such dates into date order.) There's actually a lot of mechanism in the background in IDS (IBM Informix Dynamic Server - which, I assume, is the DBMS that you are using; there are some alternatives that are also Informix DBMS) such that strings with 2-digit dates will usually be converted correctly (but they are ambiguous and undesirable), and separators other than '/' will be recognized on input, but the slash will be used on 'output' (when converting DATE to string).
Information needed to improve the answer to this question - 1st Edition.
If what is here does not help, then I recommend editing your question to include:
The table schema.
A few (2-4) rows of data that you think should be selected but aren't.
Platform and version information. It can help to have the version down to the level of detail of IDS 11.50.FC4W1; occasionally it matters. Most usually, the first three digits are what affect things, of course.
If your table is big (many columns), try to select the key columns (vis_mod_dt is by far the most important one). Ideally, you won't need any scroll bars in the display.
Make sure you don't include any sensitive information.
Information needed to improve the answer to this question - 2nd Edition
I will help you if you pay attention to the questions I ask you. I cannot help you if you do not pay attention to the questions I ask. And please edit your question rather than adding information as an 'answer'.
What is the table schema? What is the output from:
SELECT t.tabid, t.tabname, c.colno, c.colname, c.coltype, c.collength
FROM "informix".systables AS t, "informix".syscolumns AS c
WHERE t.tabid = c.tabid
AND t.tabname = "visit"
ORDER BY t.tabid, c.colno;
What do you get from:
SELECT TODAY, TODAY-365 FROM "informix".systables WHERE tabid = 1;
Do you have the environment variable DBDATE set? If so, what is its value?
Do you have the environment variables CLIENT_LOCALE or DB_LOCALE set? If so, what are their values?
Which version of Informix are you using?
Which platform are you using it on?
Which language or tool are you using to run the query.
Note: if you cannot copy'n'paste the queries above, then you probably do not need to include the quoted '"informix".' attributes on the system catalog; however, as written, the queries will work on any extant Informix database - OnLine 5.x, SE 5.x or 7.x, IDS 7.x, XPS 8.x, IDS 9.x or 10.x or 11.x - and any mode of database (unlogged, logged, MODE ANSI). I'd use the JOIN notation except that some of the older versions don't support it - though you have to be on very old versions for that to be a problem.
This is a little confusing, because when I run the following, I get data:
select count(*) from visit where vis_mod_dt between "10/01/2008" and "10/01/2009"
how about unloading the table to ascii file, examine the unloaded vis_mod_dt values to see if they conform to DBDATE=MDY4 (mmddyyyy) format?.. if they do, ALTER vis_mod_dt to TYPE DATE if it's not a DATE column, then LOAD the unloaded table back in.
the: "BETWEEN today-365 AND today" part of your SELECT statement works for me in my apps.
