Difference in I2C Reading Arduino and Raspberry - arduino

I tried to read my sensor data from my Raspberry Nano W(2017) via I2C and UART, but without success. Afterwards I tried via my Arduino Uno R3 and here it worked.
I am not that familiar with the SW-Differences, but is there the possibility, that the EEPROM on my Sensor only works with Arduino and is not compatible with the Raspi I am using?
Or I am just too stupid to get it running via my Raspi?


I2C with ESP8266 is not working with another microcontroller except arduio uno

I am trying to communicate my esp8266 nodemcu board with a microcontroller which is not arduino. I have tried I2C scanner which is working perfectly and gives out the address or the slave. The problem is that no data is transfered between the two. Same code is working properly with arduino uno. I have no idea what is the problem here. Can anyone tell me the problem and the solution is any?
I configured my esp8266 as master and an another microcontroler as slave. I ran the scanner on esp8266, and it works fine. Then I was trying to communicate between them which is somehow not happening. The data that are printed on the Serial monitor are garbage values. I want to know what is the problem. I was using he arduino's Wire library which is bit not working in case of esp8266 but working fine with arduino uno.

Control Arduino Pins via ESP8266 Webserver

I want to program a simple Webserver with an ESP8266 but I want to connect the ESP8266 to an Arduino Mega. I want to connect a LED and a Sensor to the Arduino and control the LED and read the sensor data via the ESP8266 Webserver.
I am a beginner and dont want too complex solutions. It's just a simple school project.
For the Webpage I am sending just some HTML Code, I do not use Blynk or anything like that.
My question is how can I connect the ESP8266 to the Arduino and control it's pins?
There is a million ways to connect an ESP to an Arduino.
Without any shields or perihperals you can basically use any wired bus that does not require transceivers.
For example I2C or SPI.
With shields or peripherals you can use CAN, LIN, RS232, Ethernet, WIFI, Bluetooth, radio, optical and audio transmission... The list is endless.
You can of course read a sensor with the ESP so an Arduino Mega is not really necessary.

ESP32 - Connect arduino nano with ESP32 with Serial

I want to connect my arduino nano with my ESP-32 (in order to use it for wireless communications).
I got this ESP board (see pic).
Any idea how I can connect it? I can't find any documentation for the pin on this board.
Check this,
You can directly use ESP32 to perform the same functions of arduino.

Combine RPI and Arduino

I have a few questions about rpi and arduino.
1. Is it possible to provide arduino and rpi two-way communication? (Sending data from the sensors to the Arduino and from arduino to RPI and processing information on RPI).
2. Can i use sensors from Arduino on RPI?
3. Can I programming RPI using C++ (such an as Arduino)?
Yes, checkout the ArduPi project. Serial communication (a USB cable) between the two is a fairly simple way to get started. It provides bi-directional communication between Raspberry and Arduino. And yes, you can compile C/C++ on the Raspberry Pi (but in most cases, you cannot directly reuse C/C++ for Arduino directly on the Pi, as it might use some special .h files not available on the Pi).
Yes it can. Just use I2C Bus (or Two-Wire). By TWI You can easily communicate Rpi and Arduino.
You can directly read the Arduino through the USB serial port. There is a Linux board I came across that you plug directly on top of your Arduino like a shield (It's called the Rubix) .
Of course it is, Uart , I2C or SPI.
I highly recommand Uart.
1.The library GPIO has demo of Uart Communication.
2.You can use USB to connect the serial port.
you can follow this tutorial to make it run
Yes you can communicate using I2C. There should be a wired connection between RPi and Arduino to communicate using I2C. If you wanna try wireless communication you can use ESP8266 13 arduino wifi shield.
Otherwise you can use a ESP8266 module replacing arduino and you can communicate bidirectionally using wifi.
Most sensors that work with the Raspberry Pi, also work with Arduino and other boards like it.

Program an Arduino from a Raspberry Pi using UART

I am trying to program an Arduino mounted on a breadboard using a Raspberry Pi.
For the setup of the Arduino I have been following this tutorial, except from the USB-serial device. Instead I have the Raspberry Pi connected through a level converter. I designed the level converter myself using a 4066 analog switch and an op-amp as a voltage follower to supply a stable 3.3V voltage. The 3.3V from the Pi is converted to 5V on the Arduino pins, and vice versa. I am not getting any response from running avrdude in the shell or through the Arduino IDE on the Pi.
Both the Pi and the Arduino are driving their TX pins to high value (3.3V and 5V). The Arduino has been flashed with a bootloader in a stk500 development board. The command I have been running is:
/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude -C/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -patmega8 -carduino -P/dev/ttyAMA0 -b9600 -D -Uflash:w:/tmp/build4533291593992176675.tmp/sketch_mar21a.cpp.hex:i
LED connected to pin13 flashed aproximately every 6 seconds.
Can anyone tell me how I can get the Raspberry Pi talking to the Arduino?
Fairly stumped. First thing I'd try is just to check that RX/TX communication is working. Write a simple program to read and write on arduino pins 2 and 3 and something similar on the PI.
Other things to look at http://arduino.cc/en/Main/StandaloneAssembly. You might be able to do things using AVR see http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/Programmer.
There is a new arduino stack exchange https://arduino.stackexchange.com/ it might be worth asking there.
